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Context 1
... something wrong, the voice function can help them send a voice message to the terminal device-Walking Pill and it will be played immediately to remind their parents in which humanistic care between patient and their children can be reflected. (Figure 5). ...


... The Design Thinking method can make it easier to understand user needs and help in creating new, sustainable innovations (Kwon et al., 2021;Marzavan, 2021). With this Design Thinking method, 71% of companies agree that the Design Thinking method improves their work culture, and 69% say this can make the company's innovation process more effective so that it can make it easier for companies during the product development process (Pan & Wang, 2019). ...
... Design thinking is a design process & problem solving method that focuses on the user (Aiyegbusi, 2020;Micheli et al., 2019). The following are the stages of the Design Thinking method in designing research applications (Cross, 2023;Mabogunje et al., 2019;Pan & Wang, 2019). ...
Radha Krisna Savings and Loan Cooperative operates as an entity affiliated with Krisna Holding Company, more commonly referred to as Krisna Oleh-oleh. Although Radha Krisna Savings and Loan Cooperative has been in operation since 2010, it did not begin utilising a desktop application as its information system until 2014. This application has since been employed to facilitate a variety of transaction processes. The issue at the Radha Krisna Savings and Loan Cooperative is that the utilised application has begun to fail to support user requirements for transactions, as certain menus, features, user interface, and user experience continue to fall short of user expectations. In light of this issue, it is imperative to conduct an analysis of the collaborative application and construct a prototype that satisfies the diverse requirements of users, serving as a benchmark for the improvement of forthcoming applications. Utilising the Design Thinking method, prototype development consists of the following phases: Emphasise, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. Figma is the instrument utilised for prototyping. A User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) is administered to a sample of eight managers from the Radha Krisna Savings and Loan Cooperative as part of the testing phase. Based on the Benchmark Data, the average value for the attractiveness scale is 2.01 (Excellent), the average value for clarity is 2.31 (Excellent), the average value for efficiency is 1.91 (Excellent), the average value for accuracy is 1.81 (Excellent), the average value for stimulation is 2.06 (Excellent), and the average value for novelty is 1.94 (Excellent).
... Proses desain ini menyajikan kerangka konseptual untuk mendefinisikan pengguna yang mengalami permasalahan serta cara mengatasi dan harapannya. Lima tahapan tersebut dapat menentukan kebutuhan pengguna dan perspektif produk yang dapat dianalisis dan dipertimbangkan [6]. ...
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PT Grace Technic merupakan perusahaan yang berada pada ruang lingkup jasa perbaikan, rekayasa mesin, dan fabrikasi berbagai peralatan penunjang pada pertambangan batu bara serta peralatan alat berat. Perusahaan ini memiliki kendala dari sisi efisiensi waktu karena masih menggunakan paper-based pada seluruh layanan sumber daya manusia atau human resource. Selain itu layanan sumber daya manusia juga masih tidak teratur dalam hal pengumpulan, penyimpanan, dan pemeliharaan data. Proses perizinan pegawai masih dilakukan menggunakan kertas dan pengajuan izin kepada HR membutuhkan waktu lama karena banyaknya pekerjaan HR lainnya, sehingga dianggap tidak efisien. Proyek akhir ini dibuat guna memberikan solusi kepada PT Grace Technic dalam merancang UI/UX Human Resource Information System (HRIS) yang bersifat digital dan mudah diakses berbasis website pada perangkat desktop.Untuk memberikan hasil rancangan tampilan yang baik dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna, dilakukan perbandingan metode Hybrid Card Sorting dan Interactive Dialogue Model (IDM) sebagai desain arsitektur informasi. Kemudian, diterapkan pula The Five Planes pada kedua metode tersebut dari tahapan Strategy Planes hingga Surface Planes. Pengujian dilakukan dengan A/B Testing untuk menguji desain arsitektur informasi dari kedua metode dan pengukuran usabilitas menggunakan System Usability Scale. Hasil pengujian kepada pegawai menunjukkan bahwa Hybrid Card Sorting unggul dibandingkan IDM, sementara pengujian kepada HR menunjukkan bahwa IDM lebih unggul dibandingkan Hybrid Card Sorting.
... This method contains five phases to design a user experience [5] that is easy to understand. The user needs and product perspectives along with strategy analysis are also considered in this method [6]. ...
... This phase will analyze the user needs and stakeholder (business scope) interests related to the developed product [6]. Few techniques can be used in this phase to acquire the data. ...
... In this phase, both sides will be interpreted in a concrete sensory design. Therefore, this phase focuses on the visualization designs [6]. The result of the Five Planes method is a prototype. ...
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Obesity and overweight are becoming increasingly common conditions. On the other hand, the rapid development of technology shows by the increasing number of smartphone users. M-health application can be a solution to the burden of existing health problems. In line with that, the research focused on the quality improvement of user experience in m-Health, especially diet-related apps widely conducted. This study aims to design user experience in a diet-support mobile application called Health-Key using the five planes framework by evaluating usability aspects using the User Acceptance Test. The result of this study is prototype design. Evaluation shows that the designed prototype has good interface, practicality, and efficiency indicator, and 76.9% of respondents stated that the application is feasible, appropriate, useful, and it potentially developed in further iteration with improvements according to the respondents' suggestions.Keywords: m-health, healthy diet, user experience, five planes framework, user acceptance test.Abstrak.Designing User Experience Design of The Healthy Diet Mobile Application Using The Fives Planes Framework. Obesitas dan kelebihan berat badan menjadi kondisi gangguan kesehatan yang umum dialami. Di sisi lain, perkembangan teknologi yang kian pesat ditunjukkan dengan semakin banyaknya pengguna smartphone. Aplikasi M-Health (Mobile Health) dapat menjadi solusi dari beban permasalahan kesehatan yang ada. Sejalan dengan itu, penelitian yang berfokus pada peningkatan kualitas pengalaman pengguna M-Health, khususnya aplikasi pendukung diet, banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang desain pengalaman pengguna dalam aplikasi mobile yang mendukung pola diet sehat bernama Health-Key menggunakan The Fine Planes Framework serta mengkombinasikannya denga mengevaluasi aspek kegunaan dengan User Acceptance Test. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah desain prototipe. Evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa prototipe yang dirancang memiliki indikator antarmuka, kepraktisan, dan efisiensi yang baik, serta 76,9% responden menyatakan bahwa aplikasi layak, tepat-guna, bermanfaat, dan berpotensi dikembangkan dalam iterasi perancangan lebih lanjut dengan perbaikan sesuai saran responden.