Figure - uploaded by Erni Marlina Saari
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The axial coding and their corresponding categories

The axial coding and their corresponding categories

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This study aims to identify undergraduate students' perceived success factors in designing a pervasive game using an online flipped classroom approach. Since the context coexisting with the Covid-19 epidemic, online teaching has become the new norm. Implementing the flipped classroom approach to online teaching is quite different from traditional t...

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Context 1
... axial coding is a deeper analysis of the interview data, abstracting the main category that best reflects the theme from the existing categories and ensuring its authenticity and reliability by linking it to the primary sources (Glaser, 2002). As a result of axial coding, six main categories were identified based on 31 categories from the potential logic of different categories, as shown in Table 1. Selective coding proposes core categories in the main category based on axial coding as the relationship (Bacete, Freire, Perrin & Gamboa, 2021). ...