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The adversarial network for robust domain adaptation.

The adversarial network for robust domain adaptation.

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Conference Paper
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Large neural networks are difficult to deploy on mobile devices because of intensive computation and storage. To alleviate it, we study ternarization, a balance between efficiency and accuracy that quantizes both weights and activations into ternary values. In previous ternarized neural networks, a hard threshold Δ is introduced to determine quanti...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... achieve effective optimization of PMD, we adopt a deep adversarial learning network using cross-entropy loss instead of the margin loss of Φ ρ according to . As shown in Fig. 1, it consists of a representation function ψ and two classifiers f and f with coincide to Definition 3.3. Theorem 3.1 implies searching for an empirical proxy distribution with large size of u is crucial. To achieve that, we assume thatˆQthatˆ thatˆQ is a better distribution that can be derived from noisy source ...
Context 2
... achieve effective optimization of PMD, we adopt a deep adversarial learning network using cross-entropy loss instead of the margin loss of Φ ρ according to . As shown in Fig. 1, it consists of a representation function ψ and two classifiers f and f with coincide to Definition 3.3. Theorem 3.1 implies searching for an empirical proxy distribution with large size of u is crucial. To achieve that, we assume thatˆQthatˆ thatˆQ is a better distribution that can be derived from noisy source ...

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In recent years, great progress has been made in the field of cross-scene classification. However, most existing cross-scene methods assume that the source domain has massive and carefully annotated data, which is time-consuming and labour-intensive in practice. Datasets in real-life applications usually contain a large number of noisy labels, which will significantly affect cross-scene classification performance. How to perform more discriminative and generalized cross-scene classification in the presence of noisy samples needs to be urgently addressed. Apart from that, existing methods tend to implement global matching between domains, causing problems such as unbalanced adaptation and negative transfer, limiting the cross-scene performance of the model. For more effective and reliable cross-scene classification under noisy environment, Robust Adaptation with Noise (RAN) is proposed in this paper. RAN explores which samples are noiseless and transferable to enable positive and robust cross-scene transfer. The curriculum learning strategy is used to filter out noisy samples for better source supervised learning and cross-domain matching. To further improve the stability and effectiveness of cross-scene adaptation, the class weighting factor and the public weighting factor are introduced to consider the class information of the source and target domain. RAN is an efficient plug-and-play adaptation framework, which is easily implemented and can be embedded in existing methods. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed RAN can achieve remarkable performance on cross-scene classification tasks in noisy environments.
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Domain adaptation (DA) aims to transfer knowledge from one source domain to another different but related target domain. The mainstream approach embeds adversarial learning into deep neural networks (DNNs) to either learn domain-invariant features to reduce the domain discrepancy or generate data to fill in the domain gap. However, these adversarial DA (ADA) approaches mainly consider the domain-level data distributions, while ignoring the differences among components contained in different domains. Therefore, components that are not related to the target domain are not filtered out. This can cause a negative transfer. In addition, it is difficult to make full use of the relevant components between the source and target domains to enhance DA. To address these limitations, we propose a general two-stage framework, named multicomponent ADA (MCADA). This framework trains the target model by first learning a domain-level model and then fine-tuning that model at the component-level. In particular, MCADA constructs a bipartite graph to find the most relevant component in the source domain for each component in the target domain. Since the nonrelevant components are filtered out for each target component, fine-tuning the domain-level model can enhance positive transfer. Extensive experiments on several real-world datasets demonstrate that MCADA has significant advantages over state-of-the-art methods.
Deep semi-supervised learning (SSL) methods aim to utilize abundant unlabeled data to improve the seen-class classification. However, in the open-world scenario, collected unlabeled data tend to contain unseen-class data, which would degrade the generalization to seen-class classification. Formally, we define the problem as safe deep semi-supervised learning with unseen-class unlabeled data. One intuitive solution is removing these unseen-class instances after detecting them during the SSL process. Nevertheless, the performance of unseen-class identification is limited by the lack of suitable score function, the uncalibrated model, and the small number of labeled data. To this end, we propose a safe SSL method called SAFE R -STUDENT from the teacher-student view. Firstly, to enhance the ability of teacher model to identify seen and unseen classes, we propose a general scoring framework called D iscrepancy with R aw (DR). Secondly, based on unseen-class data mined by teacher model from unlabeled data, we calibrate student model by newly proposed U nseen-class E nergy-bounded C alibration (UEC) loss. Thirdly, based on seen-class data mined by teacher model from unlabeled data, we propose W eighted C onfirmation B ias E limination (WCBE) loss to boost seen-class classification of student model. Extensive studies show that SAFE R -STUDENT remarkably outperforms the state-of-the-art, verifying the effectiveness of our method in the under-explored problem.