Figure 1 - uploaded by Richard Castanet
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This paper presents an automatic conformance testing tool with timing constraints from a formal specification (TEFSM: Timed Extended Finite State Machine) of web services composition (WSOTF: Web Service composition, Online Testing Framework), that is implemented by an online testing algorithm. This algorithm combines simultaneously idea of test exe...
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Context 1
... s ′ , s ′′ , s ′′′ ∈ S such that s τ,...,τ −→ s ′′ → a s ′′′ τ,...,τ −→ s ′ . We define Γ = ( E I ∪ E O × IR + ) as the set of observable actions (actions and delays) and Γ τ = ( E τ × IR + ) as the set of observable actions including internal actions. A timed sequence σ ∈ Seq (Γ) is composed of actions a and non-negative reals d such that: s ( a,d → ) s ′ ⊕ d , where d is a timing delay. Let Γ ′ ⊆ Γ and σ ∈ Seq (Γ) be a timed sequence. π Γ ′ ( σ ) denotes the projection of σ to Γ ′ obtained by deleting from σ all actions not present in Γ ′ . The observable timed traces of an IUT is defined by: σ T race ( IU T ) = { π Γ ( σ ) | σ ∈ Seq (Γ τ ) ∧ s 0 ⇒} . It Definition is straightforward 2: (Conformance to derive Relation): a test An architecture implementa- that describes tion of Web the services test environment under test consisting (denotes IU of T simulated I ) is conform services. to its specification A Web service (denotes Under IU Test T S ) (SUT) ⇐⇒ and ∀ T race its ( partners IU T I ) , (including ∃ T race ( IU also T S ) the such client) that communicate T race ( IU T I ) by ⊆ exchanging T race ( IU T input S ) . and An output implementation SOAP messages. of Web When services the SUT under is being test is tested con- (unit form testing), to its specification, the tester plays Iff for the each role timed of the trace environment that are (i.e. generated its partner by the services). implementation, In WSOTF, we we must use find a central at least test a architecture timed trace (from that the initial client state and s its 0 to partners a final will state) be belonging simulated by to its only specification. tester. This tester A fault will verdict send and will receive be immediately the SOAP message assigned to/from for current SUT and trace it if is concentratelly exists an output controlled or delay by a that controller. are not The belong controller to any will observable generate timed the test traces case of and its give specification the verdict. (i.e. The ∃ T race figure 1 ( IU T shows I ) , ∀ T an race abstract ( IU T model S ) such of that SUT T (A) race (a ( IU client T I ) and ∈ / T two race partners) ( IU T S ) and ). a correspondent central III. test WSOTF: architecture AN (B). AUTOMATIC TESTING TOOL B. This Test section algorithm presents an overview of WSOTF tool that consists In WSOTF, of a test we distinguish architecture, two a following test algorithm, transition the types: architecture • The of action WSOTF transition and finally (discrete an experience transition), example denoted using by WSOTF. s → a s ′ such that s a [ −→ g ] { u } s ′ ∈ T , indicates that A. Test if the architecture guard (on variables and clocks) g is true, then the automaton fires the transition by executing the It is straightforward to derive a test architecture that describes the test environment consisting of simulated services. A Web service Under Test (SUT) and its partners (including also the client) communicate by exchanging input and output SOAP messages. When the SUT is being tested (unit testing), the tester plays the role of the environment (i.e. its partner services). In WSOTF, we use a central test architecture that the client and its partners will be simulated by only tester. This tester will send and receive the SOAP message to/from SUT and it is concentratelly controlled by a controller. The controller will generate the test case and give the verdict. The figure 1 shows an abstract model of SUT (A) (a client and two partners) and a correspondent central test architecture (B). B. Test algorithm In WSOTF, we distinguish two following transition types: • The action transition (discrete transition), denoted by s → a s ′ such that s a [ −→ g ] { u } s ′ ∈ T , indicates that if the guard (on variables and clocks) g is true, then the automaton fires the transition by executing the C. WSOTF input/output architecture action a , changing the current values of the The data detail variables architecture by executing of WSOTF all is assignments, shown in the changing figure 2 that consists the current of values five main of the components: clocks and loader, timers by data executing genera- all time setting/resetting, updating the buffers contents of the system by consuming the first signal required by input actions and by appending all signals required by output actions, where u is a set of update functions, and moving into the next state s ′ . • The timestamps transition (timing transition), denoted by s c → = d s ′ where c is a local clock (or s gc → = dl s ′ where gc is a global clock), indicates that TEFSM will move to state s ′ when local clock c reaches a time duration d (or global clock gc reaches a deadline ( dl )), for example, the transition of the wait activity. As we present in the introduction section, from the current action, we have a next possible transition list (consists of action transitions and timestamps transitions) based on the data value at the current action. If this list is empty, we arrive a final state. Else, if the set of input action and synchronous timed delay (timestamps transitions) are not empty, we will randomly choice a transition (note t ) of this list, generate the data and execute the correspondent action (the test execution phase) if t belongs to the set of input action, else ( t belongs to the set of timestamps transitions) we do a synchronous time. After that, the current action will be updated by this action (the debug phase). The same of output action, we wait a message from SUT, check it (give a fail verdict if the receivable message is not correct) and update current action. A timeout verdict is also given if we do not receive a message after a duration. After execution of each transition action (input/output), we must update the data variable with values of the SOAP message. The detail of algorithm is provided in [10]. In the current version, we process the activities of a flow activity as the sequence activities. The next version, we will improve this algorithm to process simultaneously the activities of a flow activity. C. WSOTF architecture The detail architecture of WSOTF is shown in the figure 2 that consists of five main components: loader, data ...
Context 2
... s ′ , s ′′ , s ′′′ ∈ S such that s τ,...,τ −→ s ′′ → a s ′′′ τ,...,τ −→ s ′ . We define Γ = ( E I ∪ E O × IR + ) as the set of observable actions (actions and delays) and Γ τ = ( E τ × IR + ) as the set of observable actions including internal actions. A timed sequence σ ∈ Seq (Γ) is composed of actions a and non-negative reals d such that: s ( a,d → ) s ′ ⊕ d , where d is a timing delay. Let Γ ′ ⊆ Γ and σ ∈ Seq (Γ) be a timed sequence. π Γ ′ ( σ ) denotes the projection of σ to Γ ′ obtained by deleting from σ all actions not present in Γ ′ . The observable timed traces of an IUT is defined by: σ T race ( IU T ) = { π Γ ( σ ) | σ ∈ Seq (Γ τ ) ∧ s 0 ⇒} . It Definition is straightforward 2: (Conformance to derive Relation): a test An architecture implementa- that describes tion of Web the services test environment under test consisting (denotes IU of T simulated I ) is conform services. to its specification A Web service (denotes Under IU Test T S ) (SUT) ⇐⇒ and ∀ T race its ( partners IU T I ) , (including ∃ T race ( IU also T S ) the such client) that communicate T race ( IU T I ) by ⊆ exchanging T race ( IU T input S ) . and An output implementation SOAP messages. of Web When services the SUT under is being test is tested con- (unit form testing), to its specification, the tester plays Iff for the each role timed of the trace environment that are (i.e. generated its partner by the services). implementation, In WSOTF, we we must use find a central at least test a architecture timed trace (from that the initial client state and s its 0 to partners a final will state) be belonging simulated by to its only specification. tester. This tester A fault will verdict send and will receive be immediately the SOAP message assigned to/from for current SUT and trace it if is concentratelly exists an output controlled or delay by a that controller. are not The belong controller to any will observable generate timed the test traces case of and its give specification the verdict. (i.e. The ∃ T race figure 1 ( IU T shows I ) , ∀ T an race abstract ( IU T model S ) such of that SUT T (A) race (a ( IU client T I ) and ∈ / T two race partners) ( IU T S ) and ). a correspondent central III. test WSOTF: architecture AN (B). AUTOMATIC TESTING TOOL B. This Test section algorithm presents an overview of WSOTF tool that consists In WSOTF, of a test we distinguish architecture, two a following test algorithm, transition the types: architecture • The of action WSOTF transition and finally (discrete an experience transition), example denoted using by WSOTF. s → a s ′ such that s a [ −→ g ] { u } s ′ ∈ T , indicates that A. Test if the architecture guard (on variables and clocks) g is true, then the automaton fires the transition by executing the It is straightforward to derive a test architecture that describes the test environment consisting of simulated services. A Web service Under Test (SUT) and its partners (including also the client) communicate by exchanging input and output SOAP messages. When the SUT is being tested (unit testing), the tester plays the role of the environment (i.e. its partner services). In WSOTF, we use a central test architecture that the client and its partners will be simulated by only tester. This tester will send and receive the SOAP message to/from SUT and it is concentratelly controlled by a controller. The controller will generate the test case and give the verdict. The figure 1 shows an abstract model of SUT (A) (a client and two partners) and a correspondent central test architecture (B). B. Test algorithm In WSOTF, we distinguish two following transition types: • The action transition (discrete transition), denoted by s → a s ′ such that s a [ −→ g ] { u } s ′ ∈ T , indicates that if the guard (on variables and clocks) g is true, then the automaton fires the transition by executing the C. WSOTF input/output architecture action a , changing the current values of the The data detail variables architecture by executing of WSOTF all is assignments, shown in the changing figure 2 that consists the current of values five main of the components: clocks and loader, timers by data executing genera- all time setting/resetting, updating the buffers contents of the system by consuming the first signal required by input actions and by appending all signals required by output actions, where u is a set of update functions, and moving into the next state s ′ . • The timestamps transition (timing transition), denoted by s c → = d s ′ where c is a local clock (or s gc → = dl s ′ where gc is a global clock), indicates that TEFSM will move to state s ′ when local clock c reaches a time duration d (or global clock gc reaches a deadline ( dl )), for example, the transition of the wait activity. As we present in the introduction section, from the current action, we have a next possible transition list (consists of action transitions and timestamps transitions) based on the data value at the current action. If this list is empty, we arrive a final state. Else, if the set of input action and synchronous timed delay (timestamps transitions) are not empty, we will randomly choice a transition (note t ) of this list, generate the data and execute the correspondent action (the test execution phase) if t belongs to the set of input action, else ( t belongs to the set of timestamps transitions) we do a synchronous time. After that, the current action will be updated by this action (the debug phase). The same of output action, we wait a message from SUT, check it (give a fail verdict if the receivable message is not correct) and update current action. A timeout verdict is also given if we do not receive a message after a duration. After execution of each transition action (input/output), we must update the data variable with values of the SOAP message. The detail of algorithm is provided in [10]. In the current version, we process the activities of a flow activity as the sequence activities. The next version, we will improve this algorithm to process simultaneously the activities of a flow activity. C. WSOTF architecture The detail architecture of WSOTF is shown in the figure 2 that consists of five main components: loader, data ...
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