Figure 1 - uploaded by Rodney R Dietert
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The Three-Domain Model of humans is depicted. It is estimated that we are approximately 90% microbial in composition (by number of cells) in our healthiest state with approximately 25,000 gene sequenced from the human genome (the first genome) and almost 10 million genes sequenced from among our microbiota (the second genome). 

The Three-Domain Model of humans is depicted. It is estimated that we are approximately 90% microbial in composition (by number of cells) in our healthiest state with approximately 25,000 gene sequenced from the human genome (the first genome) and almost 10 million genes sequenced from among our microbiota (the second genome). 

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Increasing prevalences, morbidity, premature mortality and medical needs associated with non-communicable diseases and conditions (NCDs) have reached epidemic proportions and placed a major drain on healthcare systems and global economies. Added to this are the challenges presented by overuse of antibiotics and increased antibiotic resistance. Solu...

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... is facing two serious challenges that appear to be inter-related. The first is the significant rise in prevalence of multiple non-communicable diseases and conditions (NCDs) (e.g., asthma, food allergies, obesity, celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disea se, heart disease and cancer) not just in developed countries but globally. These diseases already account for a majority of deaths worldwide and are expected to continue to increase in impact in the coming decades [1]. To date, most NCDs are not cured but rather are medically managed across a lifetime often at considerable cost and with reduced quality of life. This is paired with a second challenge: the emergence of multi-drug resistant bacterial pathogens that are outpacing the discovery and production of new antibiotics [2]. Multi-drug resistant bacteria are thought to have arisen in part due to the overuse of antibiotics [3]. These two challenges are pressuring healthcare in terms of: (1) the effectiveness of treatments, (2) the level of care required and (3) the global economic resources required to treat these diseases. However, a solution to these challenges may reside within the patients themselves, specifically, within their microbiomes. Over the past decade, multi-disciplinary research on the microbiome has brought forward a completely new view of what it means to be human, and this view is beginning to affect the direction of healthcare [4,5]. Research findings indicate that humans have approximately 10-times the number of microbial cells as mammalian cells and that our majority microbial genes drive fundamental human biological processes affecting virtually every organ and physiological system [6 – 11]. In fact, the microbial genetic component of humans is sufficiently significant that it has been referred to as our “second genome” [ 12]. This is forcing aside what had been a purely mammalian-centric view of the human patient and replacing it with something quite different: humans as holobionts [13]. As recently envisioned, humans in their healthiest state are a complex, mutualistic ecosystem comprised of all three domains of life (Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes) with the majority of cells and genes being microbial (Figure 1). Even within the domain of the Eukaryotes, there is representation in the human microbiome by non-mammalian organisms such as unicellular fungi and others (microbial eukaryotes) [14]. This is all the more remarkable when it is considered that one of our mutualistic partners, the Archaea, have been termed extremophiles in tha t they can survive and often thrive in earth’s most extreme environments [15,16]. The human immune and other systems need to interact with this diversity of non-mammalian mutualistic organisms for the human to be considered biologically and functionally complete [17 – 19]. If much of medical practice and health management was previously focused on the 10% mammalian portion of the patient to the exclusion of all else, future healthcare is likely to place increasing attention on managing the 90% that is non-mammalian. Integrated healthcare of the human-microbial superorganism is actually a form of ecological management where risk-benefit decisions will include population ecology issues encompassing all three kingdoms of life within the patient [20,21]. A three-domain approach to human health seems likely to affect everything from medical procedures, birth processes, pregnancy and dietary management, applications of personalized medicine, drug design and therapies, end-of-life care, and safety evaluation. Redefinition of the human biological constitution and associated redirection of healthcare can be viewed as positive factors in the struggle to combat the global epidemic of multiple NCDs and ...

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... (Kalal and Nagaraj, 2016)Regular administration of antibiotics in childhood may alter the gut bacteria, metabolism, and the immune system; resulting in problems such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, allergies, autism and inflammatory bowel disease. (Dietert and Dietert, 2015)There are no studies reported on mobile phone and risk of microbial transmission among the population in North Karnataka and reports from India are also seldom published. This study was therefore carried out to assess the amount of bacterial contamination among mobile phone users who are mothers and handle kids below 6 years of age. ...
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Studies have reported that multiple contaminated surfaces play an important part in spreading diseases including mobile phones. Cell phones act as a medium by which bacterial pathogens are transmitted- either from phone to phone or from the hand of user to mobile phone; resulting in exchange of microbial flora. This study was carried out to assess the amount of bacterial contamination among mobile phone users who are mothers and handle kids below 6 years of age. The aim of the present study was to assess the presence of different microbial species for contamination among mothers with children <6 years of age using different mobile phones in Raichur. A cross sectional study was carried out among 60 mothers in Raichur city of Karnataka. The sterile swab was used to collect samples and transferred to the laboratory for assessment. Among the 60 study subjects, all of them did not know that micro-organisms spread from their body parts to mobile phone. No one was advised by the doctor on ill effects of mobile phone usage during pregnancy and none cleaned their phones regularly with any chemical disinfectant. Half of the microbes identified was Coagulase negative species.
... 3 Owing to their wide range of effects, probiotics are used to treat gastrointestinal disorders (such as diarrhea, irritable bowel disease, Crohn's disease) and bacterial infections and to prevent noncommunicable diseases (such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes). [4][5][6] There were millions of bacteria, fungi, and viruses on the skin, which constituted the skin microbiota, similar to the microbes in the intestine. 7 Skin microorganisms played an important role in defending against invading pathogens, cultivating the immune system, and breaking down natural products. ...
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... When obese people eat, ghrelin will also be at a certain level. However, the gastrointestinal kinin (stomach satiety) of obese people showed a downward trend, which means that obese people did not feel satiety, which explained why obese people often complained that they were not full [8,9]. According to the investigation, the earliest semi-automatic segmentation method based on MR image is threshold segmentation algorithm. ...
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Based on the cardiovascular and digestive problems of obese patients, this paper adopted the cloud computing method and selected 100 subjects with big data (23 normal weight subjects, 3740 overweight patients, and 40 obese patients) as the research objects, studying the heart configuration and their digestive system of obese people. Results show that BMI = L (24 ≥ BMI > 27.9) and BMI = XL (BMI > 27.9) were identified as target correlation projects in this experiment, associated with each cardiac structural parameters, respectively. Cloud computing facilitates early detection, early prevention, and early intervention in heart configuration changes in overweight and obese patients.