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3 The Progression of Economic Value in full

3 The Progression of Economic Value in full

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... Bazı durumlarda ziyaretçiler yöresel yemeklerin tadılması ile bu destinasyonun sosyal, kültürel ve çevresel yapısına ve değerlerine anlık bir bakış atabilmekte ve yöresel yemekler bu bağlamda turistik deneyimi tamamlayıcı bir rol oynayabilmektedir. Bu anlamda, Pine & Gilmore (2013) deneyimlerin temel ekonomik ürünler olarak hizmetlerin yerini aldığı bir deneyim ekonomisi döneminde olduğumuzu ifade etmektedir. Deneyime dayanan turizm endüstrisinde turistler yalnızca bir ürün veya hizmet değil, aynı zamanda hedonik ve duyusal fayda neticesinde hatırlanmaya değer deneyimler arayışında olmaktadır (Mei, Hagensen & Kristiansen, 2020). ...
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... Such a model blurs the boundary between consumer and co-creator: token holders gain partial "ownership" of the agent's persona or narrative arc through on-chain governance and revenue-sharing schemes. These dynamics align with theories on participatory culture (Jenkins & Plasencia, 2017) and the experience economy (Pine & Gilmore, 2013), combining aesthetic engagement with economic incentives. ...
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... Previous research has explored how organisations use cultural heritage to create themed environments, such as brand museums, to offer experiential engagement to stakeholders (Hollenbeck et al., 2008;Tomann, 2018;Pine & Gilmore, 2013). Themed environments are spaces that use symbolic motifs and narratives to convey meanings and emotions to visitors (Miles, 2020). ...
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... Cultural transfer happens when organisations recognise the importance of their heritage and leverage it with customers and stakeholders on an affective, physical, ideological, and psychic level (Pine & Gilmore, 2013) to enhance brand value among stakeholders (Bertolli et al., 2016). This unfolds in multiple ways at the IKEA museum. ...
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This paper examines how brand museums, as themed environments, commodify and transfer the cultural heritage of organisations to their stakeholders. We conduct a qualitative study based on six in-depth interviews with top management professionals at the IKEA Museum. Rooted deeply in the Swedish socio-cultural ecosystem, the IKEA Museum uses various strategies to commodify its cultural heritage, such as displaying historical artefacts, creating interactive exhibits, narrating stories of innovation and social responsibility, and offering co-creation opportunities to visitors. In doing so, it plays a prominent role in enabling cultural transfer and fosters intergenerational cultural memory among its stakeholders. The theoretical conceptualization is presented by proposing the Synthesis of Cultural Transfer, Value Outcomes, and intergenerational Memory framework (SCTIM), and implications are discussed.
... An experience is something that happens to the customer that purchases the product or the one that consumes it. Experiences are "memorable events that engage each individual in an inherently personal way" (Pine and Gilmore, 2013) Packaged food can contain an experience that can be related to the packaging, like the games printed on the back of the cereal boxes, on the product itself, or in the effects of a product. For example, Donettes® launched several experience-based line extensions in which the product influenced you when eating it, like painting your tongue blue or not. ...
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Introducción: Innumerables innovaciones pueden no tener éxito, sin embargo, es crucial que las empresas innoven para sobrevivir. A lo largo de los años, hemos visto muchos casos de fracasos en la innovación en la industria de bienes de consumo de rápida rotación (FMCG) en España. Esta investigación determina los factores clave que impulsan el éxito y el crecimiento de la innovación para una marca bien establecida de productos de consumo envasados (CPC). Metodología: Método de estudio de caso. Análisis cualitativo utilizando fuentes como representantes de la empresa, datos del punto de venta, canales de comunicación y entrevistas con expertos de la industria. Resultados: La investigación muestra que el enfoque específico en la innovación de productos y la estrategia de comunicación son cruciales, y revela que la innovación contribuye al éxito general de la marca matriz, lo que se conoce como el efecto halo. También destaca la importancia de una sólida red de distribución en la industria FMCG. Discusión: A través de este estudio, se proporcionan conocimientos sobre cómo realizar una innovación exitosa en España en FMCG y se describen los factores que afectan el mayor desafío del mercado en crecimiento. Conclusiones: La combinación de innovación de productos, estrategia de comunicación y distribución ha demostrado ser crucial para el éxito en este mercado altamente competitivo.
... Dizajnerski znakovi najbolje su sažeti modelom integrativne dobrobiti turističkog iskustva Kay Smith i Diekmann (2017) koji uključuje (1) zadovoljstvo, (2) smislena iskustva, (3) altruističke aktivnosti i održivost. Zadovoljstvo se može postići iskustvima koja su po svojoj prirodi ugodna i izazivaju pozitivne emocije, kao što su uzbuđenje (Sie, Pegg i Phelan, 2021), suosjećanje (Lengieza, Swim i Hunt, 2019) i zahvalnost (Filep, Macnaughton i Glover, 2017 Additionally, memorable tourism experiences are also easily comparable to Pine and Gilmore's (2013) depiction of memorable experiences that infers the customization of the experience based on the individual's needs. Other findings from this review are also supported by Pine and Gilmore's (1998) four design principles, which are particularly relevant to eudaimonic tourism: (1) provide a memorable theme, (2) use positive cues, (3) provide memorabilia or other physical reminders of the experience, and (4) engage all four senses to design a memorable experience. ...
... This selection of respondents guaranteed that they were knowledgeable about and interested in the topic (Stewart et al., 2003). According to Morrison (2013), this research examined whether the critical factors required to ensure that a destination is thriving-the six A's of destination (Attraction, Amenities, Accessibility, Activities, Available Packages, and Ancillary services)and the promotional mix concept according to Kotler & Keller (2012) have an impact on tourists' perceptions of the image of Mandalika both the cognitive and affective image (Ceylan & Çizel, 2018) through five experience-design principles (Pine & Gilmore, 2013) as mediating variable. The survey includes questions regarding participants' background information such as age, gender, and occupation. ...
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The Mandalika MotoGP World Championship 2023 holds a pivotal role in Mandalika’s destination branding process. This study seeks to discern and evaluate the impact of the event on Mandalika’s destination image, positioning it among the world’s premier tourist destinations. Central to this investigation is the meticulous development of the 6A’s of destination (comprising Attractions, Amenities, Accessibility, Activities, Accommodations, and Ancillary services) and the strategic promotional mix. Notably, the spectators’ event experience emerges as a crucial mediator, shaping Mandalika’s image. The author sent a questionnaire to motorsports event attendees to address study objectives. The questionnaire was sent directly to those who attended the Mandalika MotoGP 2023 event. The email address was obtained from many travel companies that assisted tourists attending the Mandalika MotoGP 2023. The survey includes questions regarding participants' background information such as age, gender, and occupation. The findings underscore the substantial influence of synergizing the 6A’s of destination with an effective promotional mix, ultimately enhancing Mandalika’s allure for travelers.
... Its comprehensive structure makes it the preferred model for studying users' behavioral intentions holistically [37]. Additionally, the experience economy theory highlights the importance of creating added value by offering users deeply engaging experiences [38]. In CHVT, users aim not only to sightsee but also to gain unforgettable experiences through interaction and perception [39]. ...
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Cultural heritage virtual tourism offers users a novel digital heritage experience, becoming an essential channel for cultural dissemination and preservation. However, how to stimulate users’ continuous behavioral intention remains unresolved. This study integrates the Stimulus–Organism–Response theory (SOR) and experience economy theories to construct a comprehensive model, exploring factors influencing users’ continuous intentions in cultural heritage virtual tourism. By analyzing data from 451 valid questionnaires through structural equation modeling (SEM) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) methods, several key findings emerged. The SEM results show that (1) esthetics, entertainment, escapism, education, and connection experiences all positively affect perceived value and satisfaction; (2) except for escapism, other experiences positively influence cultural identity; and (3) perceived value, satisfaction, and cultural identity significantly impact continuous intention. The FsQCA results show that (1) in high continuous intention scenarios, perceived value, satisfaction, and cultural identity are core conditions, while esthetics, entertainment, escapism, education, and connection act as supporting conditions, enhancing users’ willingness to continue engaging under different configurations; (2) in low continuous intention cases, the absence of escapism, satisfaction, cultural identity, education, esthetics, and connection weakens users’ virtual tourism experiences, leading to a decline in continuous usage intentions. This study provides theoretical and practical insights for promoting users’ continuous intentions in cultural heritage virtual tourism.
... Recreational areas as an aesthetic and attractive landscape are real insights (Qiu et al., 2013). They generate countless benefits (Henderson, 2014;Colman et al., 2022) especially in the tourism sector, as they attract millions of visitors (Pine & Gilmore, 2013). So much research in different academic sectors: social, economic and tourism is continually progressing to achieve relevant tools for evaluating the quality of leisure parks (Kessel et al., 2009;Oliphant et al., 2019). ...
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Leisure parks provide innumerable benefits in terms of social well-being and economic advantages, hence the importance for managers to assess their condition and determine the beneficial actions to be taken. The physical and functional attributes of parks are key indicators of quality; especially, if they are inspected from the perspective of user satisfaction. Although previous studies have incorporated satisfaction, few have used management tools together in developing countries. This paper proposes the simultaneous use of importance-performance analysis (IPA) and the Kano model as an integrative approach to satisfaction to assess the quality of recreational parks. Tito Park in Algiers used as a case study, was the subject of two methods: first qualitative-exploratory by 116 interviews (2016-2017) on the sociocultural variables of visitors, and quantitative-empirical by IPA-Kano statistical analysis against 36 attributes hierarchized in 7 families of quality criteria. The results reveal a divergence of visitors' opinions against these attributes within the same family of criteria; this is reinforced by a disparity between the degrees of importance and satisfaction that users allocate to them. This research offers a pragmatic tool to help with targeted and optimized decision-making and design as a means of requalification of the landscape. Because it elucidates the state of the recreational offer and points out the contextual characteristics to be promoted in order of priority by integrating the dimensions: perceptual and time. In the future, two or more parks can be compared using these or other tools by aggregating more attributes.
... From 2010 to 2020, ICEs saw over 1300 TEA studies, compared to fewer than 40 for MGTs. The success of ICEs can be attributed to the strategic use of "learning curves" [67] and "experience curve effects" [68], alongside strong business and financial strategies. As seen in Figure 7b,c, ICEs have experienced exponential growth in TEA research, driven by substantial R&D investment, market demand, and competitive dynamics. ...
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This paper investigates the potential of Micro Gas Turbines (MGTs) in the global shift towards low-carbon energy systems, particularly focusing on their integration within microgrids and distributed energy generation systems. MGTs, recognized for their fuel flexibility and efficiency, have yet to achieve the commercialization success of rival technologies such as Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs), wind turbines, and solar power (PV) installations. Through a comprehensive review of recent techno-economic assessment (TEA) studies, we highlight the challenges and opportunities for MGTs, emphasizing the critical role of TEA in driving market penetration and technological advancement. Comparative analysis with ICE and RES technologies reveals significant gaps in TEA activities for MGTs, which have hindered their broader adoption. This paper also explores the learning and experience effects associated with TEA, demonstrating how increased research activities have propelled the success of ICE and RES technologies. The analysis reveals a broad range of learning and experience effects, with learning rates (α) varying from 0.1 to 0.25 and experience rates (β) from 0.05 to 0.15, highlighting the significant role these effects play in reducing the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and improving the net present value (NPV) of MGT systems. Hybrid systems integrating MGTs with renewable energy sources (RESs) and ICE technologies demonstrate the most substantial cost reductions and efficiency improvements, with systems like the hybrid renewable energy CCHP with ICE achieving a learning rate of α = 0.25 and significant LCOE reductions from USD 0.02/kWh to USD 0.017/kWh. These findings emphasize the need for targeted TEA studies and strategic investments to unlock the full potential of MGTs in a decarbonized energy landscape. By leveraging learning and experience effects, stakeholders can predict cost trajectories more accurately and make informed investment decisions, positioning MGTs as a competitive and sustainable energy solution in the global energy transition.
... The user feels specific emotions when utilizing a service. If customers had a positive experience, they would be eager to utilize the service once more, which makes it a valuable tool for building loyalty (Pine & Gilmore, 2013). ...
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Maintaining a competitive edge for a business requires providing relevant and customized consumer experiences. An experience is a psychological process that people can go through, and its economic value can be measured. Customer experience (CX), is the sum of all that a company or organization does to prioritize its customer needs and manage their journeys. It is now essential for businesses to emotionally engage with their customers at every stage of their journey in the digital age. In addition to being the moral thing to do for consumers, providing excellent customer experiences boosts profits for stockholders, as well, this is known as the experience economy. The fundamental tenet of the experience economy is that customers are looking for experiences that will stick with them and have an emotional impact, rather than merely purchasing products or services. Consumers' hearts and minds are shaped by experiences, which also foster loyalty. Experience purchases provide longer-lasting enjoyment than material purchases, according to research. Because of this psychological link, the experience economy represents a paradigm shift in consumer behaviour rather than merely a marketing strategy. It is anticipated that the experience economy will keep expanding over the coming years, emphasizing local experiences, technology, and sustainability more than before. Still, there are always unforeseen events and causes that could affect the economy's direction, just like with any forecast. Keywords: Experience Economy, Customer Experience (CX), Marketing Strategy.