Figure 4
The Pr, Re, and F1 value variations with different numbers of neural network models and thresholds based on the CFD database.
Source publication
Automated pavement crack detection and measurement are important road issues. Agencies have to guarantee the improvement of road safety. Conventional crack detection and measurement algorithms can be extremely time-consuming and low efficiency. Therefore, recently, innovative algorithms have received increased attention from researchers. In this pa...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... 3, it is clear that the experimental results for threshold t = 0.4 and the numbers of neural networks models n = 3, have a better performance than the other values based on the AigleRN database. From Figure 4, it can be observed that the experimental results for threshold t = 0.6 and the numbers of neural networks models, n = 3, have a better performance than the others values based on the CFD database. Therefore, the number of ensemble networks models was set to three in this project, as shown in Figure 1. ...
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