Figure 4 - uploaded by Yavuz Altug
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Installed wind-generation capacity has been rapidly expanding globally and in France. In this article, we conduct a structured literature review on resources related, technical, economic, environmental and social aspects regarding onshore and offshore wind, with a focus on France. On the technical side, we cover the whole energy conversion chain. For economic aspects, we review different costs of wind energy systems. On the environmental side, we cover impacts on the fauna and flora and on greenhouse gases. Finally, on the social part, we consider local acceptance, visual and noise disturbance, and the potential of wind energy for creating jobs and improving farmers revenues. Compared to existing review articles, we gather, discuss and combine information on all of the above mentioned aspects. This is important as the combined consideration of these aspects is necessary for the sustainable implementation of wind energy projects. Additionally, we detail aspects that were insufficiently covered in the existing reviews such as generators technologies and the impact on farmers. This review can orientate policy makers and companies in their project development not only in France but also abroad, as several of the covered aspects (e.g. technical ones, several environmental ones) are also valid for other countries.