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The “Open Window” theoretical concept associated with immune responses to acute exercise (abbreviation: h = hours). 

The “Open Window” theoretical concept associated with immune responses to acute exercise (abbreviation: h = hours). 

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The Overtraining Syndrome (OTS) is a physically debilitating medical condition that results in athletes being totally compromised in their capacity to perform and compete. Many physiological systems are affected by the process of overtraining and the development of the OTS which results from it; but one system in particular, the immune, is highly s...

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Regular physical training leads to physical capacity and optimal sports performance, and although this relationship is usually linear, the athlete’s adaptation is conditioned by multiple factors: environmental, genetic and psychological. Studies have shown that between 70 and 85% of successful and unsuccessful athletes can be identified using psych...


... The results were quite conclusive: longer training duration leads to more adverse health effects; specifically, the higher training group experienced increased dental sensitivity, more gastritis, and greater throat dryness. These findings align with what is established in the literature, suggesting that excessive training duration can lead to adverse health effects due to immunological depression [45]. ...
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This study investigated the intricate relationship between strength training and its effects on body image, psychological health, and nutritional habits. By examining 605 participants, divided into two groups based on training frequency, the research aimed to discern how varying intensities of training influenced different wellness facets. The investigation employed a comprehensive survey, gathering demographic data, training specifics, dietary patterns, and psychological characteristics, utilizing statistical tools for analysis. Results unveiled significant differences in dietary habits and psychological profiles between groups with higher and lower training frequencies. The group with more frequent training displayed less favourable health outcomes and suboptimal dietary habits, challenging the prevailing notion that increased training frequency leads to better health. The study emphasized the necessity of a balanced approach to physical training, highlighting the need for personalized strategies that encompass both physical and mental health considerations. The findings exposed the complexities of training regimens and their broader implications on individual health, suggesting that enhanced training frequency alone does not assure improved health outcomes. This research significantly contributed to the domain by providing insights into how the frequency of strength training could differentially affect health and well-being, offering valuable guidelines for fitness professionals and healthcare providers.
... Gps üreticileri bu hesaplamaları hangi yöntem ile yaptıklarını söylememelerine rağmen Catapult Sports ve GPSports toplam mesafe hesaplaması için konumsal farklılaşma yöntemini kullandıklarını belirtmişlerdir. Gps sistemi ile düşük hızlı, yüksek hızlı ve sprint koşu eşiğinin belirlenmesi oldukça yaygındır (Hackney, 2013). Gps cihazı, konumsal farklılaşma ve doppler yöntemini kullanarak hesaplama yapar. ...
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Sistematik analiz futbolda branşında sporcuların performansları hakkında önemli bilgilerin elde edilmesini kolaylaştırmaktadır. Son teknoloji ile Gps sayesinde sporcunun müsabaka veya antrenman içerisinde gerçekleştirmiş olduğu koşular ve bu koşuların saha içerisinde hangi hızlarda gerçekleştirdiğini belirlemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; profesyonel futbolcuların antrenmanlardaki dış yük takibinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmaya yaşları (26±3,97 yıl), boyları (173,36± 6,02 cm) vücut ağırlığı (74,36±3,16 kg) olan 19 erkek futbolcu katılmıştır. Çalışmanın istatistiksel analizi SPSS 24,0 paket programında Paired samples t testi kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Gerçekleştirilen istatistiksel analiz sonucunda; toplam mesafe (m), maksimum hız ve ortalama hız[km/sa] ölçümlerinin ön ve son test değerlerinin karşılaştırılması sonuçlarında anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur (p
... That's because an injury lowers your immunity, making it harder for you to fight diseases. Not the best of times, given that a highly contagious virus is the main cause of our collective lockdown (28). According to Dr. Matthew Jackson, a lecturer in sport and health science at the university, "the science underlying exercise and immunity involves the intricate interaction of a number of different cells, including immunoglobulins, sometimes known as antibodies, which can help recognize a virus." ...
David Miranda, a physical therapist and the proprietor of Excel Rehabilitation Services in Gonzales, Louisiana,asserts that excessive exercise is harmful to human health and counterproductive. Women who exerciseexcessively run a higher risk of developing the “female athlete triad,” which includes eating disorders, osteoporosis,and loss of bone mineral density. Intense exercise has been shown to lower libido in men; this may be due tophysical exhaustion and low testosterone levels. According to German research that was recently published onlinein the journalHeart, excessive high-intensity exercise may actually increase the risk of dying from a heart attack orstroke in people who already have heart disease. Too much exercise without adequate recovery might cause lowtestosterone levels and high amounts of the stress hormone cortisol. Overtraining can increase stress hormonelevels, and increase the risk of injury, weariness, and muscle loss.The Wall Street Journal’sarticle “A WorkoutAte My Marriage,” which was published in 2010, describes how spouses grow more estranged from one anotheras they become fixated on a particular exercise goal, such as extreme weight loss or an Ironman triathlon, at theexpense of quality time with loved ones.
... Expending a large proportion of daily energy on exercise (i.e. having 'low energy availability') has long been recognized as a risk factor for 'overtraining syndrome' or 'relative energy deficiency in sport', with symptoms including hypogonadism, immunosuppression, and slower recovery from illness and injury [106][107][108] . ...
Economic models predominate in life history research, which investigates the allocation of an organism's resources to growth, reproduction, and maintenance. These approaches typically employ a heuristic Y model of resource allocation, which predicts trade-offs among tasks within a fixed budget. The common currency among tasks is not always specified, but most models imply that metabolic energy, either from food or body stores, is the critical resource. Here, we review the evidence for metabolic energy as the common currency of growth, reproduction, and maintenance, focusing on studies in humans and other vertebrates. We then discuss the flow of energy to competing physiological tasks (physical activity, maintenance, and reproduction or growth) and its effect on life history traits. We propose a Ψ model of energy flow to these tasks, which provides an integrative framework for examining the influence of environmental factors and the expansion and contraction of energy budgets in the evolution of life history strategies.
... Bu nedenle, futbolda iç yükün izlenilmesinde GPS verileri ile AZD yanıtları birlikte kullanılabilir. Futbolda, dış yükün GPS ile belirlenmesinde, kat edilen toplam mesafe oldukça fazla kullanılmaktadır (Hackney, 2013). İç yükün belirlenmesindeki zorluklardan dolayı, dış yükün takibi ile iç yükün tahmini mümkündür (Vanrenterghem vd, 2017 ...
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Futbol sporunun yarattığı ekonomik sermaye nedeniyle, futbolda üst düzey performansa verilen önem artmaktadır. Sporcu ve takım performansının iyileştirilmesi ve takibi için kullanılan giyilebilir teknoloji ürünü olan GPS kullanımı giderek önem kazanmaktadır. GPS teknolojisi sayesinde araştırmacılar sporcuların fiziksel, teknik, taktik becerilerini araştırılabilmektedir. Bu çalışma geleneksel derleme yöntemi kullanılarak yazılmıştır. Farklı veri tabanlarında (Google Scholar, PubMed, Web of Science ve YÖK Tez) “futbol”, “GPS”, “futbol ve GPS”, “futbolda performans analizi” anahtar kelimeleri kullanılarak arama yapılmış ve 2015-2022 yılların arasında futbol oyuncularında GPS kullanılan çalışmalar derlenerek özetlenmiştir. İncelenen çalışmalar neticesinde en fazla sporcuların maç yükleri (iç- dış), pozisyonları, hareket modellerinin ve hız verilerinin analiz edildiği görülmektedir. Bu araştırmada, verilen bilgiler ışığında sporcu performans takibinde en çok kullanılan cihazlar ve frekanslar, analiz programları, elde edilen parametreler sunulmaktadır.
... That's because an injury lowers your immunity, making it harder for you to fight diseases. Not the best of times, given that a highly contagious virus is the main cause of our collective lockdown [28]. According to Dr. Matthew Jackson, a lecturer in sport and health science at the university, "the science underlying exercise and immunity involves the intricate interaction of a number of different cells, including immunoglobulins, sometimes known as antibodies, which can help recognize a virus." ...
David Miranda, a physical therapist and the proprietor of Excel Rehabilitation Services in Gonzales, Louisiana, asserts that excessive exercise is harmful to human health and counterproductive. Women who exercise excessively run a higher risk of developing the “female athlete triad,” which includes eating disorders, osteoporosis, and loss of bone mineral density. Intense exercise has been shown to lower libido in men; this may be due to physical exhaustion and low testosterone levels. According to German research that was recently published online in the journal Heart, excessive high-intensity exercise may actually increase the risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke in people who already have heart disease. Too much exercise without adequate recovery might cause low testosterone levels and high amounts of the stress hormone cortisol. Overtraining can increase stress hormone levels, and increase the risk of injury, weariness, and muscle loss. The Wall Street Journal’s article “A Workout Ate My Marriage,” which was published in 2010, describes how spouses grow more estranged from one another as they become fixated on a particular exercise goal, such as extreme weight loss or an Ironman triathlon, at the expense of quality time with loved ones.
... Respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms are the most common medical presentations in elite athletes [4]. For athletes to be able to maintain their physical health, proactive approaches to support immunity and reduce susceptibility to infections are called for, and they may benefit from training adaptation and competitive performance [5]. ...
The possible effect of probiotic interventions on immunological markers in athletes is inconclusive. Therefore, to synthesize and quantitatively analyze the existing evidence on this topic, systematic literature searches of online databases PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and ISI Web of Sciences was carried out up to February 2021 to find all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) concerning the immunological effects of probiotics in athletes. In the random-effects model, weighted mean difference (WMD) and 95% confidence interval (CI) explained the net effect. The authors assessed the likelihood of publication bias via Egger's and Begg's statistics. A total of 13 RCTs (836 participants) were retrieved. Probiotic consumption reduced lymphocyte T cytotoxic count significantly (WMD=-0.08 cells×109/L; 95% CI: -0.15 to -0.01; p=0.022) with evidence of moderate heterogeneity (I2=59.1%, p=0.044) and monocyte count when intervention duration was ≤ 4 weeks (WMD=-0.08 cells×109/L; 95% CI: -0.16 to -0.001; I2=0.0%). Furthermore, leukocyte count was significantly elevated (WMD=0.48 cells×109/L; 95% CI: 0.02 to 0.93; I2=0.0%) when multi-strain probiotics were used. Probiotic supplements may improve immunological markers, including lymphocyte T cytotoxic, monocyte, and leukocyte in athletes. Further randomized controlled trials using diverse strains of probiotics and consistent outcome measures are necessary to allow for evidence-based recommendations.
... In addition, long-term high-intensity physical activities have been shown to suppress the immune system and cause an increased mortality rate (4,8). In some studies, the relationship between physical activity and upper respiratory tract viral infection has been explained with "J Curve Model" (Figure 1) (14,49). According to the result of these studies, it has been reported that regular moderate physical activities strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of upper respiratory tract viral infection, but long term high intensity physical activities cause an increase at the risk of upper respiratory infection by suppressing the immune system (1,34,35). ...
... According to the result of these studies, it has been reported that regular moderate physical activities strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of upper respiratory tract viral infection, but long term high intensity physical activities cause an increase at the risk of upper respiratory infection by suppressing the immune system (1,34,35). (14). Abbreviation: hrs=hours. ...
... Increased Susceptibility To Diseases After Intense Exercise. Theoretical concept of "open window" associated with immune responses to acute exercise (14). The relation between the susceptibility of changes in the immune system related to exercise to infections is expressed as "open window theory" (Figure 2). ...
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The aim of this review is to examine the mutual interaction of the regular moderate exercises that can be performed in an isolated environment and COVID-19 virus with the immune system and to emphasize the importance of physical activity and exercise practices which are known as complementary treatment method in struggling with diseases based on the data obtained. COVID-19 pandemic has become a great problem lately for the whole world population because of its fatal effect. Staying at home for months can cause sedentary behaviors and some changes in people's immune responses by restricting their physical and social activities. The databases such as PubMed, Elsevier, Scopus and Science Direct and Google Scholar have been used for scientific surveys while working on this review. The sources cited in this review include reports on past or current public health by more than one health institution, online information, and a total of 59 scientific articles published in refereed journals. In this review, the interaction of physical activity and exercise practices with immune responses during COVID-19 pandemic has been presented and it has been indicated that according to the data obtained from the studies conducted in previous years, physical activity and moderate exercise practices have a positive effect on immune system responses, but high-intensity and long term exercises suppress the immune system. As a consequence, social isolation during COVID-19 pandemic may cause sedentary behaviors. Therefore, individualized proper exercise practices are strongly recommended.
... The study was conducted on 36 HIV-1-positive patients divided in two groups according to their physical activity status: Group A was composed by 18 sedentary participants (6 females and 12 males) with a median age of 51 years (IQR 46-56); Group B was composed by 18 physically active participants (4 females and 14 males) as defined on the basis of ACSM recommendations and with a median age of 49 years [interquartile range (IQR) [45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55]. Interestingly, participants included in Group A reported a poor daily physical activity, significantly lower than the specified ACSM threshold. ...
... A further possible explanation for these results may be that our cohort was composed by non-athletes, even if they reported a regular self-prescribed physical activity; the lack of monitoring by experienced coaches may have led to the poor quality of exercises in terms of execution modalities in these subjects. Even the volume and intensity of the activity may have been unintentionally mishandled or misdosed in the group of active subjects (but non-athletes), eventually reducing the possible anti-inflammatory effects of the exercise [50][51][52]. ...
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Several studies evidenced that a sedentary lifestyle is related with higher levels of systemic inflammation and highlighted that physical activity can trigger anti-inflammatory effects. To evaluate the impact of self-prescribed physical activity on fitness status, metabolism, inflammation and immune-activation in people living with HIV, an interim analysis of the results of the clinical trial PRIMO (NCT03392805) was performed. Patients enrolled were divided in 2 groups on the basis of self-prescribed physical activity: a physically active group (self-prescribed physical activity) and a sedentary group. Physical fitness was evaluated by sport medicine specialists and related to nutritional status, anthropometric variables, adipokines levels (adiponectin, leptin, resistin), peripheral immune-activation (CD38, HLA-DR on CD4 and CD8), and plasma inflammatory markers (IL-6 and TNF-α). The physically active group had a better profile in anthropometric measures and aerobic fitness but did not show lower levels of immune-activation compared to sedentary group. Also serum IL-6, TNF-α, and adipokines levels showed no statistical differences. On the basis of these data, a regular self-organized physical activity seems useful to improve cardio-respiratory fitness, but unable to control HIV-related immune-activation.
... However, it was inappropriate to continue at a higher running intensity. It is well known that intensity of exercise is associated with immunity (24). Another question is why doxorubicin treatment exerted no effect on cardiomyocyte contraction and relaxation even though the ejection fraction was progressively decreased in the whole heart. ...
Cardiac inflammation has been proposed as one of the primary mechanisms of anthracycline-induced acute cardiotoxicity. A reduction in cardiac inflammation might also reduce cardiotoxicity. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of estrogen therapy and regular exercise on attenuating cardiac inflammation in the context of doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy. Ovariectomized rats were randomly allocated into estrogen supplementation, exercise training, and mast cell stabilizer treatment groups. Eight weeks after ovariectomy, rats received six cumulative doses of doxorubicin for two weeks. Echocardiography demonstrated a progressive decrease in ejection fraction in doxorubicin-treated rats without hypertrophic effect. This systolic defect was completely prevented by either estrogen supplementation or mast cell stabilizer treatment but not by regular exercise. As a heart disease indicator, increased β-MHC expression induced by doxorubicin could only be prevented by estrogen supplementation. Decreases in shortening and intracellular Ca2+ transients of cardiomyocytes were due to absence of female sex hormones without further effects of doxorubicin. Again, estrogen supplementation and mast cell stabilizer treatment prevented these changes but exercise training did not. Histological analysis indicated that the hyperactivation of cardiac mast cells in ovariectomized rats was augmented by doxorubicin. Estrogen supplementation and mast cell stabilizer treatment completely prevented both increases in mast cell density and degranulation, while exercise training partially attenuated the hyperactivation. Our results therefore suggest that estrogen supplementation acts similarly to mast cell stabilizers in attenuating the effects of doxorubicin. Ineffectiveness of regular exercise in preventing the acute cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin might be due to a lesser effect on preventing cardiac inflammation.