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The Digital Economy and Society Index ranking. Source: International Digital Economy and Society Index 2019

The Digital Economy and Society Index ranking. Source: International Digital Economy and Society Index 2019

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This paper addresses a key issue in the development of youth-focused social work: the role of digital skills in the relationship between young people and social workers who work with these native digital users. To this end, we analysed data from the International Digital Economy and Society Index 2019 and Eurostat. Information from the sixth Europe...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... recent decades, EU countries have all improved their digital performance to some extent. According to the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) ranking (Foley et al., 2019), several countries such as Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Denmark are global leaders in digitalisation (Figure 2). In this context, most Spanish indexes are above the European average, although the human capital dimension presents below average results. ...
Context 2
... recent decades, EU countries have all improved their digital performance to some extent. According to the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) ranking (Foley et al., 2019), several countries such as Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Denmark are global leaders in digitalisation (Figure 2). In this context, most Spanish indexes are above the European average, although the human capital dimension presents below average results. ...


... According to Pelaez et al. (2020), the fees paid by online students are comparable to those paid by campus-based students. However, online education also has several drawbacks. ...
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Digitization in education has brought about a halt to conventional teaching approaches and addressed challenges such as teacher shortages, inadequate student-teacher ratios, and a lack of teaching resources. In traditional education, significant financial resources are required to establish physical campuses, classrooms, administrative buildings, and other facilities. These costs can be substantial, especially for universities and colleges with large campuses. Digital education reduces the need for extensive physical infrastructure. Instead, investments are primarily directed towards creating and maintaining online platforms, software, and IT infrastructure. While initial development costs might be high, the long-term maintenance expenses can be relatively lower. This study has been limited to Educational Institutes in Meerut District of Uttar Pradesh. The present research study has been conducted in Meerut district based on education institutions. The students of the institutions have been considered the population. DOI:12.163022.Gj.2024.v17.02.014
... One fundamental difference between younger and older adults' civic participation is where they engage. Young people generally participate more in the digital context (Cho et al., 2020;López Peláez et al., 2020;Zeng & Abidin, 2021). Indeed, new digital spaces, like social media groups, are vital places to include in research that is aiming to centralize youth's voices (Pérez Aronsson, 2020). ...
... Populasi penelitian ini adalah digital workers atau pekerja digital yang menggunakan kompetensi digital untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaannya. Hasil penelitian sebelumnya menemukan bahwa frekuensi penggunaan teknologi digital dan pemakaian internet sehari-hari berhubungan dengan peningkatan kompetensi digital pada individu (López Peláez, et al., 2020). Individu yang rutin menggunakan perangkat digital selama kurang lebih empat jam sehari menunjukkan peningkatan pada kemampuan digital yang dimilikinya. ...
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Digitalisasi meningkatkan kebutuhan akan sumber daya manusia yang mampu mengoperasikan dan menguasai teknologi digital. Pekerja yang mampu menggunakan kompetensi digital untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dan dapat mengakses data pekerjaan dimana pun dan kapan pun disebut sebagai digital workers. Digital workers memainkan peran penting dalam memberikan inovasi bagi perusahaan sebagai bentuk respon perusahaan terhadap perkembangan digital dan usaha untuk mengimbangi persaingan. Kecenderungan digital workers untuk menyumbangkan inovasi-inovasi bagi perusahaan berhubungan dengan komitmen yang dimilikinya terhadap perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara perilaku kerja inovatif dengan komponen komitmen organisasi pada digital workers. Perilaku kerja inovatif diukur menggunakan innovative work behavior scale yang dikembangkan oleh Janssen (2000) dan komitmen organisasi diukur menggunakan organizational commitment questionnaire (OCQ) yang dikembangkan oleh Allen dan Meyer (1990). Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara online melalui media sosial. Data penelitian ini berasal dari 215 digital workers yang bekerja secara full-time. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif secara signifikan antara komitmen afektif dan komitmen normatif dengan perilaku kerja inovatif, tetapi tidak ditemukan hubungan negatif antara komitmen berkelanjutan dengan perilaku kerja inovatif pada digital workers. Kata kunci: komitmen afektif, komitmen berkelanjutan, komitmen normatif, pekerja digital, perilaku kerja inovatif
... Several studies (Peláez et al. 2020;Zhen et al. 2021;Teng et al. 2022;Puliwarna et al. 2023) have suggested that digital culture, digital skills, and digital transformation strategies are interrelated, and have a significant impact on fostering innovation and performance in SMEs and addressing competency gaps between different groups. ...
This study aimed to understand the impact of digital culture on companies' knowledge and constant commitment to digital transformation, as well as its impact on organizations as a whole. Secondly, it aimed to explore the impact of digital technology adoption on organizational performance and competitiveness. Finally, the study investigated the role of knowledge management during digital transformation. A quantitative study was developed using a descriptive design. A questionnaire was developed on pre-test was carried out withon 15 participants and since no doubts or difficulties were detected, it was made available on the internet between January and April 2022. A total of 291 questionnaires were collected and validated. Data were imported from Google Forms for analysis in SPSS, version 25.0, andSmartPLS ® 4.0 software. The questionnaire revealed good internal consistency (α = 0.922). Ten of the twelve hypotheses were confirmed, that is, the existence of positive and significant relationships between digital culture (DC) and knowledge of digital transformation (KDT); DC and adoption of digital technologies (ADT); DC and knowledge management (KM); commitment (C) and KDT; C and productivity (P); KDT and ADT; ADT and KM; ADT and P; ADT and C; and P and C. The results of regression analyses showed that the variables that contributed to the model ("competitiveness of organizations") were productivity, the adoption of digital technologies, commitment to digital technologies, and knowledge management. The variables CD and KDT (Knowledge of digital transformation) presented lower and non-significant values.
... A gap exists between the level of digital skills required in the labor market and the actual level of digital skills of social work students (Boddy and Dominelli, 2017;Reamer, 2019;López Peláez et al., 2020). This course illustrates the power of digital technology and reviews the ethical use of technology. ...
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Career readiness of college graduates is of critical importance in higher education. As defined by the career readiness is the attainment and demonstration of requisite competencies that broadly prepare college graduates for successful transition into the workplace and/or graduate school. This article outlines the development of a sophomore-level course – Critical Thinking and Writing for Social Work Professionals – as part of a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program at Ball State University. The primary purpose of this course is to help students develop career readiness competencies that support their growth throughout their educational and professional social work careers. The career readiness competencies support the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards required by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). The authors discuss the importance of this approach for undergraduate education and how career readiness enhances and builds upon CSWE competencies. The authors conclude with a brief discussion of student feedback and lessons learned through this process that suggests students’ gained career readiness skills.
... However, like two sides of a coin, these positive influences also bring with them negative impacts that need to be watched out for (López Peláez et al., 2020). ...
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Defamation of good reputation is one of the most common criminal offenses reported to the police. This case continues to increase from year to year. The records of the Indonesian National Police quoted by regarding cases of insult and defamation of good reputation in 2020 were 1,743 cases and based on the Fury report (2021) it increased to 2,207 cases. Likewise, what happened in the Bangka Belitung Islands' jurisdiction. In 2021, there were at least 12 cases of defamation of good reputation reported to the Bangka Belitung Islands Regional Police. In legal construction, it can be said that defamation of good reputation usually contains a choice of swear words to attack a person's dignity, honor, and good name. This study aims to discuss the strategies, types of speech acts, and speech patterns of defamation of good reputation that occur and have been reported in the Bangka Belitung Islands jurisdiction. This study uses a forensic linguistic approach with pragmatic analysis and speech act theory as well as speech strategy. The speech act theory used is the theory proposed by John L. Austin (1962) and deepened by John R. Searle (1979). Both argue that utterances not only provide information but also perform actions. In other words, a person's speech act will always have a purpose according to the context of the speech event. The method used is qualitative. The data used in this study are evidence obtained from investigators of the Bangka Belitung Islands Regional Police in 2021. Based on the analysis, the strategy used by the perpetrators was found, namely the strategy of speaking frankly. The speech acts used are locution, assertive illocution, expressive illocution, declarative illocution, and directive illocution. Patterns of defamation of good reputation and threatening faces are degrading, humiliating, defending, informing, asking, scoffing, promising, regretting, welcoming, apologizing, regretting, and labeling.
... In the era of digital intelligence, breakthroughs are taking place in all walks of life (Luo et al., 2023). Youths need digital skills to find decent jobs (López Peláez et al., 2020). Digital innovation for sustainable development networks promoting digital entrepreneurship and innovation is also crucial (ElMassah & Mohieldin, 2020). ...
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Digital employment is one of the critical concepts of the digital economy for sustainable development. Promoting digital employment intention of potential employees is indispensable for developing the digital economy. The study aims to explore how digital employment policies predict digital employment intentions and to construct a structural equation model. Based on an online survey of 470 students with digital work experience from Chinese higher education institutions, the data were processed using SPSS 26.0 and Amos 26.0. The results uncover that digital employment policies have a positive impact on digital employability (β = 0.538, p < 0.001), digital employment capital (β = 0.524, p < 0.001), and digital employment intentions (β = 0.257, p < 0.001). At the same time, digital employability (β = 0.216, p < 0.001) and digital employment capital (β = 0.505, p < 0.001) also have a positive impact on digital employment intentions. The structural equation model emphasizes the significant mediating effect of digital employability (0.116) and digital employment capital (0.265). Therefore, the government should actively promote digital policies to encourage and enhance digital employment capabilities, promoting digital employment intentions and behaviors. The support and development of digital employability by the entire society, especially schools, and families, is also significant.
... Por otra parte, en este contexto surge la preocupación por indagar respecto a cómo contribuyen las competencias digitales en el desempeño profesional y en el bienestar laboral de los trabajadores y las trabajadoras sociales (Castillo de Mesa et al., 2020;Boddy y Dominelli, 2017;López et al., 2020, Ranerup y Henriksen, 2020. Así como la necesidad de que estos cuenten con la formación, conocimientos suficientes y cualificación tecnológica adecuada. ...
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En este artículo ofrecemos un argumentario y discusión teórica con base en los principios éticos, valores, moral y normas reguladoras que sustentan el marco de actuación de la profesión del Trabajo Social. Esta ha tenido que reinventarse en los últimos tres años, haciendo uso de su capacidad resiliente y de adaptación ante complejas situaciones, en las que para la profesión y sus profesionales prima el bienestar social de la población como pilar sobre el que avanza la propia disciplina. En este marco, el derecho a la protección de datos personales digitales y la normativa reguladora en la que convergen, teniendo en cuenta el devenir diario de la profesión, de las personas profesionales y de la ciudadanía usuaria. Procediendo a valorar, si en el contexto actual, con el desarrollo y la utilización profesional de recursos tecnológicos, la protección de datos personales y sociales se mantienen en la intimidad, en la privacidad y la confidencialidad. Valorando así mismo, en este contexto, si son extensibles a todas las personas en igualdad, o si, en este tejido de revolución y vorágine tecnológica, en la que nos vemos sumidos, se favorecen situaciones de exclusión y vulnerabilidad social.
... We created the Social Innovation and Technology for Social Work course for undergraduate students at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile to foster their interest in cocreating and co-designing sustainable solutions that deliver social value, and to provide them with a framework for applying technology in all the steps of this process. In order to accomplish this goal we designed the course around concepts, strategies, and tools of research and intervention from an interdisciplinary perspective in an attempt to break from traditional social work paradigms (Kreuger and Stretch 2000;Ahmedani et al. 2011;López Peláez, Erro-Garcés, and Gómez-Ciriano 2020). We also introduced algorithmic thinking as a resource to approach and decompose problems (Vidal et al. 2015) and o ered an embodied approach to knowledge that provided a framework for understanding and using technology as a catalyst for creating social value instead of a set of tools to improve e ciency. ...
... Transformasi ekonomi digital dan pemuda memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam pembangunan (Helsper & van Deursen, n.d.;López Peláez et al., 2020;Mishna et al., 2017). Hal ini dikarenakan ekonomi digital dapat membawa perubahan dalam hal efisiensi, efektivitas, dan konektivitas, sehingga dapat menjadi alternatif pertumbuhan ekonomi baru. ...
... Hal ini tentu menjadi tantangan bagi pemuda dan dunia kerja, di mana sebagian besar pekerja belum memiliki keterampilan tersebut dan menuntut adanya adaptasi terkait intensitas adopsi teknologi. Keterampilan digital ini dianggap sebagai peluang bagi pemuda fresh graduates yang dianggap memiliki kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan cepat terhadap perubahan karena memiliki potensi serta inovasi (López Peláez et al., 2020;Skosyreva et al., 2020). Studi empiris lain menyebut bahwa pemuda yang memiliki keterampilan digital memiliki ketahanan selama pandemi COVID-19, sehingga mereka tidak terdampak dan dapat bertahan atau memulihkan pekerjaan serta pendapatan mereka dengan lebih cepat. ...
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Youth and digitalization have an essential role in the nation's development Youth as an agent of change, which brings new ideas and innovation. In contrast, digitalization brings changes in terms of efficiency and effectiveness which are able to become a source of new economic growth. The existence of COVID-19 pandemic has caused barriers for youth to enter the workforce since graduate school (school-to-work transition), which is a blessing in disguise as technology adoption accelerates and creates new job opportunities for youth as it requires digital skills. Youth which are considered as adaptive to technology by nature, are considered to have the opportunity to increase their work participation through transitioning jobs to the digital sector. This study aims to analyze the influence of human capital in the form of education and training in fresh graduates' youth on opportunities to transition jobs to the digital sector. The data source and method used resulted from the August 2021 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) and multinomial logistic regression. The study result shows that education and training influence youth's transition to the digital sector. Young fresh graduates with higher education have a 1.491. times higher tendency to make the transition to the digital sector. Participation in training for youth will also increase the tendency of 1,525 times for youth with secondary education and 1,239 times for youth with higher education to transition to the digital sector. Pre-Employment Program (Prakerja) participation will also increase the tendency by 1,314 times to transition to the digital sector. Other findings show that higher educational attainment and training participation will reduce the tendency for young fresh graduates to transition to the non-digital sector and choose to be unemployed, which indicates that it is consistent with work decision theory that the higher the investment in education and training, the higher the reservation wage will also be.