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This research investigates the impact of culture, leadership, and power on staff motivation in selected international organizations (IOs) and develops a theoretical framework to assist with the practice of workforce motivation. Utilizing critical theory as a paradigm of inquiry, the study’s philosophical perspective leans heavily on “phenomenology....
... Increasing employee happiness in the fast-paced workplace of today is difficult, according to Letele and Massyn (2018). Cultural disparity and several newly developed administrative issues are the main causes of this, according to Erciyes (2019). Iguisi (1993) asserted that without understanding the historical and cultural backdrop, it is impossible to comprehend a single aspect, such as motivation inside an organization. ...
This study aims to comprehend the suitability of both traditional and modern motivational theories and managerial methods in non-Western nation's former colonies of the West like African countries. This study employed an exploratory research strategy to deepen our comprehension of the subject. This study only used third-party sources for its data. The application of motivational theories and managerial techniques may be limited by cultural contexts. Social norms have shaped the formation and maintenance of organizations within society that have a particular structure and way of functioning. Western motivational theories do not work in non-Western nations because indigenous people are rooted in their own culture and find it difficult to accept and let go of a foreign culture. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by analysing the applicability of motivational theories and managerial methods in non-Western countries. According to this study, local and international organizations specifically Western multinational organizations manage and motivate their workforce in non-Western nations by fusing management techniques with Western notions of motivation.
... Semi-structured interviews provide more open discussion and an improved understanding of the research, where certain adjustments can be made to questions based on the actual situation of the interview (Erciyes, 2019). Semi-structured interviews enable researchers to obtain more detailed as well as diversity of data in the analysis process, which further enriches the research content. ...
With the increasing level of internationalization in higher education, the number of international students in mainland China is rapidly increasing. However, limited research has considered that student results may be affected by a reduced motivation to learn. Therefore, the aim of this research is to explore the effect of the learning motivation on the learning outcomes of international students and the moderating role of learning experience. A sample of 130 international students from 23 countries studying in mainland China was analyzed. The study found a significant correlation between the learning motivations and international students' learning outcomes. It was also determined that learning experience has significantly enhances the relationship between learning motivation and the learning outcomes of international students. This study contributes to the higher education literature on learning motivation by students and learning outcomes.
... Among the qualifying studies only 15 are based on a theoretical framework, (11 of the qualitative and 3 mixed methods papers). The frameworks used are: Self-determination theory classic theory related to the creative process (Mueller, & Kamdar, 2011); competences theory (Zdonek, Podgorska, & Hysa, 2017); social capital theory (Deng, 2018); Career Stage Theories (Duarte, & Lopes, 2018); paradox theory (Daniel, Di Domenico, & Nunan, 2018); social identity (Wilkin, de Jong, Rubino, 2018 andCluley, &Green, 2019); implicit leadership (Erciyes, 2019); role theory (Kotera, Green, & Sheffield, 2020); equity theory and labour congruence theory (Li & alii, 2020); and theory of social interaction (Hafermalz, & Riemer, 2021). It is possible to notice that the theories used refer both to an individual and to an organizational perspective, the latter used especially in the more recent articles. ...
Help-seeking is a process used by employees, workers, and managers in organizations to
request for help each other. Although it is an understudied topic, it is gaining attention since in modern organizations’ employees become more productive and motivated if they feel safe and they trust their organization. Asking for help to solve working problems is then an opportunity to improve one’s work, to learn from others and become more performing. The aim of this paper is to analyse how help-seeking is considered by the existing academic literature and which are the level of analysis and the related issues connected.
We conducted a systematic literature review, considering some selected keywords. Of 808 potentially relevant results generated from two international online databases, 54 studies fully met the inclusion criteria.
Our results showed that help-seeking can lead to individual personal and professional
development, increased creativity and motivation, and improved performance. The capability of asking for help depends not only on individual characteristics but also on contextual factors and therefore the remote working mode can make it more complicated.
Our research contributes both to academic research and to management policies. To our knowledge, this is the first literature review on help-seeking, which is an emergent topic in management research. It contributes to the management practice since it suggests some organizational policies and actions that can be implemented to improve the use of help-seeking.
... Besides, the situation was also related to the well-being of the teacher's lifestyle, which is driven by responsive values, vision, and learning. Moreover, other important motivating factors for teachers have been to respect them by highlighting their achievements, granting them responsibility and autonomy, as well as providing promotional opportunities (Erciyes, 2019). ...
Motivation has an enormous impact in the field of education, which is strongly linked to appreciation, financial rewards, professional development, interpersonal relationships, work significance, achievement, and work status. The motivation model that originated from the two-factors Herzberg's motivation theory was adopted in this study. The implementation of this validation was to confirm whether the measurement model for motivation construct is appropriate for primary school teachers in Kelantan, Malaysia. This study proposed a measurement model by applying the Confirmatory Factor Analysis that achieved its construct validity with an acceptable fit (RMSEA= 0.06, CFI= 0.95, Chisq/ df=2.32). Besides, the model met its unidimensionality with the factor loadings ranging from 0.57 to 0.98, which described the factors that contributed to teachers' motivation in eight dimensions, namely responsibility, potential, promotion, and reward, recognition, interpersonal relationship, working condition, working environment, achievement, and organisation policies. This model met its convergent validity and reliability with AVE=.77 and CR=.94. The modification indices of this model confirmed that the discriminant validity was achieved and described the consistent findings and assigned data quality to fit within the suggested model. This model could be utilised by researchers to examine the motivation effect in education institutions.
This study was conducted to determine the predictor variables of job satisfaction of mathematics teachers as either achievement, power, or affiliation. The one hundred (100) randomly selected secondary mathematics teachers teaching in the First District of Iloilo for the school year 2019-2020 served as the respondents of the study. The data were obtained through a survey questionnaire employing mean, Pearson's product moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis as statistical tools. Results revealed that secondary mathematics teachers had above average level of need for achievement and affiliation, average level of need for power and high level of job satisfaction. There was a positive substantial correlation between mean scores in achievement and job satisfaction, between achievement and affiliation and between power and affiliation but there was a positive low correlation between mean scores in affiliation and job satisfaction and between achievement and power. Achievement was the strongest predictor of the job satisfaction, while power and affiliation were not good predictors of job satisfaction of secondary mathematics teachers.
The purpose of this study is to explore Islamic Human Value which is believed by the young millennial generation to determine career adaptability and career success. Career success is very important for today’s Muslim millennial generation because they have high expectations regarding work-life balance. To achieve career success, it is necessary to have career adaptability so that the Muslim millennial generation is able to prepare themselves to face unexpected transitions or changes. In addition, the Muslim millennial generation also needs to have Islamic values, namely Islamic human values. These values are important so that the millennial generation has good planning in building a career. This research is qualitative research by conducting structured interviews on 8 respondents. The results show that there are 6 Islamic human values that can be applied as the basis for achieving career adaptability and career success.KeywordsIslamic human valuesCareer adaptabilityCareer successMillennial generation
The Police of the Republic of Indonesia is one of the institutions that carry out the function of service to the community. The Police of the Republic of Indonesia are required to provide the best service to the community by showing good, professional, and reliable performance in their fields. Based on the research gap and the existing gap phenomenon, this research will develop a model for improving the hard-working and the need for achievement of the Jepara Precinct Police personnel, which is expected to support the personnel’s performance. The population in this study were all members of the Jepara Police, totaling 356 people. The sampling method used the purposive sampling method. The sample in this study were members of the Police who participated in training and particular competencies and the main competencies of the Police totaling 110 people. Measurement using Likert 1 to 5 and data processed using SEM PLS. The results show that Need for Achievement and Need for Power has a significant positive relationship with Hard Working. Meanwhile, Need for Affiliation has a significant negative relationship with Hard Working. Need for Achievement, Need for Power and Need for Affiliation have a significant positive relationship with Smart Working. Hard Working does not have a substantial relationship to HR Performance while Smart Working has a significant positive relationship to HR Performance.KeywordsNeed for achievementNeed for powerNeed for affiliationHard workingSmart workingHuman resource performance
The aim of this paper is to define the meaning of perfectionism as a personal quality in online recruitment, from employers’ standpoint.
Job offers were searched on with the help of the keyword ‘perfectionism’ and served as material for the research .
The main areas of professional activity appeared to be information technologies, marketing and management in thoseт areas.
The findings show that perfectionism is viewed by employers through the angle of professional motivation as a positive and wanted social quality in job seekers, which is placed in “Requirements” in the majority of job offers. Perfectionismт is viewed by employers as an idealistic image of a worker and is referred to three fields: professional activities, personality and communication. Analysis of associated personal qualitiesт gives evidence of immediate semantic perfectionist correlates: ambitiousness, professionalism, scrupulousness and analytical thinking. In a wider meaning, perfectionism is considered as a social and personal characteristic of an employee, both efficient and initiative, wearing a dress code specified by internal corporate rules, open-minded, internally motivated and capable of fulfilling duties within the established deadline, ready to suggest effective approaches to organizing business processes and to work overtime, completing extensive assignments, to work more than is mentioned in work duties; perfectionism characterizes a loyal employee willing to participate at full capacity in developing the organization, to efficiently interact with internal and external communicants and to actively contribute to organization performance and competitiveness.
To enhance the performance of organizations, the motivation of employees is a critical factor. The challenge is that motivation can be dependent on the culture and time of analysis. The timely studies are needed for different regions. The purpose of this study is to perform the motivation factors analysis of government employees to enhance their performance. Herzberg’s two-factor motivation theory was used, where the focus is on motivators, which were compared with financial rewards. Another classification of motivators and movers that contributes to ideas was extracted from the literature and included in the questionnaire survey. A survey was designed and 64 employees working in governmental service sectors in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) responded to the questionnaire. Statistical analysis methods such as two proportion z-test, Chi-square, and Fisher tests, were used. Results showed that recognition, which was selected by 44% of employees, is the only source of satisfaction that has a higher effect than financial rewards. In addition, a sense of achievement, the opportunity to take responsibility, work itself, as well as advancement prospects have the same or lower effect than financial rewards. Moreover, results showed that, generally, factors associated with motivators are more important for ideas’ contribution than movers, except for the desire to overcome frustration at work. The practical value of the results is obvious since motivation can significantly enhance the performance of organizations in the UAE.
This article is a theoretical review whose purpose is to give the researcher a frame of reference on phenomenology as a qualitative method, with the use of high-level recognition databases, such as Science Direct and Web of Science. It is intended, first, to make a general description of the phenomenology, its authors and essential contents; second, a theoretical meditation on subjectivity as a central element of phenomenology; and thirdly, the relevance of the phenomenological qualitative method in the different sciences and disciplines of knowledge. Finally, the reflexive, dynamic and humanistic nature of phenomenology is highlighted as a qualitative method of study, giving the phenomenological researcher a social responsibility of a transcendent nature, by revealing the subjective content of each unit of analysis as a central element of the empirical approach.