Figure 1 - uploaded by Manuel Martinez-Lavin
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The Broken Column (1944), oil painting on masonite, 42 33 cm. Reproduced, with permission, from the Museum Dolores Olmedo Patiño in Mexico City.
Context in source publication
... En el folleto publicitario entregado a los médicos, el siguiente texto acompañaba a la imagen: «¡Como si punzantes clavos hundiéranse en las carnes, en las articulaciones, en los huesos, en los nervios! ¡Así son las sensaciones que padece quien sufre reumatismo, lumbago, ciática!» 4 .2 ...
The sensitivity of plastic artists to human suffering has been expressed in different ways. This article recounts the circumstances that led the Spanish-Mexican surrealist painter, Remedios Varo, to depict in an original way the 2 cardinal manifestations of fibromyalgia; widespread pain and insomnia.
... En el folleto publicitario entregado a los médicos, el siguiente texto acompañaba a la imagen: «¡Como si punzantes clavos hundiéranse en las carnes, en las articulaciones, en los huesos, en los nervios! ¡Así son las sensaciones que padece quien sufre reumatismo, lumbago, ciática!» 4 .2 ...
... They include the sequelae of trauma and vertebral fractures, with nerve root compromise, but some authors point to the relative importance of spina bifida 8,10 ; complex regional pain syndrome 8,10,15 and even to post-polio syndrome. 8,10,[15][16][17] Compelling pieces of evidence point to post-traumatic fibromyalgia, 18 and some authors refer to lead poisoning. 19 The chronic lesion, described as a "trophic ulcer" on the right foot, has been seen as a complication of severe trauma in a limb with neurological deficiencies from polio. ...
Frida Kahlo's medical history shows sequelae of polio, a severe traumatic event that caused multiple fractures and a penetrating pelvic injury, as well as a history of countless surgeries. In her biographical accounts and her works, chronic disabling pain always appears for long periods. Besides, a chronic foot ulcer, gangrene that required amputation of the right leg, a history of abortions, and a positive Wasserman reaction suggest that the artist could have suffered from antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS).
... They include the sequelae of trauma and vertebral fractures, with nerve root compromise, but some authors point to the relative importance of spina bifida 8,10 ; complex regional pain syndrome 8,10,15 and even to post-polio syndrome. 8,10,[15][16][17] Compelling pieces of evidence point to post-traumatic fibromyalgia, 18 and some authors refer to lead poisoning. 19 The chronic lesion, described as a "trophic ulcer" on the right foot, has been seen as a complication of severe trauma in a limb with neurological deficiencies from polio. ...
Frida Kahlo's medical history shows sequelae of polio, a severe traumatic event that caused multiple fractures and a penetrating pelvic injury, as well as a history of countless surgeries. In her biographical accounts and her works, chronic disabling pain always appears for long periods. Besides, a chronic foot ulcer, gangrene that required amputation of the right leg, a history of abortions, and a positive Wasserman reaction suggest that the artist could have suffered from antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS).
... Ao mesmo tempo, pode condensar uma apropriação abusiva do sofrimento alheio. Como sabemos, foi sugerido que Frida Kahlo tinha uma fibromialgia pós-traumática(Martinez-Lavin, Amigo, M-C., et al., 2000). Talvez porque Frida se tenha transformado, ela própria, num corpo de dor, com setas desenhadas para as zonas anatómicas sujeitas a cirurgia, uma evidência objetiva do sofrimento através do seu famoso diário (The Diary of FridaKahlo, 1995). ...
... Die Krankengeschichte von Frida Kahlo ist das Beispiel einer sehr komplexen multikausalen Schmerzkrankheit mit neurologischen, traumatologischen, orthopädischen und psychosomatischen Aspekten, die rheumatologisch sogar eine Fibromyalgie vermuten lässt [7]. Im Sinne des bio-psycho-sozialen Models von Krankheit [8] addieren sich Unfalltrauma, neurologische Erkrankungen, zahlreiche Operationen, Wundheilungsstörungen, mehrfache Aborte, Medikamenten-und Alkoholabusus, Partnerprobleme, Depression und Selbstmordversuch zu dem schmerzhaften Leiden, das im künstlerischen Werk zum Ausdruck kommt. ...
Die mexikanische Malerin Frida Kahlo, geboren 1907 als Tochter eines deutsch mexikanischen Ehepaars – die Mutter Mexikanerin, der deutsche Vater eingebürgert-, ist eine der berühmtesten weiblichen Malerinnen der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Dazu trug nicht allein ihre außergewöhnliche Kunst bei, sondern auch ihre turbulente Lebensgeschichte mit dem Künstler Diego Rivera und die von Schmerz geprägte Krankengeschichte. Berühmt wurde sie jedoch erst nach ihrem Tod als eine Symbolfigur weiblicher Kreativität und eines von Leiden, Lieben und Unabhängigkeitsstreben geprägten Lebens.
... Ao mesmo tempo, pode condensar uma apropriação abusiva do sofrimento alheio. Como vimos, foi sugerido que Frida Kahlo tinha uma fibromialgia pós -traumática (Martinez -Lavin, Amigo, M -C., et al., 2000). Talvez porque Frida se tenha transformado, ela própria, num corpo de dor, com setas desenhadas para as zonas anatómicas sujeitas a cirurgia, uma evidência objetiva do sofrimento através do seu famoso diário (The Diary of Frida Kahlo, 1995). ...
... En esta línea, encontramos un autorretrato similar en su diario, en esta ocasión la artista aparece desnuda y con once flechas situadas en distintas partes del cuerpo, que nuevamente coinciden con las "zonas gatillo" de la fibromialgia 3 . Estos hechos hacen sospechar que Kahlo padeció fibromialgia, el hecho de que la sintomatología apareciera inmediatamente después del accidente de tráfico nos permite catalogarla como post-traumática 6 . Desde un punto de vista general la fibromialgia es una enfermedad crónica, en la cual las manifestaciones persisten al menos durante los diez años siguientes al diagnóstico: dolor moderado-grave, alteraciones del sueño moderadas-intensas y fatiga moderada-extrema 6 . ...
... Estos hechos hacen sospechar que Kahlo padeció fibromialgia, el hecho de que la sintomatología apareciera inmediatamente después del accidente de tráfico nos permite catalogarla como post-traumática 6 . Desde un punto de vista general la fibromialgia es una enfermedad crónica, en la cual las manifestaciones persisten al menos durante los diez años siguientes al diagnóstico: dolor moderado-grave, alteraciones del sueño moderadas-intensas y fatiga moderada-extrema 6 . En el caso de la fibromialgia postraumática los síntomas deben aparecer en los primeros meses después del traumatismo, como sucedió con Kahlo, y las manifestaciones son similares o más graves que las del grupo general. ...
El análisis de la sintomatología de Frida Kahlo y algunos de sus cuadros nos hacen sospechar que sufrió fibromialgia, al existir una relación causa-efecto con el accidente de tráfico que sufrió nos permiten catalogar la enfermedad como fibromialgia postraumática.
... In the efforts to relieve her own pain, she has been submitted to several orthopedic surgeries -aiming at repairing the spine -both in Mexico and in the United States, without improving her complaints. The open body suggests the surgery 10,11 . In the attempt to explain the reasons for her chronic pain, some authors suggest that Frida has suffered from post-trau-ma fibromyalgia, which is characterized by persistent generalized pain, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders and the presence of tender points in well-defined anatomic regions. ...
... It has been also suggested that nails pierced on her body could represent typical fibromyalgia tender points -"trigger points". This hypothesis would explain her chronic pain and deep fatigue, as well as her poor therapeutic response 11 . ...
The Mexican painter Frida Kahlo is one of the most important artists of the twentieth century. After being involved in a car accident, remained at home to recover from several injuries, significant event for the dawning of her painting. The aim of this study was to present aspects of the biography and life of Frida, seeking intersections between her artwork and her painful experiences.
From the appreciation of film and screens selected author - analyzed with the support of the articles obtained in the literature review - held four sections to the presentation of evidence obtained: (1) the 'origins' of Frida (2) first accident, (3) the second accident: Diego Rivera and (4) the Martyrdom of frustrated motherhood.
Frida found in art her comfort, transforming her painful and intense trajectory in a work that reflected the meaning of her existence.
... orthopaedic operations and was confined to plaster corsets for several months. Certain experts believe that from that time Kahlo suffered from widespread severe, chronic pain and profound fatigue suggestive of post-traumatic FM [39], although it is difficult to attribute all of the symptoms that she presented to only one medical condition. The anguish and pain suffered due to the accident, more than 30 surgeries and three therapeutic abortions, are reflected in her painting, which was a way of creating psychological aliveness from the deadness arising from her tragic life experiences. ...
The reflection of medicine in the universal arts has motivated several rheumatologists to discover features of rheumatic diseases depicted by the artist's eyes long before they were defined as specific pathologic entities. The result has been the identification of several pieces of art dating from the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Baroque and Post-Impressionist periods that depict clear features of several rheumatic diseases such as RA, OA, camptodactyly and temporal arteritis, among others. On the other hand, great artists such as Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Antoni Gaudí, Raoul Dufy, Paul Klee, Frida Kahlo and Niki de Saint Phalle are good examples of how rheumatic diseases such as RA, scleroderma and chronic pain can influence the artist's perspective, the technique used and the content of their work. Art can serve as a powerful resource to understand the natural course of diseases. By learning through the artist's eyes the way illnesses behave and evolve in time, rheumatologists can trace the history of several conditions. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Rheumatology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected]
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