Table 1 - uploaded by Batia Laufer
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Text Coverage by Lexical Type in Four Kinds of Texts (from Nation, 2001, p. 17) 

Text Coverage by Lexical Type in Four Kinds of Texts (from Nation, 2001, p. 17) 

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... Little research has been conducted on learner-generated word cards or lists, and on their possible applications in collaborative learning activities in classroom settings. Since intentional learning techniques are claimed to enhance direct teaching of vocabulary (Nation, 2011), and also encourage learner autonomy (Laufer, Meara, & Nation, 2005), it is worthwhile to explore optimal ways in which such techniques can be integrated into vocabulary instruction and placed in the curriculum context. To address these limitations in the literature and respond to the current trends of technology enhanced language learning, this article thus focuses the discussion on the use of digital flashcards as an intentional vocabulary learning technique. ...
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As an attempt to follow through on the claims made by proponents of intentional vocabulary learning, the present study set out to examine whether and how digital flashcards can be incorporated into a university course to promote the vocabulary learning of English language learners. The overall research findings underscore the value of learning vocabulary with digital flashcards as an alternative to more conventional resources, and draw attention to the relative merits of embedding digital flashcards in collaborative learning tasks in classroom settings. This article then concludes by considering practical implications for supporting intentional vocabulary learning with the use of digital flashcards.
... As indicated by the results of Pearson correlation analysis, there are statistically significant differences between 'pre-tests and post-tests' and between 'pre-test total scores' and 'post-test total scores'.Therefore, it can be said that the Quizlet application is effective and supportive in helping students learn the words taught in the units. This finding aligns with the idea that 'Quizlet can be a powerful vocabulary learning tool when used correctly and has the potential to improve students' test scores and word acquisition' (Wright, 2016) and 'using flashcards is an effective way for students to enhance their vocabulary' (Laufer, Meara, & Nation, 2005). ...
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Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the Quizlet application, a computer-aided vocabulary learning tool widely recognized as an online flashcard application, on the development and retention of English vocabulary among students learning English as a foreign language. Design/Methodology/Approach: The data were obtained from 34 fifth-grade students studying English as a foreign language during 2019-2020 academic year at Yediiklim Secondary School in Karesi district of Balıkesir province. The research was conducted using a quantitative research method within quasi-experimental design without pre-test post-test control group. Quantitative data was collected through pre and post vocabulary achievement tests, retention test and scale. While word tests aim to measure students’ vocabulary acquisition, the retention test aims to measure students’ retention of vocabulary. The Quizlet Attitude Scale was also used to obtain opinions about Quizlet. Quantitative data were analyzed statistically in SPSS Statistics. Findings: As a result of the analysis, the findings show that there is a significant difference between Quizlet and test scores. According to the results of the survey, it is concluded that the students developed positive perceptions about the use of the Quizlet program. Highlights: In the light of these findings, it is recommended to use computer-based vocabulary learning tools as a student-centered and effective teaching technique in foreign language teaching and to expand their use.
... Measuring learners' vocabulary knowledge is regarded to be essential in that it provides both teachers and learners knowledge of the problematic areas and suggests some effective ways to improve vocabulary learning process (Webb & Sasao, 2013). The importance of increasing learners' vocabulary size is also emphasized in the vocabulary learning literature (Laufer et al., 2005;Nation, 1998;Nation, 2006;Schmitt, 2008;Schmitt & Schmitt, 2014). It has been indicated that due to the vital role of vocabulary knowledge in reading and listening, getting an idea about learners' receptive vocabulary size plays a crucial role (Beglar, 2010). ...
... Hence, a L2 learner needs to know approximately 5.000 or preferably 10.000 words to be able to use the language appropriately. The importance of learner autonomy for vocabulary learning has been emphasized explicitly in L2 literature (Laufer et al., 2005;Nation, 1998Nation, , 2003Nation, , 2011Webb & Nation, 2017). Laufer et al. (2005) suggest that teachers should motivate and encourage language learners to take responsibility for their own vocabulary learning. ...
... The importance of learner autonomy for vocabulary learning has been emphasized explicitly in L2 literature (Laufer et al., 2005;Nation, 1998Nation, , 2003Nation, , 2011Webb & Nation, 2017). Laufer et al. (2005) suggest that teachers should motivate and encourage language learners to take responsibility for their own vocabulary learning. One of Nation's (2003Nation's ( , 2011 guiding principles for teaching vocabulary is that teachers should help learners take responsibility for their own vocabulary learning, or in other words, encourage vocabulary learning autonomy as one of the important roles of the teacher in the language class. ...
... Desse modo, os professores deveriam ter como meta o ensino de 4 mil famílias de palavras, além de repeti-las sempre que possível -vários estudos citados por Nation (2001) enfatizam a necessidade de repetição para a aprendizagem -e de permitir a tradução (Ishii, 2017). Laufer (2005) concorda que a repetição e a tradução das palavras ajudam no aprendizado. ...
... nomeada Academic Vocabulary List (AVL), por meio de flashcards. Tal técnica é considerada bastante efetiva (Nation, 2005;Webb et al., 2020) e possibilita a repetição tida como crucial para a aprendizagem de vocabulário (Laufer, 2005;Nation, 2014Nation, , 2015. ...
... Onze estudantes tiveram uma elevação excepcional (S02, S05, S06, S07, S09, S12, S16, S17, S18, S21 e S24) e cinco (S14, S19, S20, S23 e S25) um crescimento expressivo. Esse acréscimo parece advir do emprego dos flashcards, o que vai ao encontro do preconizado por Ursic (2017), especificamente sobre os gamificados, e Hinkel (2015), sobre os tradicionais, como a forma mais eficiente de aumentar o vocabulário, graças à possibilidade da condição essencial para essa aprendizagem: a repetição (Laufer, 2005;Nation, 2015;Yaghoubi;Seyyedi, 2017). ...
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Este estudo quantitativo examina o contributo das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs), nomeadamente das atividades gamificadas e interativas, no ensino e aprendizagem de vocabulário científico e na compreensão de textos acadêmicos da área de Educação em inglês. A investigação teve a participação de 26 estudantes da área de Educação (25 da pós-graduação e uma da graduação) da Universidade Federal do Pará em um curso online de English for Specific Purposes (ESP), desenvolvido com base nas recomendações de pesquisadores das áreas de tecnologias, ensino e aprendizagem de inglês e design instrucional. As atividades foram disponibilizadas no Moodle (ferramentas Lição e Questionário) e no aplicativo Quizlet (flashcards gamificados). Os estudantes realizaram um pré-teste e um pós-teste (após oito lições), cujas análises comparativas entre ambos revelaram um aumento considerável das médias no pós-teste, o que pressupõe um efeito benéfico das tecnologias empregadas. Em suma, o estudo obteve resultados positivos referentes às duas hipóteses investigadas: aquisição de vocabulário científico e compreensão de textos em inglês. Palavras-chave: TICs. ESP. Vocabulário científico. Compreensão de textos acadêmicos em inglês.
... บทนำ ในการเรี ยนภาษาอั งกฤษให้ ประสบความสำเร็ จและสื ่ อสารได้ เป็ นอย่ างดี การเรี ยนรู ้ ตั ้ งแต่ ระดั บคำโดยเฉพาะคำศั พท์ ถื อเป็ นองค์ ประกอบที ่ สำคั ญของการเรี ยนภาษา (Hatch & Brown, 1995) เพราะความรู ้ ทางคำศั พท์ เป็ นองค์ ประกอบสำคั ญ ของสมรรถนะทางการสื ่ อสารและการเข้ าใจข้ อมู ลได้ อย่ างถู กต้ องจากการรั บสาร (Seal, 1991) ดั งนั ้ น ในการรู ้ คำศั พท์ ได้ อย่ าง ถ่ องแท้ ผู ้ เรี ยนจำเป็ นต้ องรู ้ ให้ ได้ ทั ้ ง 6 ระดั บดั งนี ้ 1) อ่ านออกเสี ยงได้ 2) สะกดได้ ถู กต้ อง 3) รู ้ จั กคำศั พท์ นั ้ นเมื ่ อฟั งหรื ออ่ าน 4) ระลึ กได้ เมื ่ อต้ องใช้ 5) ใช้ ได้ ถู กหลั กไวยากรณ์ 6) รู ้ ความสำคั ญในขอบข่ ายความหมาย (Richard, 1976;Nation, 1983;Gairns and Redman, 1986) ดั งนั ้ นผู ้ สอนจึ งต้ องส่ งเสริ มให้ ผู ้ เรี ยนหมั ่ นทบทวนคำศั พท์ เพื ่ อการจำได้ อย่ างแม่ นจำและใช้ ได้ ถู กต้ องจากการฝึ กฝนที ่ ต่ อเนื ่ อง (Laufer et al, 2005) จากการสอนวิ ...
... U tom smislu, Laufer i dr. (Laufer et al., 2005) iznose stav da je ʻkorišćenje kartica […] odličan način za brzo povećanje obima vokabularaʼ, te da možemo da ʻzaboravimo na sve kritike koje smo čuli o učenju napamet i prevođenju; istraživanja iznova i iznova dokazuju da je takvo učenje veoma efikasnoʼ (Ibid.). ...
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Bearing in mind the enormous importance teaching materials have in the language classroom, the paper deals with the analysis of modern approaches to creating foreign language textbooks at the university level. Considering the influence of the English language as a world language in which almost all the latest research and achievements in the field of technical sciences and geology are published, this textbook example is thus based on English as the common language of the largest number of speakers. We believe, however, that it can be further translated into other languages, thus providing students with the opportunity to study the same material in two or more languages, with more success and less cognitive load. Also, it is of great importance that language textbooks go through such academic and practical adjustments that will replace the essential shortcomings of traditional teaching with useful and applicable educational models. Following such goals, the paper tries to: 1) present the importance of developing teaching materials through the principles of visual values, authenticity and scaffolding; 2) clarify and shed light on the essential shortcomings of traditional teaching materials by comparing ESP and CLIL methods, and 3) present practical suggestions for practicing and acquiring the language through three activities adapted to the stated principles.
... Learning a new language-either spoken languages or computer programming languages-can require a lot of time to map new vocabulary words to their meaning. Repetition is critical to learning new vocabulary (Laufer, Meara, and Nation 2005;Larsen-Freeman 2012), and the repeated use of flashcards can provide an effective way to learn technical vocabulary (Yüksel, Mercanoğlu, and Yılmaz 2020). It is not clear how frequently flashcards are used to help computer language learners to learn programming syntax, but it seems likely that flashcards could be a useful tool in this endeavor (Hermans 2021). ...
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Flashcards can be an effective way to learn new material, including vocabulary, spoken languages, and computer programming languages. The `flashr` R package creates decks of flashcards from sets of terms and descriptions built around learning R. This package draws from a repository of decks based on existing books and resources. New decks are easy to build, and users can create new decks either for their own use or to contribute to the repository. Moreover, the decks do not have to be about R or even programming languages. Users can develop their own decks for whatever material they would like to learn.
... These findings suggest that the newly designed peerchain vocabulary revision technique could be used as an effective technique in foreign language classes to enhance vocabulary learning and retention. The use of digital word cards with the medium of WhatsApp is thought to be one of the reasons for the positive effect of the technique in that it both provides the opportunity of deliberate vocabulary learning which is reported as a powerful strategy in terms of vocabulary learning and retention (Nation, 2001(Nation, , 2003(Nation, , 2006Nation & Meara, 2002;Webb & Nation, 2017) and unlimited opportunities of repetition which is indicated in the literature (Bloom & Shuell, 1981;Dempster, 1987;Laufer et al. 2005;Namaziandost et al. 2019;Nation, 2001;Nation & Meara, 2002;Webb & Nation, 2017) as an important factor in vocabulary learning. It is known that the use of WhatsApp was common among the participants of this study for social communication, and they already had a class WhatsApp group. ...
... One other limitation is that the participants studied certain words that appeared in their coursebook. Future studies may consider replication of the study with new words or with the high-frequency words which are essential in vocabulary learning and deserve considerable time and effort as strongly recommended by researchers (Laufer et al. 2005;Nation, 2001;Webb & Nation, 2017). Also, the digital word cards were prepared by the researchers in this study. ...
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The purpose of this mixed-method study was to examine the effect of a new vocabulary revision technique “peer-chain” developed by the researchers on vocabulary learning and retention among English as a foreign language (EFL) university students. A total of 46 participants (21 in the control group and 25 in the experimental group) completed the study, and the effectiveness of the treatment was checked via conducting a pre-test post-test/retention test control group design for the quantitative part. The study was eight weeks in duration, and the students were assessed with a 42-question, multiple-choice vocabulary achievement test (VAT). An analysis of ANOVA for the quantitative data showed a significant difference in students’ vocabulary achievement between the students who used peer-chain and the students who used traditional word cards. Also, the study explored learner perceptions through interviews with the experimental group students. The qualitative content analysis of the interview data showed that most learners had positive perceptions of the technique. Both quantitative and qualitative outcomes suggest that integrating WhatsApp with the peer-chain technique in teaching vocabulary is a promising technique and can be more successful than the traditional paper-based word cards for vocabulary learning and retention.
... We find this function effective like the authors of some publications (Phillips, 2016). We support the idea that when a student knows a word in their native language, pictures allow connecting the new word to their background knowledge, creating and reinforcing word associations that will help the word to become a part of the long-term memory (Laufer, Meara, & Nation, 2005). Pictures help us memorise and recall vocabulary better since more neural connections are established between different parts of the human brain. ...
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The research aims to study and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the use of the Quizlet computer-based flashcard program for teaching future air traffic controllers (ATCs) profession-related vocabulary. In this research, we applied a mixed-method research design. The sample of the experiment participants was 57 first-year students majoring in “Aviation transport”. To evaluate the efficiency of Quizlet incorporation into aviation English learning, we used tests, speaking activities, observations, and questionnaires (the former two to assess passive and active vocabulary knowledge and the latter to evaluate the students` engagement and motivation). The empirical data proved Quizlet to be an effective vocabulary learning tool that positively influences students` proficiency in speaking skills and interest in learning aviation English. Based on the obtained findings, we claim vocabulary acquisition to be the basis for foreign language learners` general language proficiency contributing to the development of voice communication skills. An important conclusion is made on the need to include in aviation English courses the intentional vocabulary learning component implying explicit vocabulary teaching, which then should be complemented with speaking practice and incidental vocabulary acquisition techniques. The research findings can be implied in aviation English and foreign language teaching presenting an experimental verification of computer-based flashcard program efficiency in the language learning process.
... Measuring learners' vocabulary knowledge is regarded to be essential in that it provides both teachers and learners knowledge of the problematic areas and suggests some effective ways to improve vocabulary learning process (Webb & Sasao, 2013). The importance of increasing learners' vocabulary size is also emphasized in the vocabulary learning literature (Laufer et al., 2005;Nation, 1998;Nation, 2006;Schmitt, 2008;Schmitt & Schmitt, 2014). It has been indicated that due to the vital role of vocabulary knowledge in reading and listening, getting an idea about learners' receptive vocabulary size plays a crucial role (Beglar, 2010). ...
... Hence, a L2 learner needs to know approximately 5.000 or preferably 10.000 words to be able to use the language appropriately. The importance of learner autonomy for vocabulary learning has been emphasized explicitly in L2 literature (Laufer et al., 2005;Nation, 1998Nation, , 2003Nation, , 2011Webb & Nation, 2017). Laufer et al. (2005) suggest that teachers should motivate and encourage language learners to take responsibility for their own vocabulary learning. ...
... The importance of learner autonomy for vocabulary learning has been emphasized explicitly in L2 literature (Laufer et al., 2005;Nation, 1998Nation, , 2003Nation, , 2011Webb & Nation, 2017). Laufer et al. (2005) suggest that teachers should motivate and encourage language learners to take responsibility for their own vocabulary learning. One of Nation's (2003Nation's ( , 2011 guiding principles for teaching vocabulary is that teachers should help learners take responsibility for their own vocabulary learning, or in other words, encourage vocabulary learning autonomy as one of the important roles of the teacher in the language class. ...
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Introduction: In the related literature, knowledge of vocabulary is mentioned to be crucial as one of the crucial parts of language learning. Measuring learners’ vocabulary knowledge is regarded to be essential in that it provides both teachers and learners knowledge of the problematic areas and suggests some practical ways to improve the vocabulary learning process. It could be said that an autonomous learner is a leading actor in his own language learning process because, as stated by Nation (1998), learning is performed by the individual learner. Little (1995) asserts that learner autonomy should be set as an explicit goal in language learning contexts in that autonomy on the part of the learners plays a vital role in student success. So, we hypothesize that vocabulary learning autonomy has a significant influence on the learners’ vocabulary size. Methods: This study aims to investigate Turkish ELT student teachers’ vocabulary learning autonomy, vocabulary size, and the potential relationships between these two variables. Ninety-five student teachers in an ELT teacher education program at a university in Turkey participated in the study. The data were collected via two quantitative data collection instruments: Vocabulary Learning Autonomy (VLA) questionnaire and The Vocabulary Size Test (VST). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlations. As for the VST, the correct answers were counted, and an overall score was found. The participants’ scores were multiplied by 100 to get their total vocabulary size up to the 14th 1000 word-family level. As for the questionnaire, descriptive statistics (mean, frequency, standard deviation) were conducted. Results: The findings revealed that student teachers held a moderate level of vocabulary learning autonomy. The vocabulary size mean score was 77.14, which means that the participants had approximately enough vocabulary to deal with unsimplified written texts, and enough vocabulary to deal with unsimplified spoken texts. Additionally, there were significant and positive relationships between the responsibility and ability dimensions of the VLA scale. However, the findings revealed non-significant correlations among all the VLA’s dimensions and the vocabulary size. Discussion: The findings regarding the participants’ vocabulary learning autonomy showed that the participants held a moderate level of vocabulary learning autonomy. This finding is essential in that one of the most important goals of education is encouraging learners to work more independently both in and out of the classroom (Moir & Nation, 2002). There were significant and positive relationships between the responsibility and ability dimensions of the VLA scale. This finding, which is in line with Koller (2015), suggests that the participants feel capable of learning vocabulary items when they perceive themselves as responsible people instead of a teacher. Based on the results regarding vocabulary size, it is reasonable to conclude that the participants had approximately enough vocabulary for comprehension of unsimplified written texts and enough vocabulary for spoken texts based on Nation’s (2006) research reporting that learners need 8000 to 9000 word-family vocabulary for comprehension of unsimplified written texts and 6000 to 7000 word-family vocabulary for unsimplified spoken texts. Limitations: The research is limited to only first-year student teachers of English and the data consist of only quantitative data. Conclusion: The findings of the present study imply the need to foster vocabulary learning autonomy of learners in teacher education programs. Student teachers hold two identities as learners and teachers of the future. It is crucial to examine their readiness because there is a bulk of evidence in the literature that teachers’ readiness for autonomy affects their ability to foster their students’ autonomy. The findings of the present study imply the need to foster vocabulary learning autonomy and utilizing some strategies to improve vocabulary size.