Figure 1 - uploaded by Jordi Bou
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Territoire couvert par l'étude avec en vert les secteurs ou la prospection est quasi complète, en orange les secteurs étudiées mais restant à compléter et en bleu les secteurs qui restent à étudier.
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Aquest llibre conté els articles i resums derivats de les comunicacions i pòsters presentats al XII Col·loqui Internacional de Botànica Pirenaica‐Cantàbrica celebrat a Girona del 3 al 5 de juliol de 2019. L’ordre seguit en els articles, és el de presentació durant el congres. També s’han afegit la conferencia inaugural del Dr. Pèlachs, titulada “El...
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The sessile oak forests found on the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula are ascribed to the Lathyro-Quercetum
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Sessile oaks are found close to other communities, such as silver birches and Scot pine forests.
On the other hand, in the warm areas at low elevations, the sessile oak community was more established, with plants typical of this type of forest. These slightly warmer zones with sessile oaks are very important in terms of conservation and more vulnerable to climate change and the thermophilization of the community, as has been studied. As such, protecting and managing these forests is key to conserving this community. Nevertheless, as current protection measures do not safeguard most of these forests, it is essential to define a conservation strategy to preserve them. Using the conservation status, we have established criteria to improve the conservation strategy for sessile oak forest on the NE Iberian Peninsula.