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Many so-called ‘zero tense’-marked (which we define as morphologically reduced and underspecified inflections) or untensed verb forms found in tenseless languages, have been characterized as context dependent for their temporal and aspectual interpretation, with the verb’s aspectual content (either as event structure or viewpoint properties) being...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... to this account, the temporal anchoring of REAL-V-Ø utterances is largely determined by the event structural properties (Aktionsart) of the utterance: stative utterances seem to favor a present anchoring, utterances denoting atomic telic events (cf. Dowty 1986; i.e., achievements) impose a past interpretation, those denoting either atelic dynamic events (i.e., activities and unbounded changes-of-state events) or non-atomic telic events (i.e., accomplishments) are capable of both past and present readings, as shown in Table 2. Smith and Erbaugh (2005), Smith (2006Smith ( , 2008, Smith et al. (2007), Mucha (2013)), where atomic events (in the sense of Dowty (1986), andCaudal (1999)) correspond to non-scalar/non-incremental telic events (i.e., more or less to achievements, see Caudal and Nicolas (2005) Bednall's (2020) account of the Anindilyakwa zero tense. ...Context 2
... empty contexts cropped up mostly in our elicited material, when no temporal or aspectual prompt had been given to language speakers. Table 12 gives the figures for the temporal interpretation of bounded vs. unbounded utterances in empty contexts: unboundedness then has a categorical effect too, as it always associates with present temporal readings. Running FET on Table 12 is rather pointless given such a non-balanced sample, as standard FET is known to behave rather poorly in such cases-and they are very unbalanced here, given their categorical opposition. ...Context 3
... 12 gives the figures for the temporal interpretation of bounded vs. unbounded utterances in empty contexts: unboundedness then has a categorical effect too, as it always associates with present temporal readings. Running FET on Table 12 is rather pointless given such a non-balanced sample, as standard FET is known to behave rather poorly in such cases-and they are very unbalanced here, given their categorical opposition. This notably yields a confidence interval with an 'infinite' value as its upper bound; see Blaker (2000) and Fay (2010) for a discussion. ...Context 4
... it should be observed that in Table 12, bounded utterances comprise 20 achievement utterances and 7 accomplishment utterances, whereas unbounded utterances comprise 6 stative utterances, 5 activity utterances, and-surprisingly enough-3 accomplishment utterances. This event structure breakup demonstrates that accomplishments (non-atomic telic events) can have both past and present anchorings even in an empty context: however, this particular dataset is too small to conclude more as far as aspectual classes of event predicates denoted by verbs are concerned. ...Citations
... Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif untuk mengukur data secara numerik menggunakan instrumen dan metode statistic (Andrés-Sánchez, 2021; Barrientos-Báez, 2022;Caudal, 2023;Meyr, 2020). Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kemampuan TPACK calon guru vokasi pada mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. ...
Pentingnya mengintegrasikan pengetahuan Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) dalam pendidikan vokasional menyoroti tantangan calon guru dalam mencapai standar kompetensi. Kurangnya pemahaman TPACK mahasiswa menjadi sebuah masalah karena konsep TPACK relevan dengan kompetensi untuk menjadi seorang guru. TPACK mengacu pada pengetahuan yang mengintegrasikan tiga komponen utama yaitu pengetahuan teknologi, pedagogik dan konten/materi ajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kemampuan TPACK calon guru vokasional yaitu, mahasiswa yang sedang melaksanakan Praktek Keterampilan Mengajar (PKM) di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) wilayah Jakarta. Metode penelitian menggunakan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan sample purposive sampling sebanyak 36 mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument dan observasi yang telah diuji validitas dan reabilitasnya berupa kuesioner penilaian dari guru pengampu (pamong). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kemampuan Technological, pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) calon guru vokasional secara kumulatif dalam kategori baik. Mahasiswa perlu untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya terkait pemahaman dan penerapan TPACK dalam mengajar untuk memenuhi tuntutan dari kompetensi guru. Hal ini memberikan gambaran positif terkait kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengintegrasikan Teknologi, Pedagogik, dan Content dalam konteks pembelajaran vokasi, terutama pada komponen Pedagogik dan Konten.
... To the best of our knowledge, although there was much research on selectional preferences Caudal and Bednall (2023), the literature has yet to use selectional preferences for triples. As far as we have seen, only one usage of this technique for triples has been proposed, and there needs to be more work on triple knowledge graphs. ...
Knowledge graphs facilitate the extraction of knowledge from data and provide a comprehensive overview of all knowledge within departments, across departments, and global organizations. To enrich the extracted knowledge, several solutions have been proposed to complete the knowledge graph. This study investigates the effectiveness of using the selectional preferences technique to establish the dependency between triple entities in a knowledge graph. To this end, this paper proposes a three-phase approach, Selectional Preferences Knowledge Graph (SP-KG) to determine the relevance degree of all triple entities in the knowledge graph based on selectional preferences. The results demonstrate that the three-phase approach accurately identifies entity dependencies, which can be applied for knowledge extraction. Furthermore, this approach uses a Persian knowledge graph, which enhances the completeness of Persian language knowledge. Finally, the SP-KG model is evaluated on the SP-10K dataset proposed in state-of-the-art research to prove its accuracy. Similar results for both datasets indicate good performance. Glove and Word2Vec are also used to compare the proposed model with other methods. The accuracy results of the 2-way and 3-way pseudo-disambiguation demonstrate the high quality of the results produced by the proposed model.
... As mentioned previously (footnote 3), however, we leave aside here habitual and generic construals, restricting ourselves to episodic readings. 7 For further discussion of the temporal interpretation of bare stative vs. eventive predicates, see Caudal and Bednall (2022) (in this Special Issue), who convincingly argue against the view found in the literature that aktionsart largely determines the temporal anchoring of sentences with bare predicates (e.g., Smith and Erbaugh 2005), concluding that biases towards a particular temporal anchoring can always be overruled by additional contextual temporal information, whatever the event structure type of the predicate. 8 For an extensive discussion of Mandarin perfective aspect, see Zhao (2022) (in this Special Issue). ...
In this paper, we investigate constraints on the time reference of embedded clauses in Mandarin. We show that while English past-tensed embedded clauses disallow later-than-matrix readings in intensional contexts on a de dicto construal, Mandarin relative clauses with bare predicates yield temporally free readings across the board. We argue that the contrast between the temporal interpretations of bare embedded clauses in Mandarin vs. past-tensed embedded clauses in En- glish is not due to a putative contrast between ‘tenseless’ languages (as Mandarin is traditionally assumed to be) and ‘tensed’ languages such as English. Mandarin is indeed not tenseless, but rather has a covert Non-Future tense, restricting the reference time of bare sentences to non-future times. Moreover, Mandarin superficially tenseless embedded clauses with overt—be it perfect, perfective, durative/progressive—aspectual marking do not allow later-than-matrix readings on a de dicto con- strual, just like tensed embedded clauses in English. We conclude that the freedom of interpretation of bare embedded clauses in Mandarin cannot be imputed to null semantically underspecified tense, but rather to null semantically underspecified aspect. Our analysis provides, to our knowledge, the first arguments for Non-Future tense in embedded contexts.