Table 3 - uploaded by M. Bowles
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-Template to record influencing strategy for key stakeholders STAKEHOLDER: 

-Template to record influencing strategy for key stakeholders STAKEHOLDER: 

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At present there is no universally accepted body of knowledge suggesting the best method for leading the design and implementation of a learning strategy at a strategic or organisational level. While this publication does not seek to promote a single ‘silver bullet’ solution, it does seek to help leaders and educators better understand how to syste...


... This has created a need to investigate how strategic management using strategic analysis and strategic implementation affects learning organisations in the Nigerian banking industry. The motivation for this study is also based on the recommendations of Bowles (2013), who assert that the banking industry is prone to fluctuations caused by top executes strategies. However, the degree of such strategic activities on learning organisation is scarce in existing literature based on the Nigerian context. ...
... Strategic management has engendered a lot of discussions in the existing literature. Strategic management and its components (strategic analysis and strategic implementation) have been argued to be a driver of financial performance, firms' effectiveness, technological awareness, firm competitiveness and fostering an increase in market share (Soomro, Mangi, & Shah, 2020, Coban, Ozdemir, & Pisapia, 2019Bowles, 2013;Comai & Tena, 2007). The effect of strategic management on learning organisation has been of concern to scholars in most recent times. ...
... Angsor & Yusof (2019) examined the effect of strategic implementation and analysis in the public sector and concluded that it is not enough to look at the effect of these two components of strategic management from a particular sector and reach a conclusion. Bowles (2013) argues that there is a need to determine the combined effect of these dimensions (strategic implementation and strategic analysis) of strategic management in a dynamic environment. This is so because strategic implementation and strategic analysis cannot be done isolation and that both dimensions go and in hand (Worimegbe et al., 2018). ...
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The study examines strategic management dimensions on Organisational learning in the banking sector with the aim of establishing the most significant construct driving organizational learning. The study is premised on the strategic implementation and strategic analysis dimensions of strategic management. The survey research design was employed in the study. 400 bank employees were surveyed through questionnaires. Data were analyzed using the regression. The result reveals that the elements of strategic management (β=0.788, R2= 0.621, F=56.733, p=0.000) combined have a significant effect on organizational learning. The study also established that strategic implementation is the most significant driver of organizational learning in the banking sector. The study was carried out in the banking sector. It is expected that the outcome may vary if such study is carried out in other industry and climate. The study shows that organisations especially those in the banking sector should place more attention to the implementation of their strategic goals as they continually analyse their internal and external environment as this will drive them to better performance. They should align their strategies with the dynamic environment in order to achieve their corporate goals. The study addresses the issue of strategic management as it drives organizational learning.