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Temperature dependent thermal conductivities of 4H-SiC single crystals. They decrease monotonically with the increase of temperature.

Temperature dependent thermal conductivities of 4H-SiC single crystals. They decrease monotonically with the increase of temperature.

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Thermal diffusivity and specific heat of 4H-SiC crystals as a function of temperature are measured, respectively, from room temperature to 600 °C. The thermal conductivity normal to c-axis was calculated from the measured data for both N-type and V-doped semi-insulating (SI) 4H-SiC single crystals. The thermal conductivity of N-type sample normal t...

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... This reduced self-heating enables more stable device performance, though Si-based devices still require thermal management to maintain efficiency under high-power conditions. In contrast, the 4H-SiC substrate stands out due to its much higher thermal conductivity (370-490 W/m K) [40], which allows for efficient heat dissipation. The ability to manage heat more effectively with 4H-SiC, results in better overall device performance compared to β-Ga₂O₃ and Si-based devices. ...
... • 4H-SiC MOSFETs, with their much higher thermal conductivity (~370-490 W/m K) [40], exhibit better heat dissipation, leading to minimal self-heating effects and stable current saturation. MOSFET at positive V gs = +8 V and V ds = 40 V is attributed to the self-heating effect, which is more pronounced in β-Ga₂O₃ due to its low thermal conductivity (~10-27 W/m K) [13,37]. ...
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In this article, a Schottky barrier β‐Ga2O3 MOSFET is proposed. It shows improvements in drain saturation current, Ion/Ioff ratio, transconductance, and off‐state breakdown voltage. The proposed design, which implements the Schottky barrier source and drain contacts, has led to reduced on‐state resistance (Ron), reduced forward voltage drops, faster switching speed, higher frequency, and improved efficiency. After device optimization, we determined that a source and drain having a work function of 3.90 eV result in the highest drain saturation current of (Ids) 264 mA. Additionally, in the transfer characteristics, we demonstrate that increasing the channel doping concentration led to a shift toward depletion mode operation, while decreasing the doping concentration moved the device toward enhancement mode at the cost of drain current. Analysis of lattice temperature and self‐heating effects on different substrates has also been performed. Furthermore, introducing a passivation layer of SiO2 as a gate oxide and an unintentionally doped (UID) layer of 400 nm doping concentration of 1.5 × 10¹⁵ cm⁻³, results in further significant improvements in the drain saturation current (Ids) of 624 mA and transconductance of 38.09 mS, approximately doubling their values compared with the device without a passivation layer of SiO2 and an Ion/Ioff ratio of 10¹⁵, and the device's performance at various substrate temperatures has been evaluated. In addition, the inclusion of a passivation layer of SiO2 improves the breakdown voltage to 2385 V, which is significantly high compared with the conventional device. Moreover, the lower specific‐on‐resistance Ron,sp of 7.6 mΩ/cm² and higher breakdown voltage then the high‐power figure of merit (PFOM) (BV²/Ron,sp) of 748 MW/cm² have been achieved.
... Effective thermal management strategies are crucial for addressing this concern. Prior research has explored approaches such as growing β-Ga 2 O 3 on SiC substrates via molecular beam epitaxy [14], low pressure chemical vapor deposition [15], liquid-injection metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) [16], bonding to diamond [17], or integrating β-Ga 2 O 3 thin films with highly thermally conductive SiC (340 W/mK) substrates through wafer bonding and smart-cut technologies [18][19][20][21][22]. These techniques significantly enhance heat dissipation in β-Ga 2 O 3 thin films. ...
This study successfully grew β-Ga 2 O 3 epitaxial films on silicon carbide substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition and fabricated vertical Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs), which were annealed in a high temperature furnace. The high surface roughness and oxygen vacancies of the unannealed device caused a large leakage current, thus three different annealing durations were used to repair the surface oxygen vacancies in an O 2 : N 2 =1:4 gas environment. The results showed that a 5-minute thermal annealing process was the most effective in repairing surface oxygen vacancies. According to the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra of the O 1 s core levels in Ga 2 O 3 epilayers, the proportion of oxygen vacancies decreased from 56.56 % to 49.71 %. Additionally, the leakage current density was decreased from 10 − 3 to 10 − 5 A/cm 2 and the surface roughness decreases to 32.6 nm due to stress release. Furthermore, the barrier heights (φ b) of the SBDs without annealing, and after annealed for 5, 20, and 40 min were measured at 0.911, 1.229, 1.090, and 1.115 eV, respectively. It was observed that the SBD fabricated on the epilayer annealed for 5 min exhibited the lowest leakage current (approximately 2 × 10⁻⁵ A/cm 2) and the highest breakdown voltage, measuring around 132 V.
... Silicon carbide, particularly its 4H polytype (4H-SiC), has been proposed as a promising WBG semiconductor for high-power, high-temperature, and high-frequency applications. The 4H-SiC polytype, with its wide bandgap of 3.23 eV, high breakdown electric field of up to 4 MV/cm [30], and superior thermal conductivity of 3.47 W/cm·K [31], offers significant improvement in contrast with conventional silicon-based devices. However, the application of 4H-SiC in electronic devices is suppressed by the presence of various defects that can significantly impact material properties and device performance [32][33][34][35]. ...
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... Particularly, the heat capacity C p and thermal conductivity k have a much larger rate of change in 4H-SiC than in silicon for the same temperature range 22,25 , as shown in Fig. 2e. Unfortunately, despite a few studies have reported the temperature-dependent thermal property in 4H-SiC, the reported values in each reference have large variations 22,[26][27][28][29][30] . These variations arise from different doping types and concentrations 28 , pressure 29 , and sample preparation methods, such as thin film 30 versus bulk wafers 28 . ...
... Finite element analysis COMSOL Multiphysics® was used for finite element analysis. The disk resonator is reconstructed in 3D based on the actual device measurement along with some imperfection assumptions, and the material properties are adopted from references 20,22,[25][26][27][28][29]48 . The meshing conditions and results can be found in the supplementary Fig. 3. ...
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Inertial navigation on a chip has long been constrained by the noise and stability issues of micromechanical Coriolis gyroscopes, as silicon, the dominant material for microelectromechanical system devices, has reached the physical limits of its material properties. To address these challenges, this study explores silicon carbide, specifically its monocrystalline 4H polytype, as a substrate to improve gyroscope performance due to its low phonon Akhiezer dissipation and its isotropic hexagonal crystal lattice. We report on low-noise electrostatic acoustic resonant gyroscopes with mechanical quality factors exceeding several millions, fabricated on bonded 4H silicon carbide-on-insulator wafers. These gyroscopes operate using megahertz frequency bulk acoustic wave modes for large open-loop bandwidth and are tuned electrostatically using capacitive transducers created by wafer-level deep reactive ion etching. Experimental results show these gyroscopes achieve superior performance under various conditions and demonstrate higher quality factors at increased temperatures, enabling enhanced performance in an ovenized or high-temperature stabilized configuration.
... Specific heat capacities (C) and densities (ρ) of each of the TRISO materials reported in Refs. [17,[29][30][31] were also treated as fixed parameters, as summarised ...
... [16], [17], [18], and [19]. For various bulk SiC materials reported in literature, the measured thermal conductivity values using different techniques can vary from 10 W•m -1 K -1 to 450 W•m -1 K -1 [17,[29][30][31]. For instance, as shown in Figure 7 in ref [31], the CVD SiC with a grain size Note that the SiC layer thermal conductivities measured using ns-TDTR and TDTR are consistent but there is greater variability between other techniques as shown in detailed modelling as shown in Figure 3 would be needed to understand whether this could explain the lower SiC thermal conductivities measured using these techniques versus TDTR and ns-TDTR. ...
... Measured thermal conductivities of TRISO layers and assumed thermal properties from[17,[29][30][31]. a Measured and b derived using the measured thermal conductivities and assumed C and ρ values. ...
... Although the FinFET structure has many advantages, the concentrated current flowing through the fin channel during operation generates a significant amount of heat. It should also be noted that the thermal conductivity of β-Ga 2 O 3 (11-27 W mK −1 [18]) is one order of magnitude lower than that of 4H-SiC (∼300 W mK −1 [19]) and GaN (∼170 W mK −1 [20]), leading to the failure induced by insufficient heat dissipation of β-Ga 2 O 3 FinFETs in high-power applications. ...
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In this paper, a beta-phase gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) vertical FinFET with diamond-gate has been studied by Silvaco-ATLAS simulation. The diamond-gate structure achieves adjustable pin (p-insulator-n) junction owing to the diamond-SiO2-Ga2O3 heterostructure. This design also enhances heat dissipation by virtue of the high thermal conductivity of the diamond. Compared to conventional FinFETs, the diamond-gate FinFET (DG-FinFET) reduces the static operating temperature rise by around 17.30%. Additionally, due to its greater heat dissipation capacity, DG-FinFETs provide a 5.84% increase in current density at 1 kA cm⁻² current density level. The structural changes in the diamond-gate also result in a significant reduction in the gate-source capacitance (C GS). At 1 MHz operating frequency and the same gate voltage, DG-FinFETs have 69.29% less gate-source charge (Q GS), 70.80% less charge/discharge delay time, 73.70% less switching loss, and 57.15% less conduction loss. Overall, the simulation and analysis presented in this work indicate a promising advancement of the DG-FinFET structure in high-power and rapid switching applications.
... 4H-SiC has unique physical and mechanical properties that give it excellent stability in high-temperature environments [55,56]. In addition, 4H-SiC has high thermal conductivity and chemical stability, making it an ideal matrix for composites [57]. In this study, the condensation and tensile properties of Cu/SiC composites centered on 4H-SiC particles of different shapes were investigated using MD simulations. ...
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The shape of ceramic particles is one of the factors affecting the properties of metal matrix composites. Exploring the mechanism of ceramic particles affecting the cooling mechanical behavior and microstructure of composites provides a simulation basis for the design of high-performance composites. In this study, molecular dynamics methods are used for investigating the microstructure evolution mechanism in Cu/SiC composites containing SiC particles of different shapes during the rapid solidification process and evaluating the mechanical properties after cooling. The results show that the spherical SiC composites demonstrate the highest degree of local ordering after cooling. The more ordered the formation is of face-centered-cubic and hexagonal-close-packed structures, the better the crystallization is of the final composite and the less the number of stacking faults. Finally, the results of uniaxial tensile in three different directions after solidification showed that the composite containing spherical SiC particles demonstrated the best mechanical properties. The findings of this study provide a reference for understanding the preparation of Cu/SiC composites with different shapes of SiC particles as well as their microstructure and mechanical properties and provide a new idea for the experimental and theoretical research of Cu/SiC metal matrix composites.
... The ablation requirement would be ascertained by discovering the isotherm that most closely matched the geometrical morphology of the ablation hole, in accordance with the phase-explosion mechanism and the Coulomb explosion mechanism of the femtosecond laser ablation [38][39][40]. In the validation experiment, the ablation requirement of the model was investigated by employing a laser power of 6.83 W. The ablation morphology is seen with CLSM as shown in Figure 3a, where the ablation hole depth is 0.72 µm and the surface machining diameter is 18.2 µm. ...
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Silicon carbide (SiC) is utilized in the automotive, semiconductor, and aerospace industries because of its desirable characteristics. Nevertheless, the traditional machining method induces surface microcracks, low geometrical precision, and severe tool wear due to the intrinsic high brittleness and hardness of SiC. Femtosecond laser processing as a high-precision machining method offers a new approach to SiC processing. However, during the process of femtosecond laser ablation, temperature redistribution and changes in geometrical morphology features are caused by alterations in carrier density. Therefore, the current study presented a multi-physics model that took carrier density alterations into account to more accurately predict the geometrical morphology for femtosecond laser ablating SiC. The transient nonlinear evolutions of the optical and physical characteristics of SiC irradiated by femtosecond laser were analyzed and the influence of laser parameters on the ablation morphology was studied. The femtosecond laser ablation experiments were performed, and the ablated surfaces were subsequently analyzed. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model can effectively predict the geometrical morphology. The predicted error of the ablation diameter is within the range from 0.15% to 7.44%. The predicted error of the ablation depth is within the range from 1.72% to 6.94%. This work can offer a new way to control the desired geometrical morphology of SiC in the automotive, semiconductor, and aerospace industries.
... Silicon carbide (SiC), particularly 4H-SiC, is highly suitable for power device applications in extreme environments due to its high thermal conductivity (∼3.7 W·cm −1 ·K −1 ) [1], high critical breakdown field (∼3 MV cm −1 ), high threshold displacement energy (20-35 eV) [2], and excellent radiation tolerance [3]. Among the commercially available devices, SiC-based metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) are a key power device in the power source of spacecraft and satellites. ...
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This article investigates the radiation effects on as-deposited and annealed AlN films on 4H-SiC substrates under gamma-rays. The AlN films are prepared using plasma-enhanced-atomic-layer-deposition on an n-type 4H-SiC substrate. The AlN/4H-SiC MIS structure is subjected to gamma-ray irradiation with total doses of 0, 300, and 600 krad(Si). Physical, chemical, and electrical methods were employed to study the variations in surface morphology, charge transport, and interfacial trapping characteristics induced by irradiation. After 300 krad(Si) irradiation, the as-deposited and annealed samples exhibit their highest root mean square values of 0.917 nm and 1.190 nm, respectively, which is attributed to N vacancy defects induced by irradiation. Under irradiation, the flatband voltage (V fb) of the as-deposited sample shifts from 2.24 to 0.78 V, while the annealed sample shifts from 1.18 to 2.16 V. X-ray photoelectron spectrum analysis reveals the decomposition of O-related defects in the as-deposited AlN and the formation of Al(NO x ) y compounds in the annealed sample. Furthermore, the space-charge-limits-conduction (SCLC) in the as-deposited sample is enhanced after radiation, while the barrier height of the annealed sample decreases from 1.12 to 0.84 eV, accompanied by the occurrence of the SCLC. The physical mechanism of the degradation of electrical performance in irradiated devices is the introduction of defects like N vacancies and O-related defects like Al(NO x ) y . These findings provide valuable insights for SiC power devices in space applications.
... One of the promising solutions is to integrate b-Ga 2 O 3 thin films with highly thermal conductive substrates, e.g., SiC (340 W/mÁK), diamond (2200 W/mÁK) by utilizing the low thermal resistance of the thin-film geometry as well as the superior heatdissipation performance of the heterogeneous substrates. [9][10][11] Lin et al. 12 extracted the ideal out-of-plane equivalent thermal conductivity of a 21-lm-thick b-Ga 2 O 3 bonded with a 350-lm-thick poly-SiC substrate as 153 W/mÁK, which is comparable to that of Si (156 W/mÁK), indicating a significantly improved heat-dissipation capability by using a SiC substrate. ...
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Heterogeneous integration of β-Ga2O3 on highly thermal conductive SiC substrate by the ion-cutting technique is an effective solution to break the heat-dissipation bottleneck of β-Ga2O3 power electronics. In order to acquire high-quality β-Ga2O3 materials on SiC substrates, it is essential to understand the influence of the ion-cutting process on the current transport in β-Ga2O3 devices and to further optimize the electrical characteristics of the exfoliated β-Ga2O3 materials. In this work, the high quality of β-Ga2O3/SiC structure was constructed by the ion-cutting process, in which an amorphous layer of only 1.2 nm was formed between β-Ga2O3 and SiC. The current transport characteristics of Au/Pt/Ni/β-Ga2O3 Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) on SiC were systematically investigated. β-Ga2O3 SBDs with a high rectification ratio of 10⁸ were realized on a heterogeneous β-Ga2O3 on-SiC (GaOSiC) substrate. The net carrier concentration of the β-Ga2O3 thin film for GaOSiC substrate was down to about 8% leading to a significantly higher resistivity, compared to the β-Ga2O3 donor wafer, which is attributed to the increase in acceptor-type implantation defects during the ion-cutting process. Furthermore, temperature-dependent current–voltage characteristics suggested that the reverse leakage current was limited by the thermionic emission at a low electric field, while at a high electric field, it was dominated by the Poole–Frenkel emission from E3 deep donors caused by the implantation-induced GaO antisite defects. These results would advance the development of β-Ga2O3 power devices on high thermal conductivity substrate fabricated by ion-cutting technique.