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Temperature (T) and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration proxies during the Phanerozoic Eon. Time series of the global temperature proxy (δ 18 O*(−1), red curve, n = 6680) are from Prokoph et al. [28] while concurrent atmospheric CO2 concentration proxies (green curve, n = 831) are from Royer [40]. The red curve plots moving averages of the non-detrended T proxy averaged in 50 My windows incremented in ten-My steps (the 10–50 My moving average in Figure 3b). The green curve shows mean CO2 concentration values in one-My bins averaged over high-resolution portions of the CO2 record (the most recent Phanerozoic) and linearly interpolated over low-resolution portions (the older Phanerozoic). Glaciations based on independent sedimentary evidence are designated by vertical blue cross-hatched areas, while putative cool periods are designated by vertical solid blue bars. Major cooling and warming cycles are shown by the colored bars across the top while geological periods and evolutionary milestones are shown across the bottom. Abbreviations: CO2, atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide based on various proxies (Methods); ppmv, parts per million by volume; Silu, Silurian; Neo, Neogene; Quatern, Quaternary. The three major glacial periods and ten cooling periods identified by blue cross-hatches and solid lines, respectively, are (after [21]): Glacial periods. 1. late Devonian/early Carboniferous; 2. Permo-Carboniferous; 3. late Cenozoic. Cooling periods. 1. late Pliensbachian; 2. Bathonian; 3. late Callovian to mid-Oxfordian; 4. Tithonian to early Berriasian; 5. Aptian; 6. mid-Cenomanian; 7. mid-Turonian; 8. Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary; 9. mid-Maastrichtian; 10. late-Maastrichtian.
Source publication
Assessing human impacts on climate and biodiversity requires an understanding of the relationship between the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth’s atmosphere and global temperature (T). Here I explore this relationship empirically using comprehensive, recently-compiled databases of stable-isotope proxies from the Phanerozoic Eon (~5...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... and atmospheric CO2 concentration proxies plotted in the same time series panel ( Figure 5) show an apparent dissociation and even an antiphasic relationship. For example, a CO2 concentration peak near 415 My occurs near a temperature trough at 445 My. ...
Context 2
... example, a CO2 concentration peak near 415 My occurs near a temperature trough at 445 My. Similarly, CO2 concentration peaks around 285 Mybp coincide with a temperature trough at about 280 My and also with the Permo-Carboniferous glacial period (labeled 2 in Figure 5). In more recent time periods, where data sampling resolution is greater, the same trend is visually evident. ...
Context 3
... atmospheric CO2 concentration peak near 200 My occurs during a cooling climate, as does another, smaller CO2 concentration peak at approximately 37 My. The shorter cooling periods of the Phanerozoic, labeled 1-10 in Figure 5, do not appear qualitatively, at least, to bear any definitive relationship with fluctuations in the atmospheric concentration of CO2. ...
Context 4
... to the conventional expectation, therefore, as the concentration of atmospheric CO2 increased during the Phanerozoic climate, T decreased. This finding is consistent with the apparent weak antiphasic relation between atmospheric CO2 concentration proxies and T suggested by visual examination of empirical data ( Figure 5). The percent of variance in T that can be explained by variance in atmospheric CO2 concentration, or conversely, R 2 × 100, is 3.6% ( Figure 6). ...
Context 5
... correlation coefficients between the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and T were computed also across 15 shorter time segments of the Phanerozoic. These time periods were selected to include or bracket the three major glacial periods of the Phanerozoic, ten global cooling events identified by stratigraphic indicators, and major transitions between warming and cooling of the Earth designated by the bar across the top of Figure 5. The analysis was done separately for the most recent time periods of the Phanerozoic, where the sampling resolution was highest (Table 1), and for the older time periods of the Phanerozoic, where the sampling resolution was lower (Table 2). ...
Context 6
... scale for the temperature proxy is modified here by a constant offset for graphical presentation on the same scales as the other proxies. The correct temperature-proxy scale is shown in Figure 5. In this and following graphs, climate variables are color-coded: red represents the temperature proxy, δ 18 O*(−1); green represents atmospheric CO2 concentration proxies converted to ppmv; and orange represents the marginal forcing calculated for each atmospheric CO2 concentration datapoint using the best-fit power function equation corresponding to the empirical curve for tropical latitudes under clear-sky conditions (Figure 8b). ...
Context 7
... between δ 18 O*(−1) and atmospheric CO2 concentration (Figure 14) shows periodicity on long (Figure 14a) and short (Figure 14b) time scales at respective cycle periods of 70.0 and 16.0 My. The cross-correlation between δ 18 O*(−1) and ΔRFCO2 (Figure 15) show similar periodicity with long and short cycles at about 55.0 and 17.0 My (Figure 15a,b respectively). The cross-correlation between atmospheric CO2 concentration and ΔRFCO2, in contrast, shows strongly negative correlation coefficients at low-order lags that maximize at zero order lag, signifying the precise antiphasic relationship between these variables that is qualitatively evident in Figure 11. ...
Context 8
... between δ 18 O*(−1) and atmospheric CO2 concentration (Figure 14) shows periodicity on long (Figure 14a) and short (Figure 14b) time scales at respective cycle periods of 70.0 and 16.0 My. The cross-correlation between δ 18 O*(−1) and ΔRFCO2 (Figure 15) show similar periodicity with long and short cycles at about 55.0 and 17.0 My (Figure 15a,b respectively). The cross-correlation between atmospheric CO2 concentration and ΔRFCO2, in contrast, shows strongly negative correlation coefficients at low-order lags that maximize at zero order lag, signifying the precise antiphasic relationship between these variables that is qualitatively evident in Figure 11. ...
Context 9
... second study [67] concluded that the current high rate of CO2 emissions risks atmospheric concentrations not seen for 50 My by the middle of the present century. In contrast to that conclusion, the current rate of CO2 emissions is raising atmospheric concentration of CO2 by 1-2 ppmv per annum [1], implying an atmospheric concentration of CO2 of 440 to 463 ppmv by the middle of the present century-concentrations that appear repeatedly over the last ten My and as recently as three Mybp in the CO2 databases used here ( Figure 5). The same study [67] concluded that if additional emissions of CO2 at current rates continued until the 23rd century, they would cause large and potentially hazardous increases in RFCO2. ...
Context 10
... third study relevant to the present investigation [68] addresses uncertainties in paleo-measurements of atmospheric CO2 concentration using "mathematical equations", and concludes that large variations in atmospheric CO2 concentration (1000-2000 ppmv) did not occur during the Phanerozoic Eon since the Devonian Period from 416 to 358 Mybp. In contrast to that conclusion [68], the empirical database used in the present study shows that variations in atmospheric CO2 concentration of 1000-2000 ppmv were common throughout the Phanerozoic Eon ( Figure 5). Atmospheric CO2 concentration oscillated on a regular cycle of several hundreds of ppmv in amplitude and periods of 10-20 My and 60-70 My. ...
Context 11
... if anthropogenic CO2 emissions continue at today's levels or increase in the coming decades, the consequent increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources will have exponentially smaller forcing impact on global temperature. As implied by the decline in marginal forcing, when atmospheric CO2 concentration reaches 1000 ppmv, near the baseline value for most of the Phanerozoic Eon (Figure 5), marginal forcing will decline to 14.3% of its maximum (computed using MODTRAN; Figure 8b). Such diminishing returns ensure that additional increments in anthropogenic emissions from today's level will have exponentially smaller marginal impact on global temperature. ...
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... 30 shows the HC reduction rates during the cold start. Full reduction is not achieved, as shown inFigure 5.24. The OC with a platinum loading of 10 g/ft³ performs best here because its cold start was at a lower engine speed. ...
The transportation sector causes significant amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and uses at the time writing primarily propulsion systems burning carbon-based fuels. Those emissions have to be cut as quick as possible since the increase in global temperature, correlating with ambient CO2 concentrations, leads to massive damage in both economy and society. One opportunity to cut CO2 emissions is to use a hydrogen engine since this propulsion system uses a fuel which contains no carbon at all.
This thesis will provide a broad insight into the exhaust emission behaviour of a two-litre hydrogen engine. Measurements will mainly be done experimentally at the test
bench. Methods to minimize the raw emissions in stationary conditions are investigated and different exhaust catalysts will be tested. In a further step close to real-word driving cycles will be expelled and special focus is put on the raw exhaust emissions during load changes. The tailpipe (TP) emissions of different exhaust aftertreatment system (EAS) will be examined to identify the most promising configuration.
Stationary experiments have shown that nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions primarily
arise at the full load curve of the hydrogen engine. Carbon-based emissions appeared on negligible levels whereas most of the CO2 in the exhaust gas comes from the ambience. Unburned hydrogen (H2) has been identified to negatively impact NOX reduction rates of a copper (Cu)-based selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst. An oxidation catalyst (OC) can be used to solve this problem which also showed early light-off temperatures and H2 reduction rates of 95% even with a platinum (Pt) loading of 10 g/ft3. A deactivation phenomenon of an OC was observed which turned out to be reversible by an increased catalyst temperature. Transient measurements revealed that NOx raw emissions highly relate on the driving cycle and as a consequence in the low-load transport for London (TfL) with a large sedan settle at 83 mg/km whereas the highly dynamic real world cycle (RWC) with an sports utility vehicle (SUV) leads to 665 mg/km. Results have also shown that the increase of catalyst volume significantly raises the NOx raw emissions caused by an higher exhaust back pressure. With catalyst heating NOx TP emissions of 2.7 mg/km were achieved with an OC and a 5.7 litre SCR catalyst in the worldwide harmonized light vehicles test cycle (WLTC) with the large sedan. Emission data of real driving emissions (RDE) cycles with a SUV showed that in the highly dynamic RWC the NOX emissions were cut to 61.7 mg/km by utilizing the early post injection (EPOI) which is slightly above the currently proposed Euro 7
emission limit on NOx of 60 mg/km.
... Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) for energy and transportation, and through deforestation. Since the Industrial Revolution, CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have risen from about 280 parts per million (ppm) to over 415 ppm today [9,10]. This increase has been the main driver of global warming, with significant consequences for the Earth's climate system. ...
As the global community intensifies efforts to combat climate change, the role of carbon dioxide (CO2) management has emerged as a pivotal factor in the journey toward zero emissions and sustainability. This paper explores the innovative approaches to harnessing CO2, transforming it from a significant greenhouse gas into a valuable resource [1, 2]. By examining the latest advancements in carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies, this research underscores the potential of these strategies to mitigate climate change while supporting sustainable economic growth. The study also evaluates the policy frameworks and economic incentives necessary to scale these technologies globally, highlighting the integration of CO2 harnessing in the broader context of circular economy principles. The findings suggest that the effective management of CO2 is not only essential for achieving net-zero emissions but also for fostering a sustainable future that balances environmental, social, and economic objectives. This paper aims to contribute to the discourse on sustainable development by presenting CO2 harnessing as a cornerstone in the 21st-century strategy for addressing climate change and promoting long-term ecological balance.
... Climate change is a global concern. The global average surface temperature is expected to increase between 3 • C and 4 • C and atmospheric carbon dioxide is likely to increase between 730 ppm and 1020 ppm by the end of the present century [1][2][3]. This change in future climate from the current climatic condition will have a dynamic impact on rice production around the world [4,5]. ...
... The yield, water demand, and phenology predictions with the changed values of CO 2 concentrations have already been presented in the previous research article published by Jha et al. [23] in connection with this research work. The obtained values of yield, water demand, and phenological changes with a default value of CO 2 concentration of 400 ppm are presented in the following sections. ...
Various methodologies are used to estimate the impact of changing climatic factors, such as precipitation, temperature, and solar radiation, on crop production and water demand. In this study, the changes in rice yield, water demand, and crop phenology were estimated with varying CO2 concentration and an ensemble of general circulation models (GCMs), using a decision support system for agrotechnology transfer (DSSAT), a crop growth model. The measured CO2 concentration of 400 ppm from the Keeling curve, was used as the default CO2 concentration to estimate yield, water demand, and phenology. These outputs, obtained with the default concentration, were compared with the results from climate change scenarios’ concentrations. Further, the outputs corresponding to the ensembled GCMs’ climate data were obtained, and the results were compared with the ensembled crop model outputs simulated with each GCM. The yield was found to increase with the increase in CO2 concentration up to a certain threshold, whereas water demand and phenology were observed to decrease with the increase in CO2 concentration. The two approaches of the ensemble technique to obtain final outputs from DSSAT results did not show a large difference in the predictions.
... A compilation of about 1500 discrete estimates of atmospheric CO₂ from 112 published studies covering the last 420 million years, was presented by Foster et al. [42]. Here, as shown in Figure 2, I retrieved three different time series published in the last 16 years, namely by Royer [43] (also contained in Davis [44]), Foster et al. [42] (also reproduced by Song et al. [36]) and Berner [45]. Most of the time series are available at a time step of 1 million years. ...
... It is relevant to note that Davis [44], analyzing different time series, namely those of Prokoph et al. [95] for temperature and Royer [43] for [CO₂], and different methodology, i.e., "detrending" the time series and examining transitions, found different results. Specifically, he found that [CO₂] is correlated weakly but negatively with linearly-detrended T proxies over the last 425 million years. ...
As a result of recent research, a new stochastic methodology of assessing causality was developed. Its application to instrumental measurements of temperature (T) and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO₂]) over the last seven decades provided evidence for a unidirectional, potentially causal link between T as the cause and [CO₂] as the effect. Here, I refine and extend this methodology and apply it to both paleoclimatic proxy data and instrumental data of T and [CO₂]. Several proxy series, extending over the Phanerozoic or parts of it, gradually improving in accuracy and temporal resolution up to the modern period of accurate records, are compiled, paired, and analyzed. The extensive analyses made converge to the single inference that change in temperature leads, and that in carbon dioxide concentration lags. This conclusion is valid for both proxy and instrumental data in all time scales and time spans. The time scales examined begin from annual and decadal for the modern period (instrumental data) and the last two millennia (proxy data), and reach one million years for the most sparse time series for the Phanerozoic. The type of causality appears to be unidirectional, T→[CO₂], as in earlier studies. The time lags found depend on the time span and time scale and are of the same order of magnitude as the latter. These results contradict the conventional wisdom, according to which the temperature rise is caused by [CO₂] increase.
... A compilation of about 1500 discrete estimates of atmospheric CO₂ from 112 published studies covering the last 420 million years, was presented by Foster et al. [43]. Here, as shown in Figure 2, we retrieved three different time series published in the last 16 years, namely by Royer [44] (also contained in Davis [45]), Foster et al. [43] (also reproduced by Song et al. [37]) and Berner [46]. Most of the time series are available at a time step of 1 million years. ...
... It is relevant to note that Davis [45], analyzing different time series, namely those of Prokoph et al. [95] for temperature and Royer [44] for [CO₂], and different methodology, i.e. "detrending" the time series and examining transitions, found different results. Specifically, he found that [CO₂] is correlated weakly but negatively with linearly-detrended T proxies over the last 425 million years. ...
As a result of recent research, a new stochastic methodology of assessing causality was developed. Its application to instrumental measurements of temperature (T) and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO₂]) over the last seven decades provided evidence for a unidirectional, potentially causal link between T as the cause and [CO₂] as the effect. Here we refine and extend this methodology, and apply it to both paleoclimatic proxy data and instrumental data of T and [CO₂]. Several proxy series, extending over the entire Phanerozoic or parts of it, gradually improving in accuracy and temporal resolution up to the modern period of accurate records, are compiled, paired and analyzed. The extensive analyses made converge to the single inference that change in temperature leads, and that in carbon dioxide concentration lags. This conclusion is valid for both proxy and instrumental data in all time scales and time spans. The time scales examined start from annual and decadal for the modern period (instrumental data) and the last two millennia (proxy data), and reach one million years for the most sparse time series for the entire Phanerozoic. The type of causality appears to be unidirectional, T→[CO₂], as in earlier studies. The time lags found depend on the time span and time scale and are of the same order of magnitude as the latter. These results contradict the conventional wisdom, according to which the temperature rise is caused by [CO₂] increase.