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Teaching Assessment Instrument from the Review Team

Teaching Assessment Instrument from the Review Team

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Student's critical thinking ability can be improved through a good learning process. For that, the learning process should be packaged in such a way that students are actively involved in the classroom. The effort to obtain these results is to improve the quality of learning through the use of good teaching materials. Learning to teach is a process...

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Critical thinking is considered to be one of the most important abilities which help us to solve problems, interpret information or make decisions in everyday life. Every person needs to use critical thinking, therefore, it is important to develop students' critical thinking in all classes including Physics. We summarize various definitions of crit...
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Critical thinking plays an important role both in the classroom and everyday life, including being a key factor for determining individual and collective success in the face of complex global challenges (Butler 2012; Clarke, Double and MacCann 2017; Griffin and Care 2015; Kirschner 2020). In broad terms, critical thinking refers to a person’s abili...


... Similarly, the Thai government has established critical thinking as one of the essential skills for students' future success and included it in its national education plan (Setyowati et al., 2018). Overall, the development of critical thinking through well-designed curricula and teaching strategies is seen as essential for preparing students for their future careers and personal lives, as it supports their overall development. ...
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Critical thinking is one of the most important skills in tertiary education, which allows students to effectively articulate, assess, and combine information. It is also imperative to work on their critical thinking aspect for them to be able to make sound decisions, address problems as well as critically participate in academic as well as encountering the profession. Critical thinking, as a complex and multifaceted capacity, incorporates various processes such as analysis, evaluating, creating, remembering, understanding, and the application of knowledge which are critical to achieving academic goals and lifelong education as well. This research focuses on the levels of critical thinking exhibited by a sample of 160 student university students performed the Critical Thinking Questionnaire (CThQ). In our analysis, we utilized Jamovi software to measure the Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient as well as to examine the intercorrelations between individual input variables. We aimed at establishing the degree of internal consistency and reliability of (CThQ) in relevance to our study. Our results demonstrated that all variables in the questionnaire showed positive intercorrelations. Each ability showed a strong correlation to total CThQ. These findings confirm the robustness of the CThQ in measuring distinct dimensions of critical thinking with reliable internal consistency. In addition, our results revealed critical thinking skills of the respondents: 54% of students fall into the high achievers' category, along with the rest of the sample who got scores that are considered to average. The study confirms CThQ applicability in evaluation of thinking and provides an understanding of the level of critical thinking among the university students demonstrating the utility of the instrument in various educational settings.
... Failure to meet learning outcomes due to language-related issues can also impede students' understanding and application of knowledge in relevant contexts (Filgona et al., 2020). Several studies demonstrate that mismatches between teaching materials and learning outcomes hinder students' ability to develop critical and analytical thinking skills (Abrami et al., 2015;Hehakaya & Pollatu, 2022;Setyowati et al., 2018). Consequently, students may struggle to grasp complex concepts, limiting their academic development and competence (Yusrina et al., 2021). ...
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This study examines errors in interpreting the word “konteks” (context) and its equivalents in Merdeka Curriculum textbooks for Indonesian Language, Civic Education, and English Language subjects. Semantic ambiguity and inaccuracies in the use of this term have led to misunderstandings that hinder students' comprehension and learning outcomes. The research aims to identify patterns and potential sources of misinterpretation to ensure alignment between textbook language and the learning objectives of the Merdeka Curriculum. Using a qualitative approach with a comparative method, the study analyzed the meaning and usage of “konteks” across subjects. Data were collected through documentation of both explicit and implicit references, followed by descriptive content analysis based on Miles et al.'s interactive model. Triangulation, expert validation, and adherence to ethical standards ensured the validity and reliability of findings. Results indicate that misinterpretations of “konteks” often lead to fragmented understanding, making it difficult for students to connect concepts across academic and social settings. This disrupts cognitive processes, preventing the development of complex analytical skills. To address these issues, teachers should facilitate clarifying exercises and discussions emphasizing context. Additionally, textbook evaluations must prioritize accurate definitions, precise usage, and illustrative examples to minimize ambiguity and enhance learning outcomes.
... Agnafia (2019) explains that critical thinking skills are important in solving problems, explaining reasons, and producing evaluations. Setyowati et al. (2018) stated that a student who thinks critically can explore and present a problem's relationship with other problems according to experiences relevant to the problem. In this case, it will be an organised thinking process to solve a problem by involving mental activities that include various abilities. ...
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... Therefore, the Illustrations and Analytical Statements as Twin Intervention are helpful and effective at facilitating cognition of the learners. Furthermore, the Learning Activity Sheets containing the Illustrations and Analytical Statements are good teaching materials because they stimulated the learners to think critically through the activities, tasks, or actions asked in the learning activity sheets (Setyowati, Sari, & Habibah, 2018). Though the Illustrations, Analytical Statements and the designed FITT program are independent variables that stand on its own, it undeniably conveys that only how the mental faculty works can describe what has transpired in the designed FITT program. ...
... In order to improve good critical thinking skills, the learning process must be packaged in such a way that students are actively involved in the learning process because critical thinking has become a very popular term in education. Critical thinking can be stimulated through learning that emphasizes the importance of learning through a process to gain experience (Setyowati et al., 2020). Critical thinking allows someone to make breakthroughs, verify facts, and think outside the box that can directly affect students' potential by applying information effectively so that students can decide and find the right solution to the problems they face (Hafni et al., 2019). ...
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Critical thinking is an intellectual process in making ideas and concepts logically and allows students to analyze their thinking in making choices and drawing appropriate conclusions. However, in fact, in the observations made by lecturers on students, it is still difficult to understand and complete the tasks given by the lecturers, students' critical thinking skills are still low. This study aims to improve critical thinking skills through the “student as researchers” strategy. This study uses quantitative analysis with a one group pretest posttest design. The sample in this study were Biology Education students in semester 3 (three) class A who took the Learning Media course. Data were obtained from critical thinking questionnaires and observation sheets. The data were analyzed through significance test and Gain Normalization. The research data shows that students' critical thinking abilities have increased by 0.70 in the high category after participating in learning with the "Student as Researcher" strategy. The indicator for compiling “able to express ideas/ideas” is an indicator that has the highest increase compared to other critical thinking indicators, which is 0.79 in the high category. It can be concluded that the “student as researchers” strategy can improve students' critical thinking skills
... As far as the students in 21 st century are concerned, success requires 4C's: Critical thinking, Creative thinking, Communicating, and Collaborating learning skills [24]. Academic literature states that learning skills involve studying and thinking skills that play an integral part of student's learning procedure [32]. Meyer, Haywood and Sachdev, in their work question, "What is independent learning and what are the benefits for students?" ...
The focus of this paper is the offering of the Bachelor of Performing Arts (External) General Degree in distance learning mode using a Learning Management System (LMS) which assisted the rapid transfer process of all undergraduate courses at the University of Visual and Performing Arts (UVPA) to online delivery mode during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is presented as a case study, and a questionnaire was used to collect data from 81 participants. It was evident that most students have accessed learning material multiple times via the LMS and have used pre-recorded instructions/audio-visuals as educational aids effectively. Having flexible access to learning material has facilitated self-learning and contributed to improving their skills as students had opportunities to repeatedly watch demonstrations at preferred times. Results indicated that 78.1% have accessed learning materials for 10–15 times, which strongly emphasizes the students’ preference for independent learning including the effectiveness of the design and inclusion of video material. The survey indicated that 93% of participants would prefer using video instructional materials for also learning other subjects and these materials improved their skills in dancing. The prior experiences and practices of educators and students led to a smooth transition to fully online delivery of all courses offered at the UVPA demonstrating the applicability of distance learning methods to online delivery. Modern theories of education and learner behavior suggest that the use of audio-visuals as educational aids increase the capacity of knowledge internalization and this assertion was confirmed by this study.
... e ai government has set critical thinking as one of the key 21st-century skills in its National Education Plan [1] because they are essential for students' future success [2][3][4][5]. Critical thinking skills are necessary in the workplace [6][7][8] and can assist students in solving problems, making decisions, and managing their lives [9,10]. According to Facione et al., critical thinking skills involve reasonable reflective thinking through the process of evaluation or judgment for interpretation, analysis, and inference using deductive and inductive reasoning to come to a decision about the problems considered [3,[11][12][13][14]. ...
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This study has two parts: phase I designed activities to support all students’ learning preferences, and phase II used open-ended questions and activities based on these preferences to develop students’ mathematical critical thinking skills in polynomials at all performance levels (i.e., high-achieving, fair-achieving, and low-achieving students). This research used an embedded mixed-method design. The subjects selected were 28 out of 98 seventh graders at a boys’ junior high school in Bangkok, Thailand, who were chosen by cluster random sampling technique. The instruments, which were validated by five experts, included a questionnaire, lesson plans, exit tickets, interview protocols, and tests of critical thinking skills in polynomials. The content validity was assessed via expert judgment, and reliability was assessed by item analysis. The quality and effectiveness of the instruments were acceptable. The research results showed the following: (1) most students at all performance levels prefer activities in which they can learn from participating in classroom activities, such as games, activities with real-life applications, and activities involving listening instead of reading and writing, and (2) critical thinking skills in high-achieving and fair-achieving students were at the fair level, while those of low-achieving students were poor. Analysis was the highest critical thinking subskill among high-achieving and low-achieving students, while interpretation was the highest subskill in among fair-achieving students. Open-ended questions and activities based on students’ preferences appear to be practical for developing critical thinking skills among students of all achievement levels.
... The approach to the learning process is essentially a teaching-learning process that emphasizes the importance of learning through the experiential process to gain experience. This approach has a very important role in determining the success or failure of the desired study (Setyowati et al., 2020). ...
... According to Nadia Mirela Florea and Elena Hurjui (Setyowati et al., 2020), critical thinking is a fundamental ability developed by teachers in learning. Students are better using their skills in using technology by applying their skills in exploring the information critically and also get the fun situations by doing creative learning. ...
... Critical thinking is indispensable in real life, especially in the field of education, because critical thinking in education is the process of thinking to make decisions from various foundations such as evidence, methods, criteria, context, and conceptualization and relevant sources of information. In the end, this can be practiced by students in real life (Setyowati et al., 2020). ...
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p class="8Abstractcontent">Through creative pedagogical application currently, the concepts of pedagogical strategy which are more technologically oriented than they used to be, transform education into a way where creative and innovative students’ perspectives and motivation are nurtured. Digital Newspaper concept of alignment, which expresses from social science and humanity has been developed useful in creating innovative and skillful academic environments, as it apply to integrate learning with cognitive, kinesthetic, technological, and social-culture aspects learning form. The research conducted by observing students' projects and reveals the way they identify, classify, analyze and create creative learning from the topics of Jakarta Post online content as a learning media. The result of this study shows that using this media which has various current materials can increase students’ higher thinking critically, creatively and innovatively in English language learning. We recommend that in future research, researchers use more online newspaper which is more engaging with the real-world and give positive impact to boost students’ high order thinking skills to solve the problem, to analyze, and to make decisions in their English language performances. Keywords: Creative Media, Language Skills, Thinking Skills</p
... Therefore, teaching materials become an important source in learning activities to achieve learning objectives. Teaching materials must be prepared and designed according to the curriculum [13] and 21st century skills of students [10]. One of the instructional materials that can be selected is a module. ...
... One of the skills being trained is critical thinking [10]. Setyowati, Sari & Habibah [13] also asserted that critical thinking is a process thought for making decisions from various conditions such as evidence, methods, criteria, context, and conceptualization and relevant sources of information. In the end, this can be practiced by students in real life. ...
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Critical thinking is a skill students need in 21st century learning. These skills will be useful for students to solve problems and lead to lifelong learning. Therefore, it needs teaching materials that fit the needs and demands of the curriculum. This study aims to analyze the need for developing teaching materials to improve critical thinking skills. Teachers, students and documents become subjects in research. The method of research used qualitative research. The findings show that the teaching materials used have not led to improve students’ skills. Therefore, it is necessary to develop teaching materials based on the results of needs analysis in this research.
... One of them was in designing learning objectives to improve critical thinking. Critical thinking was a process of thinking to make decisions from various relevant sources of information which are ultimately practiced by students in real life (Setyowati & Habibah, 2020). ...