Figure - uploaded by Jean-Baptiste Ndamiyehe
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Sur base des données collectées dans 250 résidences de cinq communes à Kinshasa, cette étude évalue le rôle reconnu aux arbres urbains par le citadin et fait l'état des lieux sur la présence et le besoin d'arbres dans le domaine résidentiel. Les résultats révèlent que l'appartenance à une des communes où l'échantillonnage a été effectué n'est pas u...
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... The landowner's decision is cited as the reason for the absence or limitation of trees in the compounds, and this can be explained by the fact that the status of land tenure limits some tenants to planting trees. This constraint results from the fact that tree planting is perceived as the exercise of land ownership and therefore prohibited to tenants by some landlords (Ncutirakiza Ndamiyehe et al. 2017). In addition, lack or inadequacy of space remains a common reason for urban dwellers in African cities. ...
... The latter as a growing medium for trees is scarce due to the fact that urban space is furnished by several types of structures and infrastructure (Buisseres et al. 2009). All this leaves very little room for tree planting (Ncutirakiza Ndamiyehe et al. 2017). Furthermore, the low afforestation rate could be explained by the problems related to trees mentioned by several residents, namely the dirtiness created by the production of dead leaves, the presence of insects and birds, the risk of accidents and the threats that trees pose to buildings. ...
Nature-based solutions hold promise for cities, given their development challenges and vulnerability to climate change. This research is based on the fact that knowledge of public perceptions of trees is necessary for planning tree conservation and planting initiatives in rapidly changing landscapes. This article aims to identify the assets and constraints related to the promotion of trees in the compounds of the cities of Central Benin (cities of Parakou, Dassa-Zoumè and Savalou) based on the perceptions of urban residents. Samples of 370, 365 and 360 inhabitants respectively in Parakou, Dassa-Zoumè and Savalou are used to collect information. A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis was performed on the responses obtained to identify assets (strengths and opportunities) and constraints (weaknesses and threats). The decision of the landowner, the lack of place, the lack of technicality, the socio-economic problems constitute the main constraints of the promotion of the tree in the cities of Centre-Benin. To meet the challenge, these cities have assets such as the majority proportion of landowners, the high level of education, the presence of several socio-cultural groups, the climate and favorable soils, the presence of nurserymen and the availability of seedlings, the national tree day.