Table 18 - uploaded by Tim Lomas
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1: Table showing indicative assessment tools (and related theories) pertaining to the dimensions and levels of the LIFE model 

1: Table showing indicative assessment tools (and related theories) pertaining to the dimensions and levels of the LIFE model 

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As positive psychology has matured as a field, among its most prominent successes has been the emergence of a strong applied dimension, known as applied positive psychology. This burgeoning arena of praxis has involved the development of interventions and activities designed to promote well-being. This chapter offers an overview of these efforts, w...

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... model also has implications in terms of a research agenda, as the dimensions and levels of the model could be used to conduct a comprehensive assessment of well-being. That is, there are assessment tools that specifically pertain to each level within each dimension, as shown in Table 18.1 below (together with the background theory underpinning/informing that particular tool). ...


This chapter provides insight into Person-centered characteristics of Characteristicsperson-centred characteristics as predictors of Flourishing and Well-being among diverse employees. The chapter discusses the empirical findings of a cross-sectional quantitative study conducted on a sample of employees from a South African university. The results of the study indicated that core Characteristicsperson-centred characteristics, specifically race and job position, were significant predictors of Flourishing as an indicator of Well-being. Moreover, race and tenure indicated significant differences in the levels of Flourishing among employees. The findings of the study offer valuable new insights relevant to employee Well-being theory. These insights could potentially inform industrial psychologists—with the aim of increasing the levels of Flourishing among higher education employees.