Figure - uploaded by Ruliyanta Ruliyanta
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... special request Saturday or Sunday, the building remains partially operated. Table 4 shows data on the electricity usage for the period November 2020 to November 2021. ...Similar publications
... Developing energy-saving technology is crucial in responding to sustainability and energy efficiency [3]- [6]. The latest air conditioning technology uses inverters to save electricity [7], [8]. ...
Even though the government of the Republic of Indonesia has banned the use of R22, it is still widely found in industry. The problem is that the industry is reluctant to replace the current R22 because it will result in high initial investment costs. This research investigates the use of catalytic refrigerants to overcome high costs. This research investigates the electrical efficiency of several types of refrigerants. Utilizing catalysts in refrigerants can reduce electrical energy consumption. The result is that the R22 refrigerant can reduce electrical energy by up to 32.02%; the R32 reaches an efficiency of 26.94%, while the R410A reaches 21.43%. The novelty given in this research is the significant investment required compared to the electrical efficiency value provided. Streszczenie. Mimo że rząd Republiki Indonezji zakazał stosowania R22, jest on nadal szeroko stosowany w przemyśle. Problem polega na tym, że branża niechętnie wymienia obecny R22, ponieważ będzie to wiązać się z wysokimi początkowymi kosztami inwestycji. W badaniu tym zbadano zastosowanie katalitycznych czynników chłodniczych w celu przezwyciężenia wysokich kosztów. W badaniu tym badana jest wydajność elektryczna kilku rodzajów czynników chłodniczych. Stosowanie katalizatorów w czynnikach chłodniczych może zmniejszyć zużycie energii elektrycznej. W rezultacie czynnik chłodniczy R22 może zmniejszyć zużycie energii elektrycznej nawet o 32,02%; R32 osiąga wydajność 26,94%, natomiast R410A osiąga 21,43%. Nowością wynikającą z tych badań jest wymagana znaczna inwestycja w porównaniu z podaną wartością sprawności elektrycznej. (Optymalizacja oszczędności energii elektrycznej poprzez wykorzystanie katalizatorów chłodniczych w sprężarkach)
... Selain itu, dalam rangka efisiensi listrik sesuai dengan ketentuan pemerintah Indonesia, setiap pengelola melakukan pengawasan atas penggunaan listrik yang digunakan. Intensitas Konsumsi Energi (IKE) merupakan salah satu metode yang dipakai untuk mengukur efektifitas penggunaan listrik setiap satuan luasan bangunan per bulan atau pertahun [13]. Nilai IKE akan mengalami penurunan dalam kondisi tingkat hunian yang rendah. ...
Tingkat hunian gedung berkurang akibat Pandemi COVID-19. Gedung-gedung perkantoran, hotel, apartemen dan pusat belanja mengalami penurunan pengunjung. Sementara sebagian toko menghentikan usahanya. Pihak Pengelola gedung akan tetap mengoperasikan peralatan listrik untuk menunjang kegiatan. Dampaknya beban listrik tidak seimbang. Ini berpengaruh pada kesetimbangan beban dalam gedung. Kondisi ini akan merugikan dan dalam jangka panjang akan merusak transformator. Tujuan penelitian ini melakukan pengukuran tingkat kesetimbangan beban listrik di gedung Tang City Mall. Hasil pengukuran pada 5-unit trafo yang ada menunjukkan ketidakseimbangan antara 0.63% sampai dengan 4.76%. Pengukuran ini dilakukan pada kondisi jam sibuk yaitu pukul 17.30 WIB. Berdasarkan data perhitungan tersebut, selama sebulan akan mengalami kerugian daya arus netral sebesar 2848 kWh dan kerugian daya pada arus ground sebesar 175 kWh. Pegukuran sesaat pada jam-jam rawan buka dan tutup mal tercatat adanya ketidakseimbangan yang signifikan mencapai 7.9% pada trafo2. Untuk menghindari hal tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan pembagian grup ulang khususnya pada beban 1 fasa. Sementara jam buka dan tutup tenant gedung wajib serentak.
... This distribution has almost the same pattern between conditioned ECI and GFA ECI [14]. Calculating the intensity of energy consumption can be found in Equation (1) [17]. The energy consumption intensity in buildings/buildings is defined in terms of energy per unit area of buildings served by energy, which can be calculated by Equation (1) [22], [23]. ...
... kWh/m 2 /month or 277.3 kWh/m 2 /year. According to [17], the use of 23.11 kWh/m 2 /month is classified as an energy-intensive building. This value is close to the SNI 03-0196 standard for very energy-intensive building levels, which have values between 23.75 to 37.5 kWh/m 2 /month. ...
Energy conservation in Indonesia is the primary choice made by the government of the Republic of Indonesia. It is undeniable that the highest consumption of a building is air conditioning energy, especially in a tropical environment like Indonesia. Air conditioning consumes between 40% and 80% of power in a high-rise building. The problem is how to find out the electricity usage profile and energy consumption index in a building that has been in operation for more than 20 years. This research aims to find the energy profile and calculate the energy consumption of a shopping center building. The method used is an Energy Audit according to SNI 6196. The energy consumption profile is an anomaly where the energy consumption for the air conditioning system is only 48%, while the average value in shopping centers in Indonesia is 62.9%. Meanwhile, the GFA energy consumption index is 23.11 kWh/m2/month or 277.3 kWh/m2/year. According to SNI 03-0196, the result is classified as an energy-intensive building. This value is close to the SNI 03-0196 standard for very energy-intensive building levels, which has values between 23.75 and 37.5 kWh/m2/month. Energy-saving opportunities are calculated by calculating the difference in the ECI value with the target ECI value. To increase the efficiency of energy consumption, this can be done by replacing the chiller unit which still uses a step type compressor. Apart from that, improving air conditioning insulation is very significant to overcome energy consumption problems. Adding green plants around buildings can also increase electrical efficiency.
... In their study, Ruliyanta et al. (2022) focused on the intensity of green building energy consumption in the Inalum Green Building. This research contributes to understanding green buildings' specific energy consumption patterns and the factors influencing these patterns. ...
This research paper investigates the effectiveness of green building design strategies in minimizing energy consumption in commercial buildings in the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, India. With a rapidly urbanizing and densely populated environment, Mumbai presents a unique setting for assessing green building practices. The research objectives focus on understanding the impact of various green building design features, such as green roofs, solar panels, and floor area optimization, on energy efficiency in commercial structures. The research employs a robust methodology, incorporating regression analysis to analyze data obtained from the Mumbai Municipal Corporation's building energy consumption records. Through this analysis, the study investigates the relationships between green building design parameters, building characteristics, and energy consumption patterns. Key findings indicate that specific green building features, including intensive and biodiverse green roofs and solar panel installations, significantly reduce energy consumption. Additionally, older buildings tend to exhibit lower energy consumption, emphasizing the need for retrofitting existing structures with energy-efficient solutions. The study also underscores the role of occupant density in influencing energy efficiency, with higher occupant rates leading to more efficient space utilization and energy use. The implications of this research are far-reaching, offering insights into tailoring green building strategies to the specific challenges posed by densely populated urban areas. These findings hold significance for sustainable urban development, policy formulation, architectural design, and the global effort to mitigate climate change.
... The ballroom has a floor area of 1,664 sqm plus a mezzanine with an area of 332 sqm, so the total area reaches 1996.8 sqm or around 2000 sqm. Details of the layout of the Inalum Building Ballroom are given in Figure 3, and Figure 4 provides a photo of the Inalum Building Ballroom [17]. The building load has a total electric power of 264 kVA or a 400 Ampere 3-phase current. ...
The need for buildings with the concept of green building is now very important for environmental conservation. The smart building concept is to do efficiency to get better governance in optimizing a building. However, the combination of green and smart buildings is still very rare. We researched a new building belonging to the government of the Republic of Indonesia with a green building concept. With the application of smart building technology, one way is to use the latest and most modern HVAC systems. Technology by utilizing this inverter provides significant electrical efficiency. Researchers feel interested in investigating the air conditioning system used in this new building. In this research, an infestation of the quality of electrical energy was carried out due to the use of an inverter. The study results show that the harmonics of the total distortion current reach more than 5 % at a load current exceeding 159.06 amperes. In comparison, the total distortion voltage harmonics reach up to 41.83 %. The impact of this condition greatly affects the performance of the transformer. To overcome this problem, recommended using a harmonic filter on the capacitor bank.
... Selain untuk umum, gedung ini merupakan kantor pusat dari PT Inalum (Persero) sebuah BUMN ternama di Indonesia. Gedung ini mengusung Smart and Green Building, yaitu gedung yang ramah lingkungan dan didukung dengan perangkat yang paling modern saat ini dimana gedung sudah dikendalikan secara komputerisasi [4]. Pimpinan Inalum memiliki komitmen tinggi atas nilai-nilai keramahan lokal, melalui pemilihan gedung yang berarsitek modern dipadu dengan fasad bergaya Melayu, dan tenaga kerja yang diserap memprioritaskan warga lokal [5]. ...
This Community Service activity was carried out at the PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Persero) Head Office Building, Batubara Regency, North Sumatra. This building has a green building concept. The green building concept requires workers to come from residents around the building. The building, which the Minister of SOEs inaugurated on January 6, 2021, is managed by local sons. The problem is that Inalum building management workers have no experience using LFE (Light Fire Extinguishers). To overcome these problems, training in the use of APAR is needed. This activity aims to provide training to Inalum building management employees. Participants The exercise was attended by 53 participants from the technicians, security guards, housekeeping, receptionists, gardeners, and gondola officers. Based on gender, the activity was attended by nine women and 44 men. Before the training, the level of understanding of officers about APAR was only 42%, while after the training, it increased to 70.75% or an increase of 28.68%.
... Peraturan pemerintah sudah jelas mengatur kewajiban penghematan energi, namun karena penghematan energi tidak kondusif bagi kenyamanan konsumen, maka dianggap sulit untuk dilaksanakan. Pada setiap bangunan harus memiliki nilai intensitas energi untuk memantau efisiensi listriknya [2]. Di gedung mal XYZ, beberapa sistem kelistrikan mengalami masalah pemadaman karena koordinasi relai pelindung yang kurang optimal. ...
Large buildings require optimal electrical protection. Short-circuit events are the most common occurrences. If there is a short-circuit fault on one of the feeders, the circuit breaker whose position is upstream from the fault center must work ahead of the circuit breaker whose position is upstream from the short-circuit fault center. The problem that occurs in the XYZ Mall Building is the opposite. When there is a short circuit current, it will cut off the main connector. As a result, some of the building's electricity will also go out. The purpose of this study is to regulate the coordination of relay protection repeatedly in this building. The study will evaluate the existing electrical Single Line Diagram of the XYZ Mall Building and perform simulations with the help of ETAP 19.0.1 software. The simulation results get the value of the protection system that has been adjusted where the curves of each relay do not intersect with each other so that the coordination of each relay is safe, with the standard time delay setting of 0.2 to 0.4 seconds. To overcome the problem in the XYZ Mall building, the relay that is not suitable must be set manually according to the simulation results to prevent tripping some of the buildings in the event of a short circuit fault.
The hospitality industry is known for its high energy use. The operation of many 24-hour facilities raises energy demand. The Minister of Culture and Tourism's Decree Number KM.03/HK.001/MKP.02 requires that the quality of services and facilities be examined. Air conditioners, water heaters, exercise facilities, and conference rooms all require reliable electrical systems. Energy efficiency is essential, especially for facilities that use a lot of power, including heat pump water heaters in restrooms and fitness center equipment. Hotel A in Jakarta Tanah Abang, which has not yet implemented energy conservation measures, requires energy management systems and audits to improve efficiency. The Energy Consumption Intensity (IKE) is the amount of energy used by a building to increase a conditioned area over a month or a year. The study's goal is to determine IKE values for the period February 2024 to June 2024, as well as energy consumption patterns in accordance with the standards. This study included data collecting, interviews, observations, and direct measurements to determine the energy usage of each month and the entire facility. The IKE calculation approach yielded the following findings for each month: February 5,069701417 kWh/m2/month, March 5,235947214 kWh/m2, April 5,009387155 kWh (m2), May 6,335605837 kWh(m2), and June 6,127963403 kWh/m2. With scores ranging from 5 to 6,3 performance energy consumption, electricity falls into the "Very Efficient" category, eliminating the need for energy savings that could disrupt hotel operations.