Figure - uploaded by Julia Dibenigno
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Summary of Data Collection

Summary of Data Collection

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Environmental jolts can trigger more conducive conditions for driving change in organizations. However, punctuated equilibrium theories of organizational change concentrate on top managers’ implementation of de novo radical changes after jolts. Existing research has not examined frontline-driven, incremental change efforts during these periods of d...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... 1 is a key to abbreviations of roles and units. Table 2 summarizes our data collection efforts. Data collection and analysis proceeded iteratively in three phases (Glaser and Strauss 1967). ...
Context 2
... explore alternative explanations, we examined our data to assess whether advocates' relative power, the nature of the change in question, its complexity, the number and types of roles impacted, or the idea's quality was systematically associated with selection and retention. Our analysis did not support these alternative explanations (see Online Appendix Table 2). For example, some complex and expensive changes persisted, including those calling for new-device procurement, addressing incompatibility with existing systems, and liaising with vendors; meanwhile, simpler and less expensive changes, like removing IV carts from patient rooms, sometimes failed to endure. ...