Table 4 - uploaded by Martin Storme
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Study 2: Descriptive Statistics.

Study 2: Descriptive Statistics.

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In the current work, we investigated the relationship between career decision ambiguity tolerance (CDAT) and career decision-making difficulties among French-speaking university students. In a preliminary validation study (N = 246), we examined the psychometric properties of the CDAT Scale. Our results showed that the French CDAT Scale had satisfac...

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Context 1
... and bivariate statistics are reported in Table 4. Consistent with Study 1, career decision self-efficacy appeared positively correlated with preference (r ¼ .27, ...
Context 2
... negatively correlated with aversion (r ¼ À.16, p < .01). Consistent with our expecta- tions, LR, LI, and II were negatively correlated with preference and tolerance and positively correlated with aversion (see Table 4). ...

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... Additionally, it mediates the relationship between occupational decision-making challenges and emotional intelligence to some extent Santos et al. [34]. Storme et al. [35] highlighted the importance of self-efficacy in linking difficulties in making professional judgments with ambiguity tolerance as a moderating variable in choosing a job. A large amount of research confirms that career decision self-efficacy is a well-established mediating variable. ...
This research investigates the relationships between employability, career decision-making self-efficacy and career management among university students in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau. The objective of this study is to comprehend how these elements interact and have an impact on one another regarding students' professional growth. A systematic questionnaire survey was conducted using validated measures created by experts to guarantee validity and reliability. Information was gathered from 631 university students in the Greater Bay Area. The study used a quantitative research approach to assess the correlations among the important variables—individual career management, employability and self-efficacy in making career decisions by statistically analyzing the data obtained. The data suggest that career management greatly improves students' employability. Furthermore, employability is greatly impacted by individual career management which also has a favourable effect on professional decision-making self-efficacy. Notably, employability and personal career management are mediated by self-efficacy in professional decision-making. Education departments, institutions and students should collaborate to emphasize the importance of individual career management. Providing tools and support can enhance students' employability and self-efficacy in making informed career choices.
... Abdul- Rahim et al., (2021) found that career decision self-efficacy is closely related to an individual's ability to make educational choices. Specifically, career decision self-efficacy has incremental predictive power in predicting career decision making and school adaptation (Storme et al., 2017). Muturi and Wangeri (2022) Career decision-making self-efficacy is divided into two categories: high science self-efficacy and low science ability, and points out that there is a positive correlation between low science self-efficacy and career decision-making, while high science self-efficacy is negatively correlated with students' ability to decide career choice. ...
... Muturi and Wangeri (2022) Found that there is a positive correlation between career decision-making self-efficacy and career choice in strong and weak scientific self-efficacy dimensions, which shows the importance of career decision-making self-efficacy to students' career choice. At the same time, other studies have pointed to incremental predictive power between career decision self-efficacy and career decision ambiguity tolerance (Storme et al., 2017), This further strengthens the discussion on the mediating role of career decision-making self-efficacy between educational choice and the intention to apply for an examination. ...
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The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of educational choice on the intention to enter the examination, and the mediating role of career decision-making self-efficacy. A total of 1391 freshmen from six higher vocational colleges in Guangdong Province of China were investigated with Education Choices Scale, Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale and Willingness to Apply Scale. The results showed that educational choice and career decision-making self-efficacy had significant effects on the willingness to apply. Career decision-making self-efficacy plays a mediating role in the significant positive impact of educational choice on the willingness to apply. Therefore, China's educational institutions and policy makers should focus on cultivating vocational students' career decision-making self-efficacy and improving their confidence and ability in career decision-making. To help students better understand their interests, values, and career goals, and to help students better understand the career fields they face professionally.
... The Career Adapt-Abilities Scale-Short Form (CAAS-SF) was used in this study. This scale has demonstrated incremental predictive power over general ambiguity tolerance regarding career decision self-efficacy and adaptability (Storme et al., 2017). The aim was to assess the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the CAAS-SF in evaluating career adaptability among university students, focusing on concern, curiosity, control, and confidence. ...
... Furthermore, the CAAS-SF has been validated in different languages, such as Malay (Hamzah et al., 2022), German (Johnston et al., 2013), French (Stauffer et al., 2018;Storme et al., 2017), andTurkish (Öztemel &Akyol, 2020). Its validity has been assessed in relation to proactive personality, career satisfaction, and career decision-making difficulties (Johnston et al., 2013;Storme et al., 2017). ...
... Furthermore, the CAAS-SF has been validated in different languages, such as Malay (Hamzah et al., 2022), German (Johnston et al., 2013), French (Stauffer et al., 2018;Storme et al., 2017), andTurkish (Öztemel &Akyol, 2020). Its validity has been assessed in relation to proactive personality, career satisfaction, and career decision-making difficulties (Johnston et al., 2013;Storme et al., 2017). The reliability analysis revealed that Cronbach's alpha exceeded .6 for each dimension of the scale. ...
... Chang (2017), Park (2016) and Storme et al. (2017) took career decision selfefficacy as a major factor in predicting career adaptation. Therefore, this study takes career decision-making self-efficacy as the independent variable and career adaptation as the dependent variable. ...
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In the highly competitive employment environment, most college students have left their jobs for a short time after employment, and attention should be paid to students’ career adaptation. However, the further influence of skilled goal orientation, social support and career-determined self-efficacy on college students’ career adaptation needs to be confirmed. This study analyzes the effects of these factors on college students’ career adaptation. This study aims to analyze the impact of mastery goal orientation, social support, and vocational decision self-efficacy on career adaptation among 224 university students in East China. The results indicated that university students generally exhibit positive levels of mastery goal orientation, social support, vocational decision self-efficacy, and overall career adaptation. Female students demonstrate higher levels of mastery goal orientation, social support, vocational decision self-efficacy, and career adaptation compared to male students. As students progress in their academic years, their levels of mastery goal orientation, social support, vocational decision self-efficacy, and career adaptation tend to increase. Students majoring in humanities and social sciences have higher level than students majoring in science and engineering in all factors. Students majoring in humanities and social sciences exhibit more optimism in all factors compared to students in science and technology fields. The relationships among these factors show positive correlations. Mastery goal orientation, social support, and vocational decision self-efficacy all have positive effects on career adaptation. Among these, family support stands out as the most influential subordinate factor of social support on career adaptation. The most influential subordinate factor of vocational decision self-efficacy on career adaptation is conscious decision-making. Therefore, male, lower grade, science and engineering college students are the groups that need to be paid attention to in improving career adaptation. Skilled goal orientation, family support and conscious decision making have a better effect on the improvement of career adaptation. These results can provide important reference information for universities, counselors and college students in the training of career planning, and theoretically enrich the relevant research on college students’ career adaptation, and provide certain enlightenment for future researchers.
... Similarly, when self-efficacy is applied to planning and executing career-related tasks within an educational context, it can be conceptualized as career decision-making self-efficacy (Peterson, 1993). Storme et al. (2019) have demonstrated that career decision-making self-efficacy mediates career decision ambiguity and difficulties in making career choices among Frenchspeaking university students. Regardless of whether it is academic self-efficacy or self-efficacy in making career decisions, both factors positively impact the career path. ...
Although career construction theory has been utilized to understand how to construct the career process, it remains unclear how the various factors involved in this process interact comprehensively. In this study, we introduced the career construction network to explore the career development of junior high school students (N = 372) and senior high school students (N = 516) and its influencing factors, and investigated the adaptive readiness, adaptability resources, adapting responses, adaptation results and environmental factors within the network. The results showed that hope and proactive personality occupied influential positions in the network of junior high school students; hope exhibited the highest values of strength and closeness in the senior high school student sample; parental career-related behaviors, as the environmental factors, were located in the peripheral clusters of the two networks. In conclusion, this study provides insights and targeted intervention suggestions for adolescent career training methods.
... Kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan ini disebut dengan toleransi ambiguitas (tolerance of ambiguity); sebuah konsep yang mula-mula dikembangkan oleh Frenkel-Brunswik (Merrotsy, 2013). Riset Storme et al. (2017) pada mahasiswa di Perancis menemukan bahwa toleransi ambiguitas berpengaruh terhadap keyakinan mahasiswa dalam menentukan pilihan kariernya (career decision self-efficacy). ...
... Perkembangan pengetahuan medis yang semakin meningkat, ketergantungan pada teknologi dalam manajemen medis, pengaturan model pendidikan yang lebih terstruktur, serta perbedaan generasi dapat berkontribusi pada toleransi ambiguitas mahasiswa kedokteran. Faktor-faktor ini dapat membuat mahasiswa rentan mengalami intoleransi ambiguitas dan cenderung mengalami kecemasan saat menentukan pilihan karier (Grenier at al., 2005;Storme et al., 2017). Mahasiswa dengan toleransi ambiguitas tinggi lebih fleksibel dalam merespon perubahan yang terjadi sehingga mereka lebih adaptif dalam menentukan karier atau pilihan studi spesialis. ...
... Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa keyakinan diri pengambilan keputusan karier memediasi pengaruh kecerdasan emosional terhadap perilaku persiapan karier. Riset yang dilakukan Storme et al. (2017) juga memposisikan keyakinan diri pengambilan keputusan karier sebagai variabel mediator toleransi ambiguitas keputusan karier dengan kesulitan memutuskan karier pada mahasiswa. Chasanah dan Salim (2019) menemukan bahwa perilaku eksplorasi karier memediasi hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan eksplorasi karier pada siswa SMA. ...
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Pengaruh keluarga serta toleransi ambiguitas berperan dalam membentuk keyakinan diri mahasiswa dalam pengambilan keputusan karier. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui peran keluarga dan toleransi ambiguitas pada keyakinan diri mahasiswa dalam memutuskan karier. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 157 mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang yang diambil dengan teknik sampling accidental. Pengambilan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji regresi. Hasil analisis menemukan bahwa peran keluarga dan toleransi ambiguitas berpengaruh terhadap keyakinan diri penentuan pilihan karier mahasiswa. Toleransi ambiguitas berpengaruh lebih besar terhadap keyakinan diri dalam memutuskan karier mahasiswa dibanding peran keluarga. Implikasi penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa dapat berpikir positif dalam menilai perubahan dunia kerja saat ini, menerima perubahan, mencari kejelasan hal-hal yang ambigu, memantau permintaan pasar tenaga kerja, dan mengembangkan kompetensi diri sesuai dengan demand pasar. Orang tua dapat membantu mahasiswa dengan cara berbagi informasi tentang perkerjaan dan memberikan dukungan emosional dan finansial dalam pengembangan diri mahasiswa.
... To answer this research question, the researchers drilled down the multiple longest paths of six publications in the Group 5 language learning context, with the initial ones led by Bandura [17] and Bandura [18], respectively (See in Figure 9). The newest one is Storme [45]. The most cited document is Xu [46] with 56 citations. ...
... Moreover, the mediating role of self-efficacy is proven in former studies. Specifically, self-efficacy serves as a crucial link between ambiguity tolerance and the capacity to make decisions [45]. Self-efficacy facilitates self-regulation in the completion of learning tasks and further indirectly influences learning outcomes [50]. ...
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Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 post-pandemic era, ambiguity tolerance has been the subject of extensive research and scholarship. While ambiguity tolerance has long been a hot topic across multiple disciplines, scant attention has been given to its role in language education via bibliometric analysis. Two authors adopt an integrative study on ambiguity tolerance in sustainable language education to fill this void. Through a general review and visualization analysis, this study seeks to explore the various influential factors that are associated with ambiguity tolerance in language education. Author co-citation analysis (ACA) and the mapping knowledge domain (MKD) are the underlying theoretical frameworks for bibliographic visualization. VOSviewer and CitNetExplorer are two analytical software utilized to visualize bibliographic data. It is concluded that multilingualism, motivation, self-efficacy, and engagement are positively correlated with ambiguity tolerance and collectively contribute to improving language learning outcomes. Future research could further discuss ambiguity tolerance in the application of emerging technologies in the new decade.
... The results of this study indicated that career decision-making self-efficacy among postgraduate nursing students was negatively associated with career decision-making difficulties, which is consistent with the findings of several previous studies (Storme et al., 2017;Santos et al., 2018;Jemini-Gashi et al., 2019). Furthermore, as shown in Table 4, career decision-making self-efficacy partially mediated the effect of professional self-concept on career decisionmaking difficulties (p < 0.01), suggesting that professional selfconcept can not only directly influence career decision-making difficulties, but also indirectly through career decision-making selfefficacy. ...
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Background In the context of a global shortage, uneven distribution, and structural imbalance of nursing talent, postgraduate nursing students must make appropriate decisions about their careers not only for the nursing profession but also for society as a whole. However, little research has been reported on the current status and factors influencing career decision-making difficulties among postgraduate nursing students. Objectives Exploring the mediating role of career decision-making self-efficacy between professional self-concept and career decision-making difficulties among postgraduate nursing students in China based on the social cognitive career theory. Methods 276 postgraduate nursing students from 25 universities in seven administrative regions of China were selected by stratified random sampling. Data were collected with the Career decision-making difficulties Questionnaire, Career Decision-making Self-Efficacy Scale, and Nursing Professional Self-concept Scale through an online survey, and were analyzed by univariate analysis, correlation analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, and PROCESS macro. Results The score for career decision-making difficulties was 2.84 (SD = 0.54). Professional self-concept (r = −0.496, p < 0.01) and career decision-making self-efficacy (r = −0.551, p < 0.01) were negatively associated with career decision-making difficulties. Career decision-making self-efficacy played a partial mediating role between professional self-concept and career decision-making difficulties (p < 0.01), with the mediating effect (Effect Value = −0.253, Bootstrap 95% CI: −0.349, −0.156) accounting for 53.82% of the total effect. Conclusion The high scores of career decision-making difficulties among postgraduate nursing students demand widespread attention. Nursing educators need to develop a complete and standardized career counseling curriculum for postgraduate nursing students, and should pay attention to the cultivation and development of positive professional self-concept and career decision-making self-efficacy of postgraduate nursing students to reduce their career decision-making difficulties and help them make effective career decision-making.
... The CDAT has good structural and construct validity (Xu & Tracey, 2015b). The instrument has been validated or used in several cultures and countries, such as France (Storme et al., 2019) which is high in individualism and uncertainty avoidance dimension, South Korea (Park et al., 2019), which is low in individualism but high in uncertainty avoidance dimension, and China (Xu et al., 2016), which is low in individualism and uncertainty avoidance aspect. In individualistic societies, individuals are expected to prioritize and take care of themselves and their direct family, but in collectivistic settings, individuals belong to 'in groups' that care for them in exchange for a certain level of loyalty. ...
... The adaptation process in this study was conducted by involving first-year university students from a public university in Central Java. The internal consistencies of all of the sub-scales in the Career (Storme et al., 2019). ...
... This means that all subscales in the CDAT Scale are reliable. In their study,Storme et al. (2019) also obtained excellent reliability coefficients for the sub-scales of preference (.80), tolerance (.77), and aversion (.78).Construct validity of the CDAT scale was supported by demonstrating factorial independence with a confirmatory factor analysis and second-order confirmatory factor analysis. Findings from this study are consistent with the results of Storme et al.'s (2019) study using a confirmatory factor analysis with first-year undergraduate students in France and found that the three-factor structure was in line with the original research. ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to various changes that increased a possibility for university students to experience career ambiguity. Those with a high tolerance for career ambiguity perceive ambiguous situations as advantageous and do not reject the complexity of the discrepancy. This study aimed to yield the Indonesian version of the Career Decision Ambiguity Tolerance Scale and examine the construct validity and concurrent validity of the adapted version. This study involved 1256 first-year students (58.7% female, mean age = 18.23 years, SD age = .66) from a public university in Central Java, Indonesia. Data were collected using measures of ambiguity tolerance in choosing a career, career decision-making self-efficacy, and vocational identity. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to examine the structure of the factor of the final scale, showing good fit indices (CMIN/df = 2.93, CFI = .97, TLI = .96, RMSEA = .04). Reliability coefficients of each the three subscales were satisfactory. Concurrent validity was shown by expected associations with measures of career decision-making self-efficacy and vocational identity.
... Individuals who have a boundaryless career in him usually show that he is a person who has confidence in his ability to choose his future career. Individuals with full confidence in their abilities and involved in career decisions are expected to continue to be motivated in making their career decisions (Storme et al., 2019). Based on Li et al. (2019), that an individual who has a high career decision self-efficacy in himself will feel there are fewer obstacles to the career path. ...
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This study examines the relationship between boundaryless career orientation and career optimism. Researchers tested and explored the possible moderating roles of both variables, namely career decision self-efficacy and career adaptability to the boundaryless career orientation and career optimism relationship. The survey was conducted on 192 accounting students in Indonesia to collect data. This research uses Smart-PLS to process and analyze data. The results showed that boundaryless career orientation is positively associated with career optimism. In this study, it was also shown that career decision self-efficacy and career adaptability successfully moderated the relationship between boundaryless career orientation and career optimism.