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Studies of Spreadsheet Errors

Studies of Spreadsheet Errors

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Although spreadsheet programs are used for small "scratchpad" applications, they are also used to develop many large applications. In recent years, we have learned a good deal about the errors that people make when they develop spreadsheets. In general, errors seem to occur in a few percent of all cells, meaning that for large spreadsheets, the iss...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... we have moved beyond such anecdotal evidence, into the realm of systematic field audits and laboratory experiments. Tables 1 through 3 summarize key data from these studies. Table 1 contains data from 13 field audits involving real-world spreadsheet spreadsheets. ...
Context 2
... 1 through 3 summarize key data from these studies. Table 1 contains data from 13 field audits involving real-world spreadsheet spreadsheets. Since 1995, when field audits began to use good (although usually not excellent) methodologies, 94% of the 88 spreadsheets audited in 7 studies have contained errors, reflecting improvement in auditing methodologies. ...
Context 3
... field audit studies shown in Table 1 report a simple measure of spreadsheet errors-the percentage of spreadsheets that contain at least one serious error. (Minor errors are discounted). ...
Context 4
... this is the percentage of non-label cells containing errors. Table 1 shows that just as faults/KLOC usually falls into a narrow range (Panko, 2005a), the CERs seen in spreadsheet studies have been very similar. The relatively few divergent numbers that appear within a life cycle stage, furthermore, come when only certain cells are considered-generally cells with high potentials for error. ...
Context 5
... there are quantitative errors, in which the spreadsheet gives an incorrect result. The studies in Table 1 look only at quantitative errors. However there are also qualitative errors that may lead to quantitative errors later, during maintenance, what-if analysis, or other activities. ...

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... To help exemplify our ideas, our prototype (described in Section 2) focuses on critical thinking of the kind invoked when working with spreadsheets, and in particular in the activity of data-driven shortlisting (described in Section 1.2). Spreadsheets make a particularly interesting case study because the scope of risk and error in spreadsheets has a long history of popular and scholarly scrutiny [Panko, 1998, Powell et al., 2008, which makes them unique amongst application types that have extremely wide use across domains, professions, and organisations. The impacts of spreadsheet-related errors are huge and continuous, as carefully documented by EuSprIG. 2 Errors have numerous sources Aurigemma, 2010, Rajalingham et al., 2008]: incorrect formulas, incorrect data, issues with data structuring [Chalhoub and Sarkar, 2022], errors in comprehension [Srinivasa Ragavan et al., 2021], unit-related errors , and mistakes in copy-paste reuse [Joharizadeh et al., 2020], are but a few among many. ...
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... Also, the IEEE terminology does not stipulate that an audit can only occur after the system has been released to its users for their use. Some studies (e.g., [37][38]) use the term "field audit" to refer to a QA exercise performed by the authors or other end users for spreadsheets that are already being used in organizations. When discussing other relevant studies in this paper, if needed, we will replace the term "field audit" by another more appropriate term that conforms to the IEEE terminology. ...
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Spreadsheets are very common for information processing to support decision making by both professional developers and non-technical end users. Moreover, business intelligence and artificial intelligence are increasingly popular in the industry nowadays, where spreadsheets have been used as, or integrated into, intelligent or expert systems in various application domains. However, it has been repeatedly reported that faults often exist in operational spreadsheets, which could severely compromise the quality of conclusions and decisions based on the spreadsheets. With a view to systematically examining this problem via survey of existing work, we have conducted a comprehensive literature review on the quality issues and related techniques of spreadsheets over a 35.5-year period (from January 1987 to June 2022) for target journals and a 10.5-year period (from January 2012 to June 2022) for target conferences. Among other findings, two major ones are: (a) Spreadsheet quality is best addressed throughout the whole spreadsheet life cycle, rather than just focusing on a few specific stages of the life cycle. (b) Relatively more studies focus on spreadsheet testing and debugging (related to fault detection and removal) when compared with spreadsheet specification, modeling, and design (related to development). As prevention is better than cure, more research should be performed on the early stages of the spreadsheet life cycle. Enlightened by our comprehensive review, we have identified the major research gaps as well as highlighted key research directions for future work in the area.
... It is well-understood that spreadsheets are indispensable to business (e.g., Croll 2007, Grossman, Mehrotra, andÖzlük 2007), but can also be a source of risk and costly errors (e.g., EuSpRIG 2023, Panko 1998, but also Powell, Baker, and Lawson 2008a, 2008b, 2009a, 2009b. Researchers and practitioners have long been working on articulating standards and practices to reduce risk and error, and also to increase the productivity of spreadsheet programmers, and the effectiveness of spreadsheet users in organizations. ...
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... Several studies have shown that electronic spreadsheets are effective and efficient for handling work-related accounting (Rackliffe & Ragland, 2016, Schneider, et al., 2017. In addition, the accounting profession emphasizes that accounting education graduates must have the ability to operationalize and good spreadsheets design (Frownfelter-Lohrke, 2017), such as utilizing functions to analyze and process data in the field of accounting (Rackliffe & Ragland, 2016) and financial reporting (Panko, 1998). On the other hand, spreadsheets are one of the computational thinking tools. ...
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... The question repeatedly arises, how can we convince people that their text-treatment practice, habits, concepts, and approaches do more harm than good? Even fully developed pieces of software lose their power by misuse (Panko, 1998(Panko, , 2013Csernoch and Dani, 2022;EuSpRIG Horror Stories, 2022;Sebestyén et al., 2022). On the one hand, scientific papers presented on this subject reach neither the target population (Ben-Ari and Yeshno, 2006;Wing, 2006;Csernoch, 2009Csernoch, , 2010Ben-Ari, 2015;EuSpRIG Horror Stories, 2022) nor the appropriate segment of education (Malmi et al., 2019(Malmi et al., , 2022. ...
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... Therefore, it is easy to infer that the value of at least one data cell is erroneous. Since data errors are not randomly distributed [15] , the error distribution in the dataset can be learned to predict which data cell is more likely to have an error value, so as to make more accurate inferences. For example, in this dataset, there is a "SIGMOD Conference" that is similar to the valid value of the "SIGMOD Record" in the attribute domain of the D.Venue. ...
... A large number of experiments on error detection have been conducted through artificial error introduction [49,50] . Related studies [15,51] show that in the real world, about 5% of the data cells in a dataset are subjected to data errors for various reasons. Therefore, this paper sets the error rate to 5% by default when artificially introducing errors into the D-A and Adult datasets. ...
... Researchers (Panko, 2005;Powell et al., 2007) have identified various errors such as: ...
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... Tools that are built on top of Microsoft Excel, such as qBase or DART-PCR, involve copy/paste manipulations from the raw data files, necessitating the careful triage of results to fit the confines of the formulas and dataflow. This can lead to calculation errors that go unnoticed [6]. Recently developed tools, such as SATQPCR [7], PIPE-T [8] or Auto-qPCR [9], come with limitations regarding input formats, the ability to easily adjust plotting parameters, or the lack of comprehensive functionalities such as inter-plate calibration. ...
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Background Reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) is a well-established method for analysing gene expression. Most RT-qPCR experiments in the field of microbiology aim for the detection of transcriptional changes by relative quantification, which means the comparison of the expression level of a specific gene between different samples by the application of a calibration condition and internal reference genes. Due to the numerous data processing procedures and factors that can influence the final result, relative expression analysis and interpretation of RT-qPCR data are still not trivial and often necessitate the use of multiple separate software packages capable of performing specific functions. Results Here we present qRAT, a stand-alone desktop application based on R that automatically processes raw output data from any qPCR machine using well-established and state-of-the-art statistical and graphical techniques. The ability of qRAT to analyse RT-qPCR data was evaluated using two example datasets generated in our laboratory. The tool successfully completed the procedure in both cases, returning the expected results. The current implementation includes functionalities for parsing, filtering, normalizing and visualisation of relative RT-qPCR data, like the determination of the relative quantity and the fold change of differentially expressed genes as well as the correction of inter-plate variation for multiple-plate experiments. Conclusion qRAT provides a comprehensive, straightforward, and easy-to-use solution for the relative quantification of RT-qPCR data that requires no programming knowledge or additional software installation. All application features are available for free and without requiring a login or registration.
... On the other hand, it is well-documented that the flexibility of spreadsheets also makes them error prone [79][80][81]83]. Without formal types or data structures, spreadsheets suffer from classes of error that in traditional programming languages are easily detected, or completely prevented. ...