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One of the most important problems after natural disasters in every country is the preparation of temporary accom-modations for victims. The developers of preventive plans are also faced with numerous uncertainties in this crisis management topic. Furthermore, uncertainty is not defined in classical mathematical sets. Therefore, the use of in-tuiti...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... some cases, active faults cross the cities [21]. Regulations for the Design of Buildings against earthquakes [8] divide Iran into four parts in terms of seismic risk which include relatively low, moderate, high, and very high-risk areas (Table 1). According to this standard, Sanandaj is located in high risk area of earthquakes. ...Context 2
... results are presented in Table 9. Table 9: The weight of alternatives in regard to criterion (distance from fault lines, flood paths and other natural hazards) Table 10 shows the results of pairwise comparison calculations for all alternatives for each criterion. ...Context 3
... calculate equation (7) requires the use of equations (1) and (2) [40], [11]. An example of calculations for alternative 1 is shown below: Table 11 shows the final weignts of alternatives and criteria. ...Context 4
... the defuzzification of the final weights of alternatives in the process of selecting the intuitionistic fuzzy hierarchical multi criteria, alternatives or locations are prioritized based on the final defuzzification weights for each location. In this study, the geometrical average calculated using equation (8) is used for defuzzification of variables [2]: For example, the final defuzzified weight of A1 alternative is calculated as follows: Table 12 shows the defuzzified weight of all options in the order of their priority. ...Similar publications
The process of temporary accommodation after an earthquake is one of the most important issues in crisis management.
This research study attempts to identify and prioritize the key risks inherent with the post-earthquake temporary accommodation process in Sanandaj, Iran using the Fuzzy Delphi method.
To achieve this g...
... location map of Sanandaj City in Iran(Dabiri et al., 2020). ...
Historic neighborhoods in the Global South face challenges like urban core shrinkage and gentrification, impacting residents' socio-cultural dynamics. This qualitative study aims to identify critical aspects contributing to the deterioration of historic fabrics during the revitalisation process and explore their influence on residents' attachment to the Aghazaman neighbourhood in Sanandaj City, Iran. Data was collected from 17 experts using semi-structured interviews. The analysis followed Braun and Clarke's six-step thematic approach: familiarization with the data, generating initial codes, searching for themes, reviewing themes, defining and naming themes, and producing the report. This process identified five themes from 54 codes: (1) strengthening identity, motivation, and ownership; (2) building inclusive and vibrant communities; (3) ensuring socioeconomic adaptation and residents' empowerment; (4) boosting functional adaptation for standard living; and (5) enhancing infrastructure for connected living with the environment. These themes illustrate the factors influencing residents' attachment during the revitalisation process and demonstrate how identity formation can enhance attachment to dilapidated neighbourhoods, thereby strengthening revitalisation efforts. The study contributes to an integral framework for addressing the aspects involved in nurturing residents' attachment, which is a key factor in facilitating sustained revitalisation efforts. From an empirical perspective, there is a need for revitalisation efforts to integrate cultural values, nurture neighbourhood attachment, and preserve identity. While holistic community engagement approaches are recognised, the study also emphasises the need for identity-driven interventions to address shortcomings in enhancing attachment and community well-being, even in community-driven initiatives.
... In reality, fuzzy sets are more compatible with ambiguous explanations and human language, and fuzzy numbers appear to be an effective decision-making technique [45]. Dabiri et al. [64] demonstrated that by applying the FAHP approach to group decisions, the fogginess associated with the common understanding of expert viewpoints could be dispelled. Consequently, this method is suited for analyzing the influence of a phenomenon or concepts influencing features on a more flexible scale. ...
Today, building maintenance and repair (M&R) is a neglected aspect of the construction business throughout a building's entire life cycle. Selecting appropriate M&R strategies is crucial, particularly for emerging economies like Iraq with severely constrained resources. This study seeks to identify the primary selection criteria for M&R methods of healthcare building facilities (HBFs) in Iraq. A comprehensive desktop literature analysis was undertaken to extract and determine the essential selection criteria for the most suited M&R approaches to buildings in general. Then, two rounds of the Delphi survey were conducted to consolidate the specific selection criteria to suit the circumstances of Iraq and HBFs. A total of 21 sub-criteria were identified and divided into six main groups. The main criteria and the associated sub-criteria were then analyzed and ranked using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) technique. The ranking of the various main criteria revealed that the "cost" criterion was ranked first in terms of importance, followed by the "human resources" and "quality" criteria. The fourth, fifth, and sixth main criteria are "reliability/flexibility", "safety/risk/environment", and "facilities/technology", respectively. The overall ranking of the sub-criteria placed "optimization and cost reduction" in the first position and "extending the life of the equipment and preserving their initial quality" in the bottom place. It is anticipated that the key findings and effective recommendations of this study will considerably contribute to the improvement of building maintenance and repair management practices in developing nations while enhancing different stakeholders' understanding of the most important selection criteria for M&R methods, particularly with regard to healthcare building facilities in Iraq.
... The right site is chosen when the desirability of potential locations for a certain application is accurately, consistently, and quickly assessed. Finding locations for temporary housing, which is usually divided into three categories: emergency housing, temporary housing, and permanent housing, though it is occasionally introduced with four categories: emergency shelter, temporary shelter, temporary housing, and permanent housing, is one of the problems in the eld of urban planning that is both a function of multiple variables and is made up of interrelated and continuous variables (Dabiri et al., 2020). Humans are nevertheless powerless to prevent unforeseen natural disasters like earthquakes, oods, and droughts, and they periodically suffer from high death tolls and severe nancial hardship. ...
Cities' growing populations and densities create an atmosphere that is conducive to changes in their structure. Accordingly, factors that increase the number of vulnerable groups, such as women, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities, include urban population growth, high-rise buildings, apartment living, industrial concentration, the growth of impoverished neighbourhoods, and informal settlements. Given the earthquake-prone regions of northwest Iran and the frequency of earthquakes in this region in recent years, it is essential to comprehend the characteristics of the natural environment in order to determine the optimal place for the development of urban structures and relief centres. The purpose of this study is to locate potential sites for the development of temporary housing and relief operations. This study, whose methodology is survey and analysis using the ANP model, has discussed the location of places for the establishment of rescue centres and temporary housing for the population according to the physical, environmental, and social criteria, which immediately after the earthquake, the possibility of rescuing the lives of those who witnessed the accident, and the creation of a temporary shelter. The findings indicate that west of Tabriz is the optimum place for the construction of rescue facilities and temporary people settlement based on the distance from natural crisis elements.
... Urban planning variables should consider providing suitable temporary accommodation solutions. However, these planning variables can, in turn, result in a large number of uncertainties (Dabiri et al., 2020). Therefore, it is necessary to assess the various risks and uncertainties regarding the temporary accommodations of survivors before the hazard. ...
... Hence, according to Olawumi and Chan (2022), fuzzy logic can be used to objectively evaluate the expert's opinions and reduces or even eliminate these uncertainties with the benefits of a better and more accurate risk assessment approach. In classical mathematics, a statement's value or truth is 1 for true and 0 for false statements (Dabiri et al., 2020;Sadeghi et al., 2021). Zadeh (1965) introduced fuzzy sets to solve the problems of classic sets. ...
... One of the essential characteristics of risk-based preventive planning for temporary accommodation after earthquakes is the large number of uncertainties the planners face. Studies indicate that intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFS) can consider these uncertainties (Dabiri et al., 2020). These intuitionistic fuzzy sets have specific advantages over fuzzy sets in managing ambiguity and uncertainty (Xu & Liao, 2013). ...
One of the most critical challenges in preventive planning and disaster management is the multitudinous uncertainties involved in decision-making. Previous studies showed the usefulness of intuitionistic fuzzy sets for considering uncertainties in decision-making process. Hence, the current study aims to present a combined model using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Risk Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (IF-RFMEA) to determine and prioritize the critical risks of temporary accommodation sites after destructive earthquakes in Iran and bridge the existing research gaps in the literature. To this end, 49 common temporary accommodation risks after earthquakes were identified via a desktop literature survey. Then, the fuzzy Delphi technique was applied to determine the top 20 critical risks with the highest priorities according to experts for evaluation using the proposed method. The Delphi panel members included 18 experts based in Iran with relevant hands-on experience in crisis management and risk management. Finally, 20 identified critical risks were evaluated using three criteria of the probability of occurrence, level of effect, and detection value using the IF-RFMEA technique. According to the analytical results, infectious disease challenges, mental and psychological disorders among survivors, and unemployment and closing of businesses, were the most critical risks after earthquakes in the region. The proposed method of analysis can diminish uncertainties and adopt the main criteria of the probability of occurrence, level of effect, and detection value to improve risk assessment results and analysis in relation to the critical risks of temporary accommodation sites after destructive earthquakes.
... In worn-out urban fabrics, urban infrastructures such as networks and installations of electricity, gas, telecommunications, as well as water and wastewater networks are worn-out and very vulnerable. These infrastructures are faced with various challenges in times of emergency services (Cirianni et al., 2012;Dabiri et al., 2020). Due to the condition of buildings, infrastructure and urban facilities in worn-out urban fabrics, there is a possibility of fire and explosion, as well as flooding in case of earthquakes (Ruiter et al., 2017). ...
To reduce financial and human losses, managing risks associated with earthquakes is essential in practice. However, in using common risk management methods, experts are often faced with ambiguities that can create profound challenges for risk management. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a logical and straightforward risk assessment model to provide scientific and accurate answers to complex problems. This study aims to recommend an innovative combined method based on the probability-impact (P-I) approach and intuitionistic fuzzy set theory to identify and prioritize the essential earthquake risks associated with worn-out urban fabrics in the context of Iran.
The opinions of 15 experts in the fields of civil engineering and urban construction were gathered during brainstorming sessions. These brainstorming sessions were conducted to determine the probability of risks and the effect of identified risks. After calculating the severity of risks using the P-I approach and converting them to intuitionistic fuzzy sets, the risks were measured and prioritized based on their individual scores.
The study results indicated that risk of damage due to buildings’ age and flooding risk had the highest and lowest priorities in causes of financial damage, respectively. Furthermore, the risk of damage due to building quality (demolition) and building age was the most important. The risk of flooding and damage to communication networks has the lowest importance among causes of fatalities in worn-out urban fabrics.
The study findings and recommendations can be served as a policy and consultative instrument for the relevant stakeholders in the area of urban management.
... In these cases, where projects deal with a significant set of variables and there is a need to prioritize decision-making parameters based on their relative importance, using several techniques is a good tool for prioritizing and making more accurate scientific decisions. In most previous research, risk ranking has been done by applying different methods such as the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) [42,43], the Analytic Network Process (ANP) [11,24], the Choosing by Advantages (CBA) method [44], and the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) [10,45]. Furthermore, more sophisticated techniques have been advanced (e.g., Mata et al. [46]). ...
... Lack of using appropriate methods in workshop management R 41 Lack of proper organizational coordination R 42 Project staff crisis in different units R 43 Assigning responsibility of units to a third party R 44 Lack of qualified consultant R 45 Incomplete plan ...
Construction development of Commercial and Recreational Complex Building Projects (CRCBPs) is one of the community needs of many developing countries. Since the implementation of these projects is usually very costly, identifying and evaluating their Critical Risk Factors (CRFs) are of significant importance. Therefore, the current study aims to identify and prioritize CRFs of CRCBPs in the Iranian context. A descriptive-survey method was used in this research; the statistical population, selected based on the purposive sampling method, includes 30 construction experts with hands-on experience in CRCBPs. A questionnaire related to the risk identification stage was developed based on a detailed study of the research literature and also using the Delphi survey method; 82 various risks were finally identified. In order to confirm the opinions of experts in identifying the potential risks, Kendall’s coefficient of concordance was used. In the first stage of data analysis, qualitative evaluation was performed by calculating the severity of risk effect and determining the cumulative risk index, based on which 25 CRFs of CRCBPs were identified for more accurate evaluation. At this stage, the identified CRFs were evaluated based on multi-criteria decision-making techniques and using the TOPSIS technique. Results show that the ten CRFs of CRCBPs are external threats from international relations, exchange rate changes, bank interest rate fluctuations, traffic licenses, access to skilled labor, changes in regional regulations, the condition of adjacent buildings, fluctuations and changes in inflation, failure to select a suitable and qualified consultant, and employer’s previous experiences and records. Obviously, the current study’s results and findings can be considered by CRCBPs in both the private and public sectors for proper effective risk identification, evaluation, and mitigation.
... A series of approaches were proposed to analysis and resolving such problems (see, for example those given in [48,58,64]). Existing works devoted to use of interval, fuzzy and probabilistic approaches to deal with inconsistency of uncertain preferences proceed with generalization or adaptation of indices proposed for classical pairwise comparisons matrix [18,21,47,53,69]. The motivation of the study in [53] is modeling limited rationality of DMs resulted from natural vagueness of human preferences. ...
The notion of consistency is used to estimate the quality of preference knowledge and its stability for reliable evaluation of decision alternatives. It is well-known that a set of strict consistency conditions are used to keep the rationality of preference intensities between compared elements. These requirements are not achievable in the real situations when decision maker has limited rationality and partially reliable preferences. In this study, we propose an approach to deriving consistency-driven preference degrees for such kind of situations. A preference degree is described by a Z-number to reflect imprecision and partial reliability of preference knowledge. An optimization problem with Z-number valued variables is used to formulate design of consistent preferences. A real-world decision making problem is considered to illustrate application of the proposed method and conduct comparison with an existing technique.
... Applying fuzzy sets is more consistent with vague explanations and human linguistics, and using fuzzy numbers seems to be a proper way to make decisions . Dabiri et al. (2020) indicated that using the FAHP method for group decisions could resolve the fuzziness of frequent misunderstanding of specialist opinions. Therefore, this method is an appropriate way to evaluate the importance of the parameters affecting a phenomenon or a concept on a more flexible scale. ...
All buildings require Repair and Maintenance (R&M) in their life cycle period. However, if R&M activities are not carried out properly, deterioration will occur, service life of buildings will be reduced, and maintenance costs will increase. Hence, selecting the appropriate R&M methods is pivotal, especially for developing countries, such as Iran, which are featured by highly constrained resources. The present study aims to identify and prioritize the main criteria for selecting the suitable R&M methods for Commercial Buildings (CBs), which is considered as a profound challenge for the Architecture , Engineering and Construction/Facility Management (AEC/FM) industry. A total of 20 senior experts in the AEC/FM industry and CBs in Iran were invited to participate in a Delphi survey to solicit their perceptions and opinions on the selection criteria. The total number of individual criteria identified is 16, which are further divided into five categories: human resources, flexibility and technical capability, risks, cost of maintenance, together with facilities and technology. Then, the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) technique was applied to prioritize the identified criteria. Among the 5 main selection criteria, the cost of maintenance is the most important criterion for selecting appropriate R&M methods for CBs whereas the criterion of human resources (HR) was recognized as the least important.
... The Delphi method is still evolving. One of the advantages of the Delphi method is its ease of use; because it does not require advanced mathematical, execution and analysis skills, but requires a person familiar with the Delphi method and creativity in project design (Dabiri et al., 2020). This method has always been faced with expert opinions with low convergence and high implementation costs. ...
Earthquake is a random natural phenomenon, which can occur at any time and location in a given seismic zone with any magnitude. The earthquake vulnerability in buildings and urban infrastructures is a key issue for crisis management. Therefore, an assessment model should be developed to identify and prioritize the significant seismic risks involved. In risk management, several numerical and descriptive phrases are used for risk identification and assessment. These phrases are estimative by nature and the accuracy of the estimations is vital in future decision-making in risk management. Fuzzy sets are a reliable tool in solving such problems and result in high level of accuracy through creating multiple-value logical models. The purpose of this study is to identify and prioritize the major risks associated with earthquakes in urban worn-out textures through the Delphi survey technique and fuzzy sets approach. The experts' opinions were collected using a fuzzy Delphi questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale of measurement method. Participants in the Delphi panel consist of 15 experts in the field of engineering. Important risks were determined and prioritized in the two phases of fuzzy Delphi method. According to the results, among the 19 identified major risks, road blockage and flood with defuzzification values of 0.917 and 0.583, respectively, have the highest and lowest risk potential respectively in Jalili Neighborhood's worn-out textures. It is expected that, because of the simplicity and the high accuracy for identification of the most vulnerable parts, this study provides scientific and useful guidance to urban managers and planners in decision-making and adopting the most appropriate strategies for mitigating damages and potential risks of earthquakes in urban worn-out textures.
... AHP transforms a complex decision problem into elemental issues related to each other through a hierarchy and determines the main goal with the lowest level of the hierarchy in the simplest possible way (Marttunen, Haag, Belton, Mustajoki, & Lienert, 2019;Wang, 2015). The results obtained in previous studies have shown that AHP can be adopted in various applications due to its simplicity, flexibility, simultaneous use of qualitative and quantitative criteria, and its ability to evaluate compatibility during judgments (Dabiri, Oghabi, Sarvari, Sabeti, & Kashefi, 2020;Darko et al., 2019). AHP is carried out using six steps (Bertolini, Braglia, & Carmignani, 2006): ...
One of the newest advancements in manufacturing and project management is Building Information Modeling (BIM) which uses creative processes for production, analysis, and management of building information. On the other hand, the output of the Geographic Information System (GIS) model includes one or more actual locations, which satisfy all needs. It provides points related to the BIM tool and it creates a 3D model for visualizing the optimum location. Integration of GIS and BIM can bring about several advantages including optimum locating. The aim of the current study is to propose a useful model for locating warehouses in large manufacturing factories using a BIM-GIS integrated model. To this end, BIM was used for simulation and locating of product warehouses in the casting unit of Esfahan's Mobarakeh Steel Company (EMSC) in Iran. In order to meet these aims, several locations were selected in the EMSC compound, and decision making regarding three superior alternatives which were carried out by creating a 3D model of the warehouse and fitting of the model in three suggested locations. Using the extant literature, interviews with experts and managers, and survey questionnaires, essential criteria affecting the optimum locating of industrial warehouses were extracted based on the Building information modeling data. Then, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used for data analysis. The results indicated that among various criteria, economic-social and crisis management criteria had the highest weights. These results were then used for selecting the optimum locating for the construction of warehouses. ARTICLE HISTORY