Figure 2 - uploaded by Taib Iskandar Mohamad
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Student-grade statistics for Semester 1 

Student-grade statistics for Semester 1 

Source publication
Conference Paper
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Yanbu Industrial College (YIC) is one of the leading technical colleges in Saudi Arabia offering associate degree and bachelor degree programs in engineering and applied sciences. As a technical college, the approach of teaching is predominantly classical with theoretic lectures and hands-on experimental/laboratory works. Course assessment was heav...

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Context 1
... order to examine more closely, Figure 2 and Figure 3 are referred. In these figures, distributions of student grades for the two semesters are shown in terms of statistical data with S-curve describing the percentage build- up towards highest grade. Inclusion of project reduces the highest marks but makes the distribution much more realistic for a course that carries major coverage of program curriculum and significant contribution towards CGPA. The average mark shifted from B to C+. However the highest number of students obtain grade B. Because there were two D+ achievers, the average mark shifted to C+ ...