Student 7's answer to Q1 (left) and representation of the atom made during the interview (right). (S)he draws a nucleus and an electron that makes a transition to a more external orbit when it absorbs a photon (represented by an arrow coming from below). (S)he uses a line to represent the transition that will result in emission of radiation. Student 7's written response: "Subparagraph a) The atoms absorb the photons from light and they will jump to the stationary state of −3.4 eV, then they will go down again emitting light. Subparagraph b) There will be no jump, it is impossible because there is no stationary state of the hydrogen atom at −0.6 eV, so the photon will pass by.

Student 7's answer to Q1 (left) and representation of the atom made during the interview (right). (S)he draws a nucleus and an electron that makes a transition to a more external orbit when it absorbs a photon (represented by an arrow coming from below). (S)he uses a line to represent the transition that will result in emission of radiation. Student 7's written response: "Subparagraph a) The atoms absorb the photons from light and they will jump to the stationary state of −3.4 eV, then they will go down again emitting light. Subparagraph b) There will be no jump, it is impossible because there is no stationary state of the hydrogen atom at −0.6 eV, so the photon will pass by.

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Research has highlighted difficulties experienced by students when studying quantum physics in introductory courses. In this paper, we present a teaching and learning sequence (TLS) aiming at introducing a quantum model of emission and absorption of radiation and we assess its impact on the students’ learning about atomic spectra. The TLS has been...

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Pemikiran yang sama atau pemberian solusi yang sama persis ketika dinyatakan oleh beberapa siswa pada pertanyaan terbuka atau yang bersifat High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) mengindikasikan kurangnya kepercayaan diri (self-efficacy) pada mereka. Hal tersebut melatarbelakangi tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengukur self-efficacy melalui Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKPD) berbasis tinjauan empiris dan teoretis pada materi fluida statis. Penelitian ini berjenis quasi-experiment karena menggunakan pre-post-test group design. Pengambilan sampel yang akan dilakukan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel yang diambil adalah siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) di salah satu Kabupaten Lamongan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa LKPD berbasis tinjauan empiris teoretis yang digunakan dapat meningkatkan self-efficacy siswa. Peningkatan self-efficacy teramati dari nilai rata-rata pada saat pre-test 62,68% menjadi 71,95% pada saat post-test. Hasil nilai tersebut tergolong dalam peningkatan yang baik menurut skala Likert. Pengukuran self-efficacy diukur melalui enam indikator yang berbeda (konten sains, kemampuan pemecahan masalah, kemampuan laboratory usage, penerapan dalam keseharian, komunikasi sains, dan literasi ilmiah). Indikator literasi ilmiah memperoleh nilai rata-rata terendah yang disebabkan oleh rendahnya minat siswa dalam mempelajari suatu konsep. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan tentang analisis hubungan minat siswa dengan self-efficacy siswa.
... These need to be represented in the form of a spectrum (see Figure 1). Spectroscopy has been shown to be a difficult topic for students [44][45][46][47]. Elements that are known to be challenging are distinguishing between energy levels and energy of emitted photons (differences between energy levels) [44][45][46] and creating a spectrum from single events. ...
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A simple and economic scintillator kit in combination with a computer based oscilloscope was used to develop a learning experience, comprised of a set of activities to introduce students in an interactive way to the physics of gamma ray detection. The proposal for secondary school and university students is built by means of frequent on-the-fly formative assessment to collect difficulties of students and ways to overcome them. Internal decays of Lutetium–yttrium oxyorthosilicate (LYSO) crystals already present in the scintillator kit are used as sources of gamma rays, so no external sources were needed. In addition, the use of LYSO crystals offers a reason to discuss coincidence measurements, because of the inherent beta background present in the internal decay, which can be at least partially removed with coincidence measurements. The goal of the learning experience is to experience how gamma ray detection is actually done, discussing the physics involved, motivated by the current frontline research on the detection of gamma ray bursts.
... Such methodologies have shown evidence of improved learning and proper interpretation of the concepts and laws involved in physics problems. Among them it is worth highlighting proposals involving paper and pencil problem-solving research (Gil et al., 1990;Martínez-Losada et al., 1999); problem-solving by developing guided research (Guisasola et al., 2011); or design teaching-learning sequences (Guisasola et al., 2021;Savall-Alemany et al., 2019). ...
... The difficulties of engineering and architecture students in dealing with physics problems in novel situations is a fact that has been evidenced in almost all branches of physics since the 1980s. For example, in kinematics (Rodes-Roca et al., 2020;Zuza et al., 2016), electromagnetism (Campos et al., 2020;Guisasola et al., 2011;this work) or the atomic spectrum (Savall-Alemany et al., 2019). According to the answers given in the questionnaire, this project has shown some evidence that formative assessment using a rubric helps students to understand and apply Ampere's law to calculate the magnetic field generated by parallel current wires. ...
... In summary and in conclusion, students have realised that physics is not just a matter of mathematical equations but involves an understanding of concepts and laws to deal with problems in unfamiliar situations. Therefore, learning methodologies that introduce research strategies in problem-solving point to an improvement in learners' attitude towards these models (Campos et al., 2020;Gil & Martínez Torregrosa, 1983;Gil et al., 1990;Guisasola et al., 2011Guisasola et al., , 2015Guisasola et al., , 2021Martínez-Losada et al., 1999;Savall-Alemany et al., 2019;Zuza et al., 2016Zuza et al., , 2020this work). ...
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It is very common for students of technical degrees to think that solving physics problems consists predominantly of applying a series of formulae and substituting data. In other words, they do not need to understand the physical meaning of an equation. Some experimental studies focusing on basic kinematics have revealed certain shortcomings in the resolution strategies related to this topic. The aim of this work is to extend the experience to other physics themes and to identify whether objective assessment of the engineering or architecture student’s reasoning significantly improves the learning of the matter in a dual teaching context. An illustrative example of how the evaluation rubric is applied to a problem proposed to students has been shown. To discourage copying or plagiarism in problem solving, learners have signed a declaration of honesty stating that they have not received any external help in doing the work. According to the students’ feedback, the learning initiative has been highly rated and improvements to the rubric have been suggested. The presence of several errors in the resolution submitted by the students has shown a dispersion of marks that makes it necessary to reconsider the rubric for the next academic year. In spite of this, the fewer mistakes, the lower deviation in the marks.
... El enfoque de la enseñanza como "indagación orientada" incluye una estructura de "situaciones problemáticas" que orienta las actividades de la SEA, lo que obliga a pasar del diseño de "grano grande" al diseño de detalle o "grano fino" (Guisasola et al. 2008, Furió et a. 2012, Solbes et al. 2009). Estas investigaciones han contribuido a la producción de materiales didácticos cuya implementación ha obtenido resultados comparativamente buenos (Verdu y Martinez-Torregrosa 2004, Guisasola et al. 2017, Savall et al. 2019). ...
... Por ejemplo, el concepto de campo no tiene la misma categoría ontológica que el concepto de fuerza (Furió y Guisasola 1998, Zuza et al. 2018. El conocimiento de las barreras epistemológicas y ontológicas ayuda a definir los "problemas-guía", cuya resolución incluye un conjunto de actividades y orienta la secuencia de las actividades SEA (Furió et al 2003, Savall et al 2016, Savall et al 2019. ...
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In this chapter, we put forward a proposal for the design of teaching and learning sequences in high school and university. We will connect our proposal with relevant contributions on the design of teaching sequences, ground it on the design-based research methodology, and discuss how teaching and learning sequences designed according to our proposal supposes an research on physics education. An iterative methodology for designing the teaching and learning sequence (TLS) is presented in the teaching of fundamentals of dc circuits.
... El enfoque de la enseñanza como "indagación orientada" incluye una estructura de "situaciones problemáticas" que orienta las actividades de la SEA, lo que obliga a pasar del diseño de "grano grande" al diseño de detalle o "grano fino" (Guisasola et al. 2008, Furió et a. 2012, Solbes et al. 2009). Estas investigaciones han contribuido a la producción de materiales didácticos cuya implementación ha obtenido resultados comparativamente buenos (Verdu y Martinez-Torregrosa 2004, Guisasola et al. 2017, Savall et al. 2019). ...
... Por ejemplo, el concepto de campo no tiene la misma categoría ontológica que el concepto de fuerza (Furió y Guisasola 1998, Zuza et al. 2018. El conocimiento de las barreras epistemológicas y ontológicas ayuda a definir los "problemas-guía", cuya resolución incluye un conjunto de actividades y orienta la secuencia de las actividades SEA (Furió et al 2003, Savall et al 2016, Savall et al 2019. ...
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Desde hace unas décadas la investigación basada en el diseño de Secuencias de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje se ha convertido en una línea de investigación cada vez más aceptada con el objetivo de generar conocimiento sobre la naturaleza y las condiciones de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, mediante el diseño y desarrollo de la innovación educativa en los entornos de aula. En la primera sección se realiza una breve revisión de las investigaciones centradas en estudios teóricos y empíricos de secuencias de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el entorno del aula. Así como, la relación de ésta tradición investigadora con el movimiento de las Investigaciones Basadas en el Diseño (IBD). La segunda sección se centra en el objetivo principal de este trabajo, la descripción de la IBD como una metodología de investigación, es decir como un procedimiento que proporciona pautas para desarrollo de una investigación. Finalmente, se discute sobre los elementos claves que definen la investigación basada en el diseño y se proponen ejemplo de trabajos publicados por los autores. En las conclusiones se discute sobre qué evidencias se ofrecen para apoyar los logros de este tipo de investigación y perspectivas de futuro.
... Therefore, this work is indebted and is based upon previous work carried out in the research groups of which the authors have been part (see, for example, Refs. [41][42][43][44][45][46][47]). ...
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[This paper is part of the Focused Collection on Curriculum Development: Theory into Design.] We argue that teaching learning sequence (TLS) design needs to be further developed through the explicit articulation of methodology, which comprises the theoretical commitments regarding research and how those give rise to methods for design, implementation and assessment. In this study we propose design based research (DBR) as a methodology to conduct systematic and iterative studies of the design and assessment of educational interventions (such as materials and strategies) as solutions to complex problems in educational practice. This methodology does not specify theoretical commitments regarding the nature of learning and how those give rise to teaching strategies, but the articulation of those commitments is expected as part of the justification for decision making in the design process. In order to demonstrate the framework, we present an example of TLS development in the context of introductory electrostatics and dc circuits. We describe the evaluation of the TLS over three years of implementation, addressing both the capacity of the TLS for involving students in learning the topic and the students’ learning itself.