Structural models with Path Analysis for Relations Mediation In the Table 1 presented the results of the calculation of estimates and statistical test path coefficient () for path analysis based on four regression models that have been determined. correlation between variables in the first model (1 = 0.302), the second model (2 = 0.458), and the third model (3 = 0.415) was significant (p <0.001) so that the three conditions mediation are complete. In the fourth model of the relationship between motivation and readiness in exclusive breastfeeding was significant (3 '= 0.350; p <0.001), whereas the relationship between knowledge and preparedness in the otherwise exclusive breastfeeding is not significant (1' = 0.142; p = 0.092) , The correlation between knowledge and preparedness in exclusive breastfeeding changed from the first model (without the readiness as covariates) into the fourth model (with readiness as covariates). In addition to a decline in the path coefficient of 0,302 became 0,142, the correlation also becomes insignificant. This suggests that the fourth correlation condition is fulfilled. It can be concluded that the motivation of pregnant mothers exclusively breastfed mediates the relationship between knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding with readiness to exclusive breastfeeding.

Structural models with Path Analysis for Relations Mediation In the Table 1 presented the results of the calculation of estimates and statistical test path coefficient () for path analysis based on four regression models that have been determined. correlation between variables in the first model (1 = 0.302), the second model (2 = 0.458), and the third model (3 = 0.415) was significant (p <0.001) so that the three conditions mediation are complete. In the fourth model of the relationship between motivation and readiness in exclusive breastfeeding was significant (3 '= 0.350; p <0.001), whereas the relationship between knowledge and preparedness in the otherwise exclusive breastfeeding is not significant (1' = 0.142; p = 0.092) , The correlation between knowledge and preparedness in exclusive breastfeeding changed from the first model (without the readiness as covariates) into the fourth model (with readiness as covariates). In addition to a decline in the path coefficient of 0,302 became 0,142, the correlation also becomes insignificant. This suggests that the fourth correlation condition is fulfilled. It can be concluded that the motivation of pregnant mothers exclusively breastfed mediates the relationship between knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding with readiness to exclusive breastfeeding.

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Women who prepare early will be better prepared both physically and psychologically to breastfeed exclusively. The purpose of this research was to determine whether the motivation variable as a mediator of the relation between knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding with readiness to exclusive breastfeeding. The study was observational, A total of 150...

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Background: the anxiety is an unclear situation having by someone. Someone who has this condition will have unpredictable feeling and feeling helpless. Moreover, someone with anxiety disorder tends to be easy to get emotional due to her mood. This condition occurs due to physical tension as well as their worries about the future they will face. Aims: to review about childbirth counseling by WhatsApp group media to reduce the anxiety of primigravida. Method: the method used is scoping review. Scoping review is used to map the literature and to obtain the information about the research activity relate to the topic researched and identify the problems in research area that will be researched, make a framework by identifying the research question through PEOs and identify the relevant study through Google Scholar, Pubmed and Science Direct, select the study article by Prisma Flow Chart, map the data charting and draw the article search flow, arrange, summary and report the result and discussion by using qualitative method which consist of four (4) articles, use qualitative method consisting five (5) articles, three (3) articles from Indonesia, one (1) article from Brazil, one (1) article from Tabriz Iran, , one (1) article from Oared
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Anemia is a condition that is commonly indicated by low hemoglobin levels in the blood. This situation is proven by the lack of quality and quantity of red blood cells that consequently decrease the amount of oxygen transported into the tissue. The high incidence of anemia in pregnancy can cause high maternal mortality after childbirth resulting from pregnancy complications such as bleeding. A lot of research on the factors that influence anemia and the prevention of anemia during pregnancy has been conducted previously. However, there is still few of research exploring women's perception of anemia and the consumption of iron supplements. This Scoping Review aims to determine the extent of women's perception of anemia and iron supplement consumption. The method used is Scoping Review using Wiley Online Library, PubMed, and ScienceDirect databases. The research results that match the criteria are then analyzed with the aim of generating these articles. Appropriational study applied here uses Joana Briggs Institute (JBI), and the synthesis method uses PEOS modification. Six of the 141 articles relevant to titles and abstracts met the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
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The target of government in the use of health care facilities for birth process (90% of delivery process in conducted by health practitioners) has not been reached. The research used a cross sectional design. The population included all mothers have given birth process from April to July 2017. The samples were selected using the proposive sampling (with data collection sheet). They were 89 mothers who had previous delivery experience. This study used chi-square test. The data were presented in the form of frequency distribution and percentages followed with narration.The results are: knowledge factor (ρ=0.000 less than α=0.05), habit factor (ρ=0.004 less than α= 0.05), the factor of distance to health care service (ρ=0.001 less than α= 0.05), and midviwe availability factor (ρ=0.003 less than α= 0.05). It is concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge, habit, distance to health care service, midwive availability and requesting midwives to help in birth process.
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The resignation of an Indian Administrative Services Officer named Rani Nagar and its non-acceptance by the state government of Haryana had revived the debate around sexual harassment in India. The reason given by the officer was sexual harassment by a senior and non-action of authorities leading to her feeling threatened for her safety. It highlights the fact that position of women in India is not corresponding to their professional achievements. The mindset of society remains attached to the notion of inferior status of women in general, regardless of their professional status. This paper seeks to delve more into the issue of sexual harassment per se and find the actual root cause that serves as a driving force behind such acts of perpetrator. It is done by using cases, theories and examples of contemporary times.