Figure - uploaded by Amina Abdel Razek Mahmoud
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Statistically relation the laboratory workers' total knowledge scores & their socio-demographic characteristics training courses about
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The practices of safety measures by the clinical laboratory workers in hospitals are necessary for the prevention of occupational hazards. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of safety training program for laboratory workers' regarding prevention of occupational hazards. Design: A quasi-experimental design was used in carrying out this...
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Context 1
... 4 illustrates that; before the program implementation; only 44% of the laboratory workers had satisfactory practices regarding laboratory safety measures, while after the program implementation increased tendency to 72%. Table 6 reveals that; there were high statistically significant differences between the studied laboratory workers' total knowledge scores and their age, gender, educational levels, nature of job, experience years, and their received training courses (P < 0.001). Table 7 reveals that; there were highly statistically significant differences between total practices scores of the studied laboratory workers regarding prevention of laboratory hazards and their educational levels, nature of job, experience years, and their received training courses (P < 0.001). ...