Table 1 - uploaded by Shalini, Agarwal
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Work simplification is scientific approach to study work processes with
view to simplifying the process such that the work process becomes
more efficient and effective thereby raises productivity and reduces
wastage of labor effort, material, space, time & energy in the process of
producing a good or delivering a service. Work simplifi...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... Meaning of emancipation is shown as a form of cultural reaction to the long tradition that is seen very discriminating and nuanced feudalistic. Instead the meaning of education, marital nyeburin the growing understanding of individuals in society that rightly abandoned discriminatory treatment because it does not conform with gender equality. Udayana INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ISSN : 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR -2.735; IC VALUE:5.16 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 4(1), APRIL 2014 29 DALITS: THE AUTOCHTHONS OF INDIA -A SOCIO- CULTURAL, HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ISSN : 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR -2.735; IC VALUE:5.16 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 4(1), APRIL 2014 30 have undergone a silent revolution of leaving Brahmanism. It was the reason why the muslim rulers were in a position to rule India for more than 800 ...
Context 2
... society that rightly abandoned discriminatory treatment because it does not conform with gender equality. Udayana INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ISSN : 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR -2.735; IC VALUE:5.16 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 4(1), APRIL 2014 29 DALITS: THE AUTOCHTHONS OF INDIA -A SOCIO- CULTURAL, HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ISSN : 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR -2.735; IC VALUE:5.16 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 4(1), APRIL 2014 30 have undergone a silent revolution of leaving Brahmanism. It was the reason why the muslim rulers were in a position to rule India for more than 800 ...
Context 3
... this connection we must always remember one thing. As far as aboriginal (Naga, Santhal etc) are concerned i.e. everywhere in the world we find two types of people in the past one The conqueror In north India Tamil morphosed into different vernaculars beyond recognition (V.T.Rajasekhar [2007]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ISSN : 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR -2.735; IC VALUE:5.16 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 4(1), APRIL 2014 35 it and use it which shows that they are foreigners and the rest of the people are original inhabitants of India. Realization of Ambedkarism is the only way which could help the SCs, STs, BCs and Minorities of India through which they can re- capture political power and annihilate caste system so as to achieve true democratic spirit ...
Context 4
... production, and healthcare, including at the tertiary level. There is no denying of many achievements over the decades: increased life expectancy reduced infant mortality, declines in fertility, some success in eradicating basic communicable diseases. The state-wise distribution of medical colleges (Allopathy) in India is shown in Table1. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ISSN : 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR -2.735; IC VALUE:5.16 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 4(1), APRIL 2014 46 students read science and mathematics at the school final level, while it was possible for a student in the US to complete his degree without studying these two subjects. Not only medical colleges, medical care provided by top Indian hospitals too is world-class. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ISSN : ...
Context 5
... : 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR -2.735; IC VALUE:5.16 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 4(1), APRIL 2014 46 students read science and mathematics at the school final level, while it was possible for a student in the US to complete his degree without studying these two subjects. Not only medical colleges, medical care provided by top Indian hospitals too is world-class. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ISSN : 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR -2.735; IC VALUE:5.16 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 4(1), ...
Context 6
... INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ISSN : 2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR -2.735; IC VALUE:5.16 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 4(1), APRIL 2014 both at the undergraduate and the postgraduate levels, maintenance of Indian Medical Register, reciprocity with foreign countries in the matter of mutual recognition of medical qualifications, continuing medical education and granting of provisional/permanent registration of doctors with recognized medical qualifications, registration ...
Context 7
... having better economic status were more likely to have GDM than those having low economic status in these study population (Table 1.1). Only 6% of women with annual income less than 100000 were found to have GDM. ...
Context 8
... T test revealed significant difference of obesity in between BMI less than 25.0 and BMI higher than the 25.0 . Risk of GDM was more in the women with BMI more than 30 than those below 25 (Table 1.3). observed that majority of women were vegetarian (59%) followed by ovatarian (29%) and non vegetarian (12%) respectively. ...
Context 9
... of moisture adequacy (Ima) were worked out as a percentage ratio of AE to PE. Based on the statuses of annual and seasonal Ima, the study area can be classified into different potentiality classes (Table 1). ...
Context 11
... to the Election Commission of India (2014), a total of 2,31,61,296 electors were enrolled into the electoral data, of which, 1,35,64,730 (58.57%) were male electors, 95,92,389 (41.42%) were female electors and 4177 (0.018%) belonged to "Others" category (Table 1). Gender-wise composition of newly eligible Indian electors of all 35 States and Union Territories is furnished in Annexure 1. (Table 2). ...
Context 12
... cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool for holistic environmental assessments of products and Processes in many industries construction, From Table 1 we can found that Taiwan have maximum penetration in case of total insurance and life insurance also, after Taiwan next place occupied by South Africa and Hong Kong maintaining the same penetration levels in total insurance, life insurance and non-life insurance. Table 2 depicts that Switzerland has maximum density of insurance in total insurance, life insurance and non-life insurance second place occupied by Japan and the least density is in Bangladesh. ...
Human beings square measure in shut relation with the microorganisms that was common in nature. Immune system could be a means that of protection against the damaging effects of noxas, that cause infection in our bodies. The immune response by humans to CoV-2 virus occurs which is a combination of the cell-mediated immunity and antibody production, just as with most other infections. There are limited proven on therapeutic options for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. The role of vitamin and mineral supplementation or “immunonutrition” has previously been discovered in a number of clinical trials in rigorous care settings and there are several hypotheses which were support their routine use. The aim of this book chapter was to investigate whether vitamin supplementation is beneficial in COVID-19. This book chapter summarizes the immunemediating, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of vitamins A to E which were explored and their potential role in the immune function that fight against COVID-19 was evaluated. The major topics mined for narrative synthesis were physiological and immunological roles of each vitamin and their role in respiratory infections, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and also COVID-19. Vitamins A to E was highlighted because of their potentially beneficial roles in the fight against COVID-19 via antioxidant effects, immunomodulation, enhancing natural barriers and local paracrine signaling. Level 1 and 2 evidence showed the use of thiamine, vitamin C, and vitamin D in COVID-19 such as respiratory diseases, ARDS, and sepsis. While there are currently no published clinical trials due to the novelty of SARS-CoV-2 infection, there is pathophysiologic rationale for exploring the use of vitamins in this global pandemic, which is supported by early anecdotal reports from international groups. The final outcomes of ongoing trials of vitamin supplementation are looked-for with in interest.