Fig 1 - uploaded by Norbert Bauer
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Sporocarp ("basidiocarp") of Clathrus archeri in Piatra Niergeș (23.08.2018., N. Bauer)

Sporocarp ("basidiocarp") of Clathrus archeri in Piatra Niergeș (23.08.2018., N. Bauer)

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The present part of the series of miscellaneous new records provides the records of Radiola linoides reported for the fi rst time from the Zemplén Mts, and as a confi rmation of the occurrence of the species in Hungary. Partly sympatrically, Centunculus minimus is reported as a new species from the Zemplén Mts with a number of localities. One invas...


... As a result of a few targeted studies the bryophyte was found mainly in pine plantations, furthermore its largest population appeared in disturbed native forests with an acidic soil surface (Szűcs et al. 2014). More recently, its presence has been detected in Transdanubian region (Somogy and Tolna County) and in Praematricum (Bács Kiskun County) (Csiky et al. 2017, Matus et al. 2018). ...
... Previously published records of C. introflexus are mainly from the Transdanubian region (Szűcs et al. 2014, Csiky et al. 2017, Matus et al. 2018, the currently identified Eastern Hungarian populations are far away from the majority of these known localities. Gusztáv Jakab in 1997 (Jakab 1997) published his work bryophyte flora of the Nyírség which does not mention the neophytic moss species. ...
... Distribution of Campylopus introflexus in Hungary; • new occurrence, ▲ published occurrence (based onSzűcs et al. 2014, Csiky et al. 2017and Matus et al. 2018. ...
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As a result of the research conducted between 2016 and 2018, 12 new populations of Campylopus introflexus were discovered in Hungary, of which 5 occurences were from the Transdanubian region and 7 were from Nyírség. The majority of new locations are connected to pine plantations, where they mainly appear on mixed raw forest humus.
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Floristical records of five cryptogamic plants (algae, lichen-forming fungi, bryophytes and pteridophytes) are reported from Hungary, i.e. the fifth records of the rare lichen-species Hypotrachyna revoluta and Parmelia submontana, the fourth occurrences of the spreading alga Surirella tientsinensis and the very rare bryophyte Sciurohypnum reflexum, as well as a new Hungarian locality of the pteridophyte species Polystichum ×bicknellii.
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Floristical records of one fungus and ten flowering plants are presented from Hungary. We report a new occurrence of Calvatia candida in a valuable Pannonian sandy steppe habitat. Some of our floristical data present new occurrences of species that are rare in Hungary, but in the case of Orobanche minor, Minuartia viscosa, due to the low number of recent floristical data, we also try to clarify the distribution pattern of the species with data from specimens documented in the BP herbarium. The first occurrences of the rare, red-listed species Papaver hybridum was detected from the Duna-sík region. We report the first data of Orobanche minor from the Hungarian Middle Mountain Ranges, Minuartia viscosa is new for the southern part of the Mezőföld. A new record of Dactylorhiza sambucina from the Vértes Mts, which is in decline in our low-middle mountain areas, is published, an important observation from a conservation point of view. The data of Potentilla patula reported here is a new observation for the area of Cserhát-vidék. Our other data are from ruderal habitats, where we report observations of taxa that are mainly expanding but with few records in Hungary. The second Hungarian record of Senecio × helwingii is from the district of Zugló in Budapest. Erigeron sumatrensis has been found in several regions of Hungary, Euphorbia glyptosperma, Gypsophila perfoliata new occurrences were found in the border of Kecskemét. The recently suggested spreading of Medicago orbicularis is confirmed by new occurrence data from the Tihany Peninsula.
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Floristical records of two lichen-forming fungi and four flowering plants are presented from Hungary. The rare lichen-species Gyalecta fagicola now is known from 7 localities in Hungary with 5 new records. Polyblastia philaea a terricolous lichen species is new to Hungary. The first confirmed record (Szentendre) of the annual weed Adonis annua, a new occurrence (Bodrog bank, Sárospatak) of Cyperus michelianus in the upper Tisza region, and a new locality of the alien weed Rapistrum rugosum from Szentendre (Bizottság-liget) are reported. The naturalised weed Polycarpon tetraphyllum has a stable, spreading population in Budapest with several thousands of individuals.
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The present part of the series provides miscellaneous new records of six lichenforming, two lichenicolous and six flowering plant species from Hungary, Romania and Serbia. New Hungarian chorological records for the flowering plants are: Juncus sphaerocarpus new for the Putnok Hills and Sorbus semiincisa for Mezőföld. The second recent occurrence of Crepis mollis subsp. succisifolia very rare in Hungary is presented here from the Bakonyalja region. Sporobolus cryptandrus agressively spreading in the Hungarian sandy areas was found in the Nyírség area. The old records of Lappula heteracantha in the Mezőföld (Balatonkenese) and those of Sherardia arvensis in the Zemplén Mts are confirmed. Regarding the lichenforming fungi Bacidia fraxinea and Toniniopsis subincompta are new to the Vértes Mts (Hungary), Bacidia rubella is new to Mt Pilis (Hungary), Flavoparmelia soredians is new to the Hajdúság area (Hungary), and Oxneria huculica is new to Romania and Serbia. Second or further additional records are reported for Bacidia rubella (Vértes Mts), and for Parmotrema perlatum (Nyírség area). Several new Hungarian records of the lichenicolous fungi Scutula tuberculosa and Stigmidium solorinarium for the Bakony, Buda, Bükk and Vértes Mts are also listed here.
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The present part of the series provides new records of 11 taxa, among them one diatom, six lichen-forming fungi and four bryophytes. The diatom Stauroneis blazenciciae is new to Romania, and it is the second record worldwide. The six lichen species have already been reported from Hungary, however they are quite rare. Additional interesting records are presented, e.g. Calicium notarisii and Pseudothelomma ocellatum are new for the Great Hungarian Plain, Cetrelia chicitae is new for the Velence Mts and for the Transdanubian Mountain Range, Petractis clausa is new for the Gerecse Mts, and Umbilicaria polyphylla is new for the Börzsöny Mts. Parmotrema perlatum has several interesting new occurrences. Regarding the bryophyte species, Marchantia polymorpha L. subsp. montivagans is new to Hungary, Sciuro-hypnum curtum is new for the Nyírség, Brachythecium capillaceum is reported from the Great Hungarian Plain for the first time. Pseudocampylium radicale is new for the Kismohos bog, its appearance seems to be a recent event.
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The present part of the series provides miscellaneous new records of 15 taxa of vascular plants from Hungary. New chorological records are provided here: Androsace maxima, Helminthia echioides and Hypericum elegans are new for the 'Közép-Tisza-vidék', Helminthia echioides is also new to the 'Duna-sík', Aphanes arvensis and Medicago rigidula are new in the 'Hajdúság', Bolboschoenus planiculmis is new for the Putnok Hills and Sajó Valley, Draba muralis is new for the Mátra Mts, Eriochloa villosa is a new alien weed in Western Hungary, Erucastrum nasturtiifolium is new for the 'Zagyva-völgy' microregion, Gagea minima is new for the 'Cserhát', Polycarpon tetraphyllum is new to the flora of the Transdanubian Mountains, a new population of Reseda inodora has been found in the Kiskunság (Harta), Sherardia arvensis is new both for 'Nyírség' and 'Hajdúság', Tordylium maxmimum is new for the 'Marosszög' microregion, and the rare hybrid Tragopogon ×crantzii is new for the Jászság.
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Farkas, E. (2020): Taxonomical and chorological notes 12 (126-136).-Studia bot. hung. 51(1): 77-98. Abstract: Th e present part of the series provides new records of 11 taxa, among them fi ve lichen-forming fungi and six bryophytes. One lichen-forming fungus was discovered as new species in Hungary (Parmeliella triptophylla), however it was collected 115 years ago, this species should be considered as an extinct species in Hungary. One bryohyte is newly reported from Hungary (Bra-chy theciastrum olympicum). Th e occurrence of one lichen-forming fungus (Parmelia submontana) and two bryophyte species (Palustriella falcata, Ptychostomum pseudotriquetrum var. bimum) was confi rmed in Hungary. Amendments to the known distribution of lichen-forming fungi species are reported from Hungary (Cladonia mitis) and Romania (Multiclavula mucida, Xanthoparmelia protomatrae) and three bryophytes from Hungary are also reported (Callicladium haldanianum, Codonoblepharon forsteri, Ephemerum cohaerens).
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The present part of the series provides new records of 14 taxa of which 8 are native and 6 introduced in Europe. Three vascular plants are newly reported from Kosovo (Corrigiola litoralis, Dysphania pumilio, Equisetum pratense) and one (Chamaecytisus purpureus) from Northern Macedonia. The occurrence of one species (Corydalis pumila) is confirmed in Northern Macedonia. Amendments to the known distribution of vascular plants are reported from Albania (Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Gratiola officinalis, Onosma heterophylla, Paspalum dilatatum), Hungary (Euphorbia lathyris), Lithuania (Ophioglossum vulgatum), and Slovakia (Duchesnea indica, Panicum dichotomiflorum, Pilosella cymosa).
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The present part of the series of miscellaneous new records provides the second record of a bryophyte (Sematophyllum adnatum) and the second confirmation of a fungus (Serpula himantioides) in natural habitats in Hungary. New regional records of two ferns are also reported here, the first occurrence of Dryopteris affinis in the Aggtelek Karst region and a new occurrence of Polystichum aculeatum in the middle of the Great Hungarian Plain in an artificial habitat. New records of recent escapes and naturalisation of Pennisetum alopecuroides are listed here from various parts of Hungary.