Fig 7 - available via license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Spheroid tubule extends from a solid spheroid and ends with a membrane flourish containing a large, perhaps polyploid, nucleus, surrounded by thin rim of material staining for endogenous biotin. Diffuse hematoxylin stain surrounds the large nucleus suggesting that nucleic acid material has been exported from the spheroid not incorporated into the nucleus. Bar=50 microns
Source publication
Membrane tubular extensions, recently recognized an important communication element in mammalian cells are demonstrated to form in Ishikawa endometrial epithelial cells growing in monolayers, and to extend from solid spheroids and from clustered hollow spheroids. Two kinds of chromatin cargoes travel through these tubules. Chromatin granules can pa...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... and staining tubules arising from solid spheroids reveals some of what is being transported from solid spheroids into tubular processes. A large, perhaps polyploid, nucleus stained with hematoxylin is apparent at the end of the process in fig. 7. A thin rim of endogenous biotin stained with avidin-linked peroxidase and AEC surrounds the nucleus. Hematoxylin stained granular material can be observed in the cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus. Approximately half-way down the tubule extending from the spheroid is another structure staining both for chromatin and for endogenous ...
... As will be discussed, membrane extensions carrying extracellular vesicles appear to be part of the process resulting in the formation of giant opaque cells. Ishikawa cells like many other cell lines are able to form membrane extensions under a variety of circumstances including in cells adjusting to a change in medium: monolayers transferred into serum-free medium or clustered spheroids formed in serum-free medium transferred into serum-containing medium [15]. The monolayer cultures studied in this paper were not similarly stressed but rather were in logarithmic growth. ...
... In dome formation, nuclei are "produced" out of a mass of reassociated chromatin [11]. Similarly deconstructed chromatin can stream through hollow spheroids [17] and membrane extensions [15]. Streams of chromatin fragments passing through the envelope of a hollow spheroid look like the seams of a basketball. ...
... Ongoing and effective genome editing and the ultimate survival of a small population of cells makes amitosis by chromatin streaming more acceptable in certain circumstances and there are advantages. It is a process that can produce dozens of "new" cells in a very short period of time so that chromatin streaming might represent an energy and time-efficient mode for proliferation of multiple terminally differentiated cells [15]. ...