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Speed-Acceleration Probability Distributions (a) full dataset, (b) micro-trip method, (c) Markov chain method
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Due to the technological progress, new approaches such as model-based design are spreading in the development process in the automotive industry to meet the increased requirements related to lower fuel consumption and reduced emission. This work is part of a research project which focuses on dynamic modeling of vehicles aimed at analyzing and optim...
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Context 1
... we can see from the results in Table 2, both driving cycles have similar RMS error, but the driving cycle constructed with the Markov chain method has lower QoF value than the driving cycle constructed with the microtrip method. Figure 3 shows the SAPD of the driving pattern and the SAPDs of the two driving cycles obtained with the micro-trip method and the Markov chain method, respectively. It can be seen that both SAPDs look similar to the SAPD of the driving pattern, but level of similarity is higher in the case of the Markov chain method. ...
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