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Next Generation Sequencing Technologies (NGS), particularly metabarcoding, are valuable tools for authenticating foodstuffs and detecting eventual fraudulent practices such as species substitution. This technique, mostly used for the analysis of prokaryotes in several environments (including food), is in fact increasingly applied to identify eukary...
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Context 1
... is consistent with the previously reported results for the sample compositions comparison (Section 3.1.2), in which the number of species identified was found to be the same in all samples regardless of the BP used (Figure 2) For the samples from study 2, the Shannon index of the samples ranged from 0 to 0.76 for the data analyzed with BP1 and from 0 to 0.75 for the data analyzed with BP2. In fact, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed no significant differences (p-value = 0.93), regardless of the BP used. ...
... 1. The student is performing the first experiments in the wet lab, or analyzes or modeling in silico if the project is in the dry lab (mainly computer-based) [5]. Ideally, there are three stages. ...
Working as a researcher, associate professor, or full professor in the field of biomedicine in Norway involves supervising students preparing for various degrees, such as Bachelor's, Master's, PhD, and MD. Additionally, there are visiting students from other departments and institutions in Norway, as well as from abroad, including various types of exchange students. Departments and Faculties provide guidelines and regulations on what is expected from students and their communication with supervisors throughout the study course. However, these guidelines are often too general, allowing for significant flexibility and varied interpretations from both the students' and supervisors' perspectives. This article focuses on personal experiences supervising biomedical Master's students in Norway. It covers several aspects, including student recruitment, initial instructions, routine work, graduation, and post-graduation interaction. The focus is on the supervisor's point of view, while the students' perspectives on this topic are reserved for further research.