South Israel topography map showing the studied site of Wadi Sheizaf (A), and acacia trees (A. raddiana and A. tortilis; B) sampled monthly during 2015. Air temperature and humidity were hourly obtained from the Hazeva meteorological station (C). In each month, leaf samples (example of leaves collected shown in E) were collected from the north, center and south sides of the canopies (D). with a close-up picture showing the collected leaves for endophytic and epiphytic microbial community analysis.

South Israel topography map showing the studied site of Wadi Sheizaf (A), and acacia trees (A. raddiana and A. tortilis; B) sampled monthly during 2015. Air temperature and humidity were hourly obtained from the Hazeva meteorological station (C). In each month, leaf samples (example of leaves collected shown in E) were collected from the north, center and south sides of the canopies (D). with a close-up picture showing the collected leaves for endophytic and epiphytic microbial community analysis.

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Background: The evolutionary relationships between plants and their microbiome are of high importance to the survival of plants in extreme conditions. Changes in microbiome of plants can affect plant development, growth and health. Along the arid Arava, southern Israel, acacia trees ( Acacia raddiana and Acacia tortilis ) are considered keystone sp...

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