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Soul-Spirit-Body Triad and Subjective-Objective Signals as Encompassed by the Mind Loop
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We explore the spirit, its relation to the body and soul, and its relation to consciousness. We posit that the spirit descends from transcendent primordial consciousness, preexists its human vessel, and emanates from that vessel. Although spiritual consciousness may emerge neurologically, primordial consciousness engenders the process that generate...
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... It is the power of choice. In fact, who decides the choice is the Consciousness that is the ultimate entity emanated from the Universal Consciousness (Meijer, 2016;Theise & Kofatos, 2016;Levin, 2011;Vary, 2017). Undoubtedly, the Universal Consciousness (Vary, 2016;Hari, 2018) which is the origin of free will and primary cause of all things and all beings (Camelo, 2022a;Oliver & Hari, 2017;Chung, 2014aChung, , 2014b is in fact, the one who generates the Principle Intelligent organizer of life in matter (Camelo, 2021b;Vary, 2017;Germine, 2018;Shani & Keppler 2018;Di Sia & Bhadra, 2020). ...
... In fact, who decides the choice is the Consciousness that is the ultimate entity emanated from the Universal Consciousness (Meijer, 2016;Theise & Kofatos, 2016;Levin, 2011;Vary, 2017). Undoubtedly, the Universal Consciousness (Vary, 2016;Hari, 2018) which is the origin of free will and primary cause of all things and all beings (Camelo, 2022a;Oliver & Hari, 2017;Chung, 2014aChung, , 2014b is in fact, the one who generates the Principle Intelligent organizer of life in matter (Camelo, 2021b;Vary, 2017;Germine, 2018;Shani & Keppler 2018;Di Sia & Bhadra, 2020). On the other hand, individual Consciousness is an integral part of the Universe, a dynamic knowledge system that cannot function without Universal Consciousness, even without knowing that it exists (Meijer, 2016;Levin, 2011;Vary, 2017;Chung, 2014b). ...
... Undoubtedly, the Universal Consciousness (Vary, 2016;Hari, 2018) which is the origin of free will and primary cause of all things and all beings (Camelo, 2022a;Oliver & Hari, 2017;Chung, 2014aChung, , 2014b is in fact, the one who generates the Principle Intelligent organizer of life in matter (Camelo, 2021b;Vary, 2017;Germine, 2018;Shani & Keppler 2018;Di Sia & Bhadra, 2020). On the other hand, individual Consciousness is an integral part of the Universe, a dynamic knowledge system that cannot function without Universal Consciousness, even without knowing that it exists (Meijer, 2016;Levin, 2011;Vary, 2017;Chung, 2014b). Indeed, Universal Consciousness is at the base of the Universe and at the core of all human beings as the unchanging and sustaining source of life (Camelo, 2022a;Oliver & Hari, 2017;Theise & Kofatos, 2016;Kofatos & Yang, 2016;Meijer & Geesink, 2017). ...
African social workers and psychologists have called for the utility of ubuntu philosophy in the fields of social work and psychology. Ubuntu is an African philosophy that is based on humanness, kindness, communality, socio-structural issues such as social justice, and human rights. This paper explores the philosophy of ubuntu guided by the seven modalities of the multimodal approach, which are behaviour, effect, sensation, imagery, cognition, interpersonal relationships and drugs/biology. The article suggests that ubuntu as an African philosophy has potential to contribute two modalities in addition to the seven modalities in the multimodal approach by the South African psychologist Arnold Lazarus. It argues that ubuntu contributes two domains in assessments and these are as follows: the person-physical environment relationship and the spiritual relationship. Given the emphasis on eco-spiritually informed social work, this paper calls for the adoption of these two modalities for the assessment and intervention plans in social work practice.