Fig 1 - uploaded by Ewelina Tkaczewska
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Solubility curve of Ca(OH) 2 at 40 o C: points 1 and 2 – little active pozzolanas, points 3 and 4 – very active pozzolans.
... The pozzolanic reaction takes place in an alkaline environment at temperatures up to 500-700 • C [5,6]. The addition of active materials that can create pozzolanic bonds has a positive effect on the compressive strength, chemical corrosion, temperature shrinkage, but also on the setting time and heat of hydration of bricks and lime mortars [7][8][9][10]. ...
This paper focuses on the possibility of using phosphogypsum, which is a residue from the production of orthophosphoric acid as an additional source of calcium and the use of spent caustic as an alkaline activator for production of ceramic materials in construction industry. The use of the above-mentioned waste will allow to increase fraction of calcium, sodium and silicate needed for the geopolymerization process and improve properties of material. This review presents a description of the geopolymerization process and the influence of alkaline activator on the reactions occurring in ceramic materials. Collected information, which confirm the possibility of using post-production waste from chemical industry as components for the production of building materials.
... Badania wskaźnika aktywności zmielonej ceramiki budowlanej przeprowadzono według metody dla popiołów lotnych zgodnej z normą PN-EN 450-1:2012. Jest to metoda fi zyczna opierająca się na pomiarze zmian właściwości wytrzymałościowych zaprawy normowej po zmodyfi kowaniu jej składu poprzez zastąpienie 25% masy cementu badanym materiałem (Tkaczewska, 2011). Wynikiem badania jest wyrażony w procentach stosunek RYSUNEK 1. Odpadowe materiały ceramiczne: a -w formie odpadu; b -w formie kruszywa grubego (opracowanie własne) FIGURE 1. Waste ceramic materials: a -in the form of waste; b -in the form of coarse aggregate (own study) a b wytrzymałości na ściskanie zaprawy zmodyfi kowanej do zaprawy normowej. ...
The article indicates the issue of revitalization of urban areas on the example of the former provincial city. Particular attention was paid to threats to the natural environment caused by difficulties in managing construction waste arising during this process. During the research work on waste demolition material from repairs and reconstruction of buildings, ceramic construction waste was selected. These materials were crushed and dust was generated from them. The purpose of the work was to study the activity indicator, i.e. the research that is carried out for dusts obtained, e.g. in metallurgical processes. The parameter described was a determinant of the possibility of using dust as a recyclable cement substitute in concretes and mortars. The research material was ceramic waste. The waste was picked up from the landfill and sorted. Wastes of red ceramics were isolated in the form of damaged bricks, hollow bricks and roof tiles. Dust was produced from such prepared waste. The research methodology was carried out in accordance with the standard PN-EN 450-1:2012. The activity index of crushed ceramic dust after 28 days was 60.9%, after 90 days 72%. Given the slight change in the strength parameters of mortars and special considerations of the necessity of waste utilization, the described ceramic dust recycling is considered as a solution possible to implement in the production of mortars and non-structural concretes. Introduction of the results of these works to market activities may contribute to the reduction of waste deposited on landfills.
... Na dyfraktogramie mo na ponadto zaobserwowa charakterystyczne podniesienie t a refleksów w zakresie k ta 2 [28] oraz relatywnie ma intensywno pików faz kwarcu i mulitu. Taki obraz sk adu fazowego pl wiadczy równie o ich drobnym uziarnieniu, oraz wysokiej aktywno ci pucolanowej [29]. 21 28 Rys. 2. Dyfraktogram XRD zastosowanych pl. ...
This paper presents the results of fracture toughness tests of concrete with fly ash (FA), specified at the third model fracture. Concrete composites with the additives of 0%, 20% and 30% siliceous FA were analysed. Fracture toughness tests were performed on axial torsion machine MTS 809 Axial/Torsional Test System, using the cylindrical specimens with dimensions of 150/300 mm, with a circumferential notch made in the half-height of cylinders. The studies examined effect of FA additive on the parameter KIIIc. The Analysis of the results revealed that a 20% FA additive causes increase in KIIIc, while a 30% FA additive causes decrease in fracture toughness.
... Historia stosowania pucolan w technologii jest znana od dawna i siga swoimi korzeniami staroytnoci [1,2]. Długoletni tradycj stosowania jako pucolany maj popioły i tufy wulkaniczne, krzemionkowe i wapniowe popioły lotne, nastpnie ziemia krzemionkowa, diatomity i geza [3][4][5]. ...
This paper presents the results of physical and chemical properties of zeolite - clinoptilolite (Z), on the basis of which its usefulness in different terms and applications was assessed. Same pozzolan was also investigated and analyzed in term of the changes that it causes in the system pozzolan - cement – lime - sand - water with different content of ingredients. In order to identify the hydration products in the natural conditions, infusion (80ºC) and autoclaving (180°C) XRD, DTA / TG and SEM was used. The results indicate that clinoptilolite is characterized by moderate pozzolanic activity and can be successfully used as a pozzolanic additive for cement, and a binder in the production of aerated concrete.