Figure - available from: Communications Earth & Environment
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Snapshot of microbial nitrogen cycling in the pH 6.3 soil exposed to different climatic conditions A Porewater ammonium (NH4⁺), (B) porewater nitrate (NO3⁻), (C) porewater pH for the pH 6.3 agricultural soil, bearing three different total Cd contents (low (squares), moderate (circles), and high (triangles), for exact Cd contents per soil see Supplementary Table S1) and (D), relative potential activity changes of the ammonium-oxidizer Bacillales based on 16S rRNA transcript sequencing. The soils were exposed to ambient (430 ppmv CO2 and ambient temperature) (blue, open/striped symbols) and future (800 ppmv CO2 and +4 °C in atmospheric temperature respective to the ambient setup) (red, filled symbols) climatic conditions. Relative changes of the potential activity to microbial groups are based on 16S rRNA transcript sequencing and are calculated relative to the equivalent Cd concentration under ambient climatic conditions. Biological replicates = 5, error bars represent the standard error. N represents the number of datapoints per whisker plot. Significant differences are indicated with p-values above plots.
Source publication
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