Fig 2 - uploaded by Tanesh Kumar
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Blockchain is so far well-known for its potential applications in financial and banking sector. However, blockchain as a decentralized and distributed technology can be utilized as a powerful tool for immense daily life applications. Healthcare is one of the prominent applications area among others where blockchain is supposed to make a strong impa...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... systems enable a number of relevant parties to work collaboratively and efficiently for better and enhanced medical services. Therefore, defining appropriate rules in the smart contract for healthcare will be crucial and must include the consent of all the relevant parties. In the healthcare blockchain, the patient and other stakeholders in the network should set up their details and signed the agreement for accept- ing the terms in order to develop the requirements in the smart contract [35]. For example, which hospitals can store and share the patient data, which doctors can access and append the data and what kind of data is available for pharmacy and laboratory. Figure 2 highlights the use of smart contracts in blockchain based healthcare systems where multiple service providers are operating. Once the appointment between patient, healthcare providers and pharmacists specified in the contract takes place and the transaction containing information about the data arrives to the address of the smart contract, then the distributed virtual machine of the blockchain executes the programming code process. Some of the fundamental elements which smart contracts for the healthcare may contain is shown in figure 2, for example; Address specifies the address for the patient's data on the database and address itself can be stored in blockchain; Access − code is a number that denotes to whom the patient gives permission of accessing the information such as doctor or any third party like relatives and friends; state represents the variables or function in the system and code specifies the agreement in which stakeholders signed it and other function to be performed. Once they agreed the terms, then the transaction details will record in the system and also the other entities will receive the transaction ...
Context 2
... systems enable a number of relevant parties to work collaboratively and efficiently for better and enhanced medical services. Therefore, defining appropriate rules in the smart contract for healthcare will be crucial and must include the consent of all the relevant parties. In the healthcare blockchain, the patient and other stakeholders in the network should set up their details and signed the agreement for accept- ing the terms in order to develop the requirements in the smart contract [35]. For example, which hospitals can store and share the patient data, which doctors can access and append the data and what kind of data is available for pharmacy and laboratory. Figure 2 highlights the use of smart contracts in blockchain based healthcare systems where multiple service providers are operating. Once the appointment between patient, healthcare providers and pharmacists specified in the contract takes place and the transaction containing information about the data arrives to the address of the smart contract, then the distributed virtual machine of the blockchain executes the programming code process. Some of the fundamental elements which smart contracts for the healthcare may contain is shown in figure 2, for example; Address specifies the address for the patient's data on the database and address itself can be stored in blockchain; Access − code is a number that denotes to whom the patient gives permission of accessing the information such as doctor or any third party like relatives and friends; state represents the variables or function in the system and code specifies the agreement in which stakeholders signed it and other function to be performed. Once they agreed the terms, then the transaction details will record in the system and also the other entities will receive the transaction ...
Context 3
... example, which hospitals can store and share the patient data, which doctors can access and append the data and what kind of data is available for pharmacy and laboratory. Figure 2 highlights the use of smart contracts in blockchain based healthcare systems where multiple service providers are operating. Once the appointment between patient, healthcare providers and pharmacists specified in the contract takes place and the transaction containing information about the data arrives to the address of the smart contract, then the distributed virtual machine of the blockchain executes the programming code process. ...
Context 4
... the appointment between patient, healthcare providers and pharmacists specified in the contract takes place and the transaction containing information about the data arrives to the address of the smart contract, then the distributed virtual machine of the blockchain executes the programming code process. Some of the fundamental elements which smart contracts for the healthcare may contain is shown in figure 2, for example; Address specifies the address for the patient's data on the database and address itself can be stored in blockchain; Access − code is a number that denotes to whom the patient gives permission of accessing the information such as doctor or any third party like relatives and friends; state represents the variables or function in the system and code specifies the agreement in which stakeholders signed it and other function to be performed. Once they agreed the terms, then the transaction details will record in the system and also the other entities will receive the transaction information. ...
... The proposed blockchain app can address healthcare issues more accurately and reliably. In [13], authors discussed different applications of Blockchain and highlighted various blockchain apps working in the healthcare department as well as the challenges that this enormous technology is facing. Authors in [14], suggested that Blockchain is a perfect solution for handling healthcare records as well as they have presented consent management in electrical healthcare. ...
The incorporation of emerging technologies is driving the evolution of modern patient care models and shaping the future of healthcare systems. These advancements involve collecting, integrating, evaluating, and sharing patient data across various levels of the healthcare system, leading to significant transformations. This paper proposes a blockchain based system called” BlockPres” to address these challenges. The primary objective is to introduce an incentive mechanism that reduces inequalities and encourages patients to adopt the prescription management system. The proposed system securely stores patients’ prescription data on the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) while ensuring equal access for entities such as hospitals, pharmacies, and clinics. IPFS serves as a secure repository for prescription data and provides authenticity to the uploaded information. In this system, every healthcare provider has equitable access to patients’ data, and patients have the authority to grant permission to specific healthcare providers. Moreover, AI automates the process of granting permission and evaluates the process to provide accurate analytics and enhance the efficiency of transactions
in BlockPres. The registration process for all entities within the network and the allocation of access rights ensure enhanced security and privacy. A proto type based on the BlockPres framework has been developed, and experiments were conducted to evaluate its performance using IPFS. The experimental setup utilized Remix IDE and Solidity language for smart contract development, and Ganache was employed to create virtual accounts for testing the prototype.
Furthermore, the evaluation focused on key performance parameters such as speed, cost, and resource utilization of BlockPres during interactions with IPFS.
The experimental results from the BlockPres-IPFS system experiments reveal significant insights into the performance of the blockchain-based secure patient prescription record storage. In Experiment 1, the upload speed for a subset of 11 patients' records was analyzed, with the standard error calculated to measure the accuracy and efficiency of the upload process. Experiment 3 focused on records sharing speed, where the standard error for various patients ranged from approximately ±2809ms to ±5601ms, indicating a close margin between experimental and simulated values. Additionally, gas consumption was evaluated, showing a linear increase with file sizes; for instance, the minimum gas consumption for a 75kb file was 28,000 gwei, while the maximum for a 12,156kb file reached 124,435 gwei, with a strong correlation (R² = 0.9441) between gas consumption and file size. Furthermore, resource utilization experiments indicated that the computational speed of AES (128) was recorded at 5.2, while AES (256) achieved a speed of 9.3, demonstrating the efficiency of different encryption schemes used in the system.
... The first video described SC-EHRs by showing that once the address for the data is specified in the blockchain platform, then the access number is provided to the different stakeholders, the agreement is specified through a code, the transaction information is recorded in the smart contract, and all the other entities access it. 46 The second video described SC-ICs that track vaccination status and/or the recovery from previous infections. For example, an immune certificate developed in an Ethereum network can be accessed by the patient or specific health entities via a web portal through a secret key and uploaded to an interplanetary file system (IPFS). ...
... This, in turn, allows healthcare institutions to deliver affordable and efficient medical services. Thus, the patients' privacy is preserved by sharing the data with selected service providers enhancing patient-centered care and data safety [111]. The data that is used by a particular stakeholder can also be spared from distribution if it emerges using the blockchain in the healthcare system. ...
The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the fields of Neurosurgery and Neurology has transformed the landscape of the healthcare industry. The present study describes seven dimensions of AI that have transformed the way of providing care, diagnosing, and treating patients. It has exhibited unparalleled accuracy in analyzing complex medical imaging data and expediting precise diagnoses of neurological conditions. It has also enabled personalized treatment plans by harnessing patient-specific data and genetic information, promising more effective therapies. For instance, AI-powered surgical robots have brought precision and remote capabilities to neurosurgical procedures, reducing human error. In AI, machine learning models predict disease progression, optimizing resource allocation and patient care, whereas wearable devices with AI provide continuous neurological monitoring, and enable early intervention for chronic conditions. It has also accelerated drug discovery by analyzing vast datasets, potentially leading to breakthrough therapies. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI, enhance patient engagement and adherence to treatment plans. It holds promise in further personalization of care, augmented decision-making, earlier intervention, and the development of groundbreaking treatments. The present study mainly focuses on the incorporation of blockchain technology and provides a reasonable understanding of the associated issues and challenges along with its solutions. It will allow AI and healthcare professionals to advance the field and contribute towards the improvement of an individual's well-being when facing neurological challenges.
... In recent years, according to [10,11] blockchain technology has gradually become significant because of its various features, as illustrated below and in Figure 2. Features of blockchain technology [10,11]. and enabling authorized parties to have access to healthcare data, with mechanisms for encryption and control able to achieve that. ...
... In recent years, according to [10,11] blockchain technology has gradually become significant because of its various features, as illustrated below and in Figure 2. Features of blockchain technology [10,11]. and enabling authorized parties to have access to healthcare data, with mechanisms for encryption and control able to achieve that. ...
Electronic health records are one of the essential components of health organizations. In recent years, there have been increased concerns about privacy and reputation regarding the storage and use of patient information. In this regard, the information provided as a part of medical and health insurance, for instance, can be viewed as proof of social insurance and governance. Several problems in the past few decades regarding medical information management have threatened patient information privacy. In intelligent healthcare applications, the privacy of patients' data is one of the main concerns. As a result, blockchain is a severe necessity as it can enhance transparency and security in medical applications. Accordingly, this paper uses the design science method to propose a secure blockchain framework for healthcare records management systems. The proposed framework comprises five components: a blockchain network, smart contracts, privacy key management, data encryption, and integration with healthcare information technology. In the proposed framework, healthcare organizations can manage healthcare information securely and privately. Additionally, a secure storage system for electronic records is proposed to meet these organizations' needs. It provides security and privacy for healthcare organizations, especially when managing healthcare information, and also proposes a secure storage system for electronic records to meet the needs of the organizations.
... Apart from a reduction in the cost of accessing medical records, putting medical data on the blockchain also allows professionals to have full access to the medical history of patients to enable proper drug prescription and straight-to-the-point conclusions on the likely cause of a medical issue, especially when an emergency procedure needs to be carried out [84,136]. ...
... The ease of deploying blockchain projects, especially with smart contracts in areas requiring trust and security, means that blockchain adoption is becoming widespread. With this level of access, there is a need for conformity in standards [136,140]. Just like standards already existing in blockchain smart contracts like ERC20 for crypto tokens, ERC721 for NFTs, and so on, there should be a standard for medical data on blockchains. ...
The sensitivity and exclusivity attached to personal health records make such records a prime target for cyber intruders, as unauthorized access causes unfathomable repudiation and public defamation. In reality, most medical records are micro-managed by different healthcare providers, exposing them to various security issues, especially unauthorized third-party access. Over time, substantial progress has been made in preventing unauthorized access to this critical and highly classified information. This review investigated the mainstream security challenges associated with the transmissibility of medical records, the evolutionary security strategies for maintaining confidentiality , and the existential enablers of trustworthy and transparent authorization and authentication before data transmission can be carried out. The review adopted the PRSIMA-SPIDER methodology for a systematic review of 122 articles, comprising 9 surveys (7.37%) for qualitative analysis, 109 technical papers (89.34%), and 4 online reports (3.27%) for quantitative studies. The review outcome indicates that the sensitivity and confidentiality of a highly classified document, such as a medical record, demand unabridged authorization by the owner, unquestionable preservation by the host, untainted transparency in transmission, unbiased traceability, and ubiquitous security, which blockchain technology guarantees, although at the infancy stage. Therefore, developing blockchain-assisted frameworks for digital medical record preservation and addressing inherent technological hitches in blockchain will further accelerate transparent and trustworthy preservation, user authorization, and authentication of medical records before they are transmitted by the host for third-party access.
... Literature review and analysis -Secure data storage and patient record management -Supply chain tracking for pharmaceuticals -Improved data access and sharing L. Ismail et al. [36] Proposing a lightweight blockchain architecture for healthcare Design and simulation of a new blockchain architecture -Improved scalability and transaction processing speed compared to traditional blockchain -Reduced resource consumption and energy footprint T. Kumar et al. [37] Identifying key requirements and challenges for using blockchain in healthcare Literature review and analysis of existing blockchain applications in healthcare -Secure and efficient data management -Patient privacy and data protection -Regulatory compliance and interoperability H. M. Hussien et al. [38] Reviewing current trends and opportunities for using blockchain in healthcare Literature review and analysis of recent research and development in blockchain healthcare applications -Improved data security and transparency -Enhanced medication traceability and supply chain management -Increased efficiency and automation of healthcare processes A. Farouk et al. [39] Proposing a blockchain platform for industrial healthcare with a focus on data sharing and collaboration Design and conceptualization of a new blockchain platform -Improved security and transparency of data sharing between healthcare providers and manufacturers P. Zhang et al. [40] Overview of potential use cases for blockchain technology in healthcare Literature review and analysis of existing and proposed applications -Secure medical record management -Personalized medicine and precision healthcare -Supply chain tracking and counterfeit prevention [42] Heart disease diagnosis using federated learning on EHR data Modified artificial bee colony algorithm for feature selection combined with federated learning ...
... It happens during the audit process of EHRs systems. It violates the privacy and safety of patient data [24][25][26] Interoper-ability issues It is not easy to work on one standard format because different EHR products use different clinical platforms, functionalities, technical requirements, guidelines etc. It increases maintenance expenses for making data readily available across multiple sources. ...
Blockchain has gained significant interest because of its inherent characteristics—decentralization, integrity, immutability, interoperability, transparency, and trustworthiness. Additionally, Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare sector, ushering in a novel era. This survey presents some novel insights into blockchain-based electronic health record systems. Its aim is to present the research discoveries regarding the present state of blockchain technology in diverse healthcare application contexts. This paper presents a theoretical survey of various reputed research papers and white papers representing successful implementation. It helps the researchers to assess and understand blockchain-enabled healthcare systems properly. This detailed survey analysis presents the contribution of existing works from the perspective of identified challenges and their respective solutions. This paper presents a graphical survey analysis based on research findings, which helps identify some future exploratory directions for proper research work.
... The primary benefit of blockchain, the technology that strengthens Bitcoin, is that it enables electronic currency exchange between users in a distributed network without the need for a centrally managed trusted third party. Blockchain also offers a secure distributed database that can carry out its functions without interference from outside parties or centralized management [3,4]. The term blockchain refers to the sharing of an immutable record of a chain of transactions, each containing a single block, the blocks being held together using cryptographic "Hash" keys. ...
Blockchain technology is used to record information in a way that makes it problematic or impossible to modify, hack or cheat the method. Blockchain has gained significant attention in various applications such as IoT, cybersecurity, finance, network data management, supply chain, and insurance. Many applications extend beyond financial services such as the healthcare industry. The healthcare industry has also adapted blockchain technology in its numerous sub-domains such as electronic health records (EHR), clinical research, genomic market and medical supply chain management, the healthcare system is gradually incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into its systems, but it is not a one-size-fits-all solution these challenges. This research paper is conducted on a systematic literature review to discover the state-of-the-art research studies conducted on the issues of healthcare applications and different frameworks researchers suggested as their solutions through using blockchain technology. This paper also presents some challenges and future research directions, which can be develop with various methods of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology, as well as patients who can diagnose and treat using blockchain technology for safe and secure data sharing, it will transform healthcare systems with personalized, authentic and secure access to patient clinical data, and these data can be used for more health development and clinical research.
... We created the front end to accept data from the buyer and accept information about the buyer, seller, property, registration, stamp duty, and payment. The created application accepts the data and sends it for verification before transferring it to the blockchain network for execution (Refer to Figs. 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21). ...
... (a) Comparative and Comprehensive Analysis[8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21] ...
Purpose: This study suggests organizing real estate transactions in a decentralized manner by using private blockchain technology. The writers point out the main problems with India’s present transactional procedures and advocate for the application of blockchain technology as a fix. The study’s ultimate conclusion is that the recommended approach might be able to enhance transaction processes in Indian government offices, encouraging increased effectiveness, openness, and a decrease in dishonest behavior.
Methods/Design/Methodology: The present transaction procedure and the centralized technology are inspected at the government office using a physical observation method. The next step involves questioning a large number of people to recognize the main areas where the process is tense. Utilizing the insights from the talks, a blockchain solution addressing the issues raised is created. Interviewees are asked for their approval of the predicted model after the design.
Practical Implications: To streamline the real estate transaction process at the Indian government office, a private blockchain application is developed. The seller, the purchaser’s property, and the payment are all entered into a single, intricate front end, and the sensitive data is stored in an appropriate database. When the required information has been subjected to the smart business logic, the data is sent to the isolated blockchain for ultimate execution. To verify the proposed system, one artificial effectiveness is made that places a significant load on it and measures the load trashing. To validate the proposed system, a massive amount of sample data is generated.
Originality/Value: Current studies specify that blockchain technology can increase transaction process confidence by improving efficiency, transparency, security, and data accessibility. Therefore, the proposed application is beneficial for the real estate transaction process in India going forward.
... Integral to the metaverse concept, blockchain supports decentralized and democratically governed communities, smart contracts, and records digital ownership of environments and objects. 20,21 In healthcare, blockchain plays a vital role in managing and securing health data. Traditional data sharing is often inefficient and opaque, especially with health records stored on vulnerable centralized servers. ...