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Fig 4 - Self-organization of biological morphogenesis: General approaches and topo-geometrical models

Fig. 4.15 Slitlike blastopores. a, b Associated morphomechanics (for detailed explanations, see text). b A well-developed slitlike blastopore of Peripatus embryo creating antero-posterior embryo axis. d, f Irregular slitlike blastopores in Anthozoa (Nematostella) embryos. Asterisks in d point to independent ingression of solitary bottle-shaped cells. d-f Courtesy of J. Kraus 
15 Slitlike blastopores. a, b Associated morphomechanics (for detailed explanations, see text). b A well-developed slitlike blastopore of Peripatus embryo creating antero-posterior embryo axis. d, f Irregular slitlike blastopores in Anthozoa (Nematostella) embryos. Asterisks in d point to independent ingression of solitary bottle-shaped cells. d-f Courtesy of J. Kraus 
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