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Sharks and rays are increasingly recognized as a priority species group for conservation action. They play critical roles in maintaining functional and productive ecosystems, and contribute directly to human well- being through the fishing industry, tourism industry and role in coastal livelihoods and food security. Sharks are also one of the most...
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... Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir penangkapan hiu makin berkembang mulai dari perikanan longline berskala kecil menjadi perikanan komersial dengan target beberpa jenis ikan hiu yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi, salah satunya hiu-hiu besar dari Famili Carcharhinidae (Fahmi & Dharmadi, 2013). Booth et al. (2018) menyatakan Carcharhinidae didaratkan di 90% pelabuhan perikanan yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Hiu memiliki siklus hidup yang panjang, pertumbuhan dan kematangan kelamin lambat, serta fekunditas yang rendah (Camhi et al., 2009). ...
Hiu Lanyam, Carcharhinus sorrah (Valenciennes, 1839) tersebar luas di wilayah perairan Indo-Pasifik, keberadaannya sering ditemukan di hampir seluruh perairan Indonesia. Status konservasi Hiu Lanyam menurut Daftar Merah IUCN dalam kondisi hampir terancam dan diduga populasinya telah menurun. Penangkapan Hiu Lanyam yang semakin tinggi dikuatirkan dapat mengganggu populasinya di alam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek biologi Hiu Lanyam yang didaratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Nizam Zachman(PPSNZ) Muara Baru, Jakarta. Aspek biologi yang dikaji adalah sebaran ukuran berdasarkan panjang dan berat, rata-rata ukuran pertama kali tertangkap dan pertama kali matang gonad, hubungan panjang berat, nisbah kelamin dan tingkat kematangan klasper. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan metode acak. Pengukuran panjang tubuh dalam kondisi tanpa kepala (headless). Hasil penelitian diperoleh sampel Hiu Lanyam sebanyak 248 individu. Estimasi panjang total yang didapatkan 61-141 cm (SD : 16,00) dan berat 9,9-14 kg (SD : 2,396). Estimasi panjang maksimum yang didapatkan lebih kecil dari referensi dan hiu yang didaratkan didominasi oleh ukuran muda. Rata-rata ukuran pertama kali tertangkap (Lc) < rata-rata ukuran pertama kali matang gonad (Lm), menggambarkan sebagian besar Hiu Lanyam yang tertangkap belum melakukan pemijahan. Hubungan panjang berat pada kedua jenis kelamin memiliki pola pertumbuhan yang sama, yaitu allometrik positif (b>3).Perbandingan jenis kelamin yang didapatkan ikan betina lebih banyak dari pada jantan, hasil uji Chi-Square menunjukkan nisbah kelamin Hiu Lanyam dalam kondisi seimbang. Pada tingkat kematangan klasper Hiu Lanyam jantan didominasi kategori not full calcification dan estimasi panjang total Hiu Lanyam jantan yang telah matang kelamin >98 cm. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan dalam menyusun langkah-langkah pengelolaan dan pembuatan regulasi untuk pembatasan ukuran hasil tangkapan.
... The decline of shark and ray populations could have significant ecological impacts, as these species play important roles in marine food webs and ecosystems. These species are also a crucial source of livelihood for many coastal communities, providing employment and sustenance for individuals involved in shark fishing, ecotourism, and related industries (Dulvy et al., 2014;Brautigam et al., 2015;Dent & Clarke, 2015;Booth et al., 2018;Martins et al., 2018;Pavitt et al., 2021). ...
... Being a member of the International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks (IPOA-SHARKS) and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Malaysia is committed through its 2014 National Plan of Action for Sharks (NPOA-Sharks) to provide accurate, consistent and precise reporting and tracking of the supply chain of shark and ray products to improve management and conservation capacities. However, a deficiency in data collection on the supply chain has been highlighted as one of the issues that contribute to ineffective trade controls of shark and ray products in Malaysia (DOF, 2006;Bräutigam et al., 2015;Dent & Clarke, 2015; Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 19 Number 5, May 2024: 36-62 Booth et al., 2018;Ahmad et al., 2019a;Okes & Sant, 2019;Pavitt et al.,2021). ...
... Therefore, it is recommended that policymakers identify the indicators for implementing a traceability system among all stakeholders, including the intermediaries throughout the supply chain. The participation of intermediaries is crucial as they play a major role in providing traceability information (Lehr, 2015;Mundy & Sant, 2015;Hosch & Blaha, 2017;Lewis & Boyle, 2017;André, 2018;Booth et al., 2018;Friedman et al., 2018;Martins et al., 2018;Okes & Sant, 2019;Borit & Olsen, 2020;Corallo et al., 2020;Pavitt et al., 2021;Virdin et al., 2022 ). ...
Traceability system implementation has been suggested to improve data collection in shark and ray product supply chains, thereby supporting their sustainable utilisation and trade. By providing sufficient supply chain information, this system can help to prevent illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and the extinction of these important species. This study aimed to identify the indicators for implementing a traceability system for shark and ray products among intermediaries in Pahang. The study employed a descriptive analysis utilising a reliability test, Exploratory Factor Analysis, and frequency analysis. Individual interviews were conducted using semi-structured questionnaires. The study identified 21 indicators categorised from four dimensions: Shark and ray resources, regulatory compliance and collaboration effort, commitment and skills, and information technology infrastructure. The government is recommended to enforce mandatory registration of intermediaries, require species-specific reporting, invest in management and financial support, increase awareness and training, improve current information system infrastructure, and maintain good collaboration with all stakeholders. Future studies should include consumers and the community to raise awareness about shark and ray products and promote their sustainable utilisation and trade.
... 166 hiu telah berevolusi dalam berbagai fungsi ekosistem, sebagai predator puncak dan mesopredator (Heupel et al., 2014), dan spesies tertentu memainkan peran penting dalam memelihara ekosistem laut agar berfungsi dan produktif (Booth et al., 2018). Secara ekonomi, hiu merupakan sumber pendapatan penting dalam sektor perikanan. ...
... Hiu sangat rentan terhadap tekanan tangkap lebih (Jaliadi et al., 2017) karena memiliki siklus hidup yang panjang, pertumbuhan dan kematangan kelaminnya yang lambat dengan fekunditasnya dan jumlah anakan yang rendah (Steven et al., 2000;Stobutzki et al., 2002;Fahmi & Dharmadi, 2013;Cosandey-Godin & Morgan, 2014). Atas dasar hal tersebut, pengelolaan jangka panjang hiu sangat penting bagi manusia dan kesehatan ekosistem di alam (Booth, 2018). ...
Hiu martil (Sphyrna spp.) memiliki peluang tertangkap dan tingkat eksploitasi yang tinggi karena bentuk kepala yang unik dan perilaku agregasi remaja di perairan pesisir dangkal. Hiu yang didaratkan di PPI Rigaih umumnya merupakan bycatch, berukuran kecil dan belum dewasa/anakan.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik nelayan di Aceh Jaya dan mengestimasi besaran insentif maupun disinsentif ekonomi sebagai upaya perlindungan hiu martil di Aceh Jaya. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah survei. Pengambilan data primer dilakukan dengan wawancara terstruktur kepada nelayan kecil di Aceh Jaya, pada bulan April sampai dengan Agustus 2022. Responden berjumlah 48 orang yang dipilih menggunakan metode simple random sampling. Metode analisis penghitungan insentif nelayan menggunakan Contingent Valuation Methods (CVM). Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik nelayan di Aceh Jaya adalah nelayan kecil yang beroperasi menggunakan kapal kayu berukuran 5-10 gross tone dengan durasi penangkapan ikan adalah one-day fishing dan ada juga yang 2-5 hari/trip. Estimasi besaran denda (disinsentif) yang bersedia dibayarkan oleh nelayan apabila masih melakukan penangkapan hiu martil (WTP) rata-rata sebesar Rp259.375,00/trip. Kesediaan membayar denda dipengaruhi oleh usia, pendidikan, pendapatan, dan jumlah anak. Insentif ekonomi berupa kesediaan nelayan menerima kompensasi sebagai pengganti aktivitas penangkapan hiu martil (WTA) dengan estimasi rata-rata sebesar Rp434.895,83/trip. Variabel yang berpengaruh adalah usia, pendidikan, lama trip dan pendapatan Title: Economic Incentive and Disincentiveson Protection of Hammerhead Sharks (Sphyrna spp.) as By-catch in Aceh Jaya Hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna spp.) have a high chance of being caught due to their unique head shape and juvenile aggregation behavior in shallow coastal waters whose areas overlap with capture fisheries with high levels of exploitation. These Sharks have landed at the fish landing port Rigaih of Aceh Jaya Regency, which is generally by-catch with small size at the immature/pre-adult stage. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of hammerhead fishermen in Aceh Jaya and estimate the amount of economic incentives in the form of fines to protect hammerhead sharks in Aceh Jaya. The descriptive survey was used as the data collection method in this research. The deep interview was conducted to collect primary data from fishermen from April to August 2022. This research calculates the fisherman’s incentive using contingent valuation method (CVM) analysis. A total of 48 respondents were selected using the simple random sampling method. The findings show that the characteristics of fishermen in Aceh Jaya are small fisheries that operate using 5-10 gross-tone wooden boats with one-day fishing duration and some 2-5 days/trip. The estimated disincentives fishermen will pay if they still catch hammerhead sharks (WTP) is an average of IDR 259,375.00/trip. Willingness to pay is influenced by age, education, income, and number of children. Economic incentives include fishermen’s willingness to receive compensation instead of fishing for hammerhead sharks (WTA), with an average estimated IDR 434,895.83/trip. Influential variables are age, education, length of trip, and income.
... Indonesia merupakan negara dengan salah satu wilayah yang masuk dalam kawasan segitiga terumbu karang, dimana wilayah tersebut merupakan suatu kawasan dengan megabiodiversty fauna laut yang beragam (Booth et al., 2018). Indonesia merupakan negara maritim dimana indonesia merupakan salah satu negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia dengan luas wilayah 1.904.569 ...
Keanekaragaman hayati laut dan kepulauan mempunyai daya tarik wisata yang potensial untuk dikembangkan. Pulau kecil dengan kondisi terumbu karang yang baik menjadi obyek wisata yang sangat diminati.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kondisi terumbu karang dan evaluasi keindahan Pulau Gili Labak Sumenep.Metode pengukuran terumbu karang menggunakan metode LIT (Line Intercept Transect) dan Metode Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) digunakan untuk menilai dan menganalisis kualitas pemandangan lanskap. Metode ini menggunakan kuisioner berisi dokumentasi (foto lokasi) dengan foto lokasi pembanding (Pulau Gili Trawangan sebagai pembanding).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karang hidup 63,1%, karang mati 33,1%, fauna lain 0,6%, algae 3,61% dan abiotik 2,6%. Rasio kematian karang (Indeks mortalitas) masuk dalam kategori sedang (0,35). Hasil analisa SBE menunjukkan dari 15 foto yang dibandingkan ada 5 foto yang nilainya positif dan 10 foto yang nilainya negatif.Hal ini menunjukkan ada 5 lokasi lanskap yang lebih baik di Pulau Gili Labak, dan ada 10 lokasi lanskap yang lebih baik di lokasi pembanding. Nilai terendah terdapat -8.36 pada foto lanskap 13 dan nilai tertinggi 6,26 pada foto lanskap 3. Pada kawasan yang memiliki nilai yang rendah perlu dilakukan perlakukan khusus untuk meningkatkan nilai lanksap.Fasilitas yang kurang menarik menjadikan alasan beberapa foto lanskap menjadi rendah, perlu pengembangan fasilitas untuk menunjang kepuasan pengunjung. Marine biodiversity and archipelagic have a potential tourist attraction to be developed. Small island with good Coral reef condition are very popular tourist attractions. The purpose of this study is to determine the condition of Coral reefs condition and evaluate the beauty of Gili Labak Island, Sumenep. The method of Coral reef measurement uses LIT (Line Intercept Transect) method and the Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) method is used to assess and analyze the quality of landscape views. This method uses a questionnaire containing documentation (location photos) with photos of comparison location (Gili Trawangan Island as comparison) athe results showed live coral 63.1%, dead coral 33.1%, other fauna 0.6%, algae 3.61%, and abiotic 2.6%. Coral mortality ratio (mortality index) is in the moderate category (0.35). The results of SBE Analysis showed that from 15 photos that were compared, there were 5 photos with positive values and 10 photos with negative values. This shows that there are 5 better landscape locations on Gili Labak Island, and there are 10 better landscape locations on the comparison location. The lowest value is -8.36 for landscape photos 13 and the highest value is 6.26 for landscape photos 3. In areas with low values, special treatment is needed to increase the landscape value. Unattractive facilities are the reason why some landscape photos are low, it is necessary to develop facilities to support visitor satisfaction.
... 12,13 Several measures have been established by the Indonesian authorities to reduce the decline of elasmobranch populations, such as: increasing the number of protected species, extensive outreach programmes, improvement of data collection and stock assessment, expansion of marine protected areas, as well as the establishment of port state measures to combat illegal fishing. [14][15][16][17] The issue around elasmobranch fisheries is rendered even more challenging by the myriad of shark and ray product derivations, which add another layer of complexity. [18][19][20] Due to their similarity in appearance and the lack of distinctive features in most derivative products, elasmobranch species can be deliberately or accidentally mislabeled by those involved in the trade ( Figure 1). ...
Trade restrictions for endangered elasmobranch species exist to disincentivise their exploitation and curb their declines. However, trade monitoring is challenging due to product variety and the complexity of import/export routes. We investigate the use of a portable, universal, DNA-based tool which would greatly facilitate in-situ monitoring. We collected shark and ray samples across the Island of Java, Indonesia, and selected 28 commonly encountered species (including 22 CITES-listed species) to test a recently developed real-time PCR single-assay originally developed for screening bony fish. In the absence of a bespoke elasmobranch identification online platform in the original FASTFISH-ID model, we employed a deep learning algorithm to recognize species based on DNA melt-curve signatures. By combining visual and machine-learning assignment methods, we distinguished 25/28 species, 20 of which were CITES-listed. With further refinement, this method can improve monitoring of the elasmobranch trade worldwide, without a lab or species-specific assays.
... Rays have an essential ecological role in marine ecosystems that maintain functional marine ecosystems (Booth et al. 2018). The results of this study indicate that the genetic diversity of wedgefishes and guitarfishes populations is moderate to very high. ...
Tapilatu ME, Wijayanti DP, Subagiyo, Sembiring A, Yusmalinda NLA, NIngsih EY, Malik MDA, Pertiwi NPD. 2023. Genetic diversity of wedgefishes and guitarfishes at landing sites in east Indonesia using Cytochrome Subunit I (COI). Biodiversitas 24: 3120-3127. Wedgefish and guitarfish are considered endangered and protected by law in Indonesia due to pressure from overexploitation. They are highly exploited because of their economic value. This condition impacts the decline in the number of populations to the value of genetic diversity. This study used mitochondrial DNA to assess the genetic diversity of wedgefishes and guitarfishes which landed in the eastern part of Indonesia. We found Rhynchobatus australiae (Whitley, 1939) to be the most common species (14 out of 26 sequenced samples), with Glaucostegus typus (Bennett, 1830) and Rhinobatos jimbaranensis (Last, White, & Fahmi, 2006) appearing infrequently. COI sequences were obtained from the NCBI database and utilized in the study to compare population differentiation. Among the R. australiae populations, the results showed that the genetic diversity (Hd) values from Papua, Bali, and Lombok were 1.00, 0.67, and 0.75, respectively. In Papua, G.typus populations showed genetic diversity values of 0.90. R. jimbaranensis from Bali showed a genetic diversity of 0.50. Papua populations indicated higher genetic diversity than Bali and Lombok populations. Furthermore, the analyses of pairwise FST values and AMOVA indicated moderate genetic divergence across reference populations of R. australiae and G. typus in this study. Based on this value, a cautious conservation strategy in optimizing fisheries management will be required to limit anthropogenic impacts.
... Sharks are known as apex predators, whose key roles are to maintain a balanced ecosystem, prevent the spread of diseases, improve the gene pool and help create a healthy environment (Camhi et al., 1998;Griffin et al., 2008;Felipe et al., 2019). Sharks have been identified as one of the most endangered species and a priority group for conservation action (Booth et al., 2018). Their population has dwindled mainly due to high demand for human consumption and substantial commercial value (Lehr, 2015). ...
... Risk assessments will aid in identification of priority species and fisheries for conservation and management in India (Dulvy et al., 2017;Jabado et al., 2018). For instance, an adapted productivity-sensitivity analysis was conducted in Indonesia to identify at-risk shark and ray species; priority sites for conservation were also identified (Booth et al., 2018). Similar assessments would be highly valuable in India. ...
With global biodiversity currently facing unprecedented losses, it is critical that resources are allocated and used effectively to mitigate these threats, especially in resource-limited tropical countries of the global south. Chondrichthyans (sharks, rays and chimaeras) are particularly threatened by overexploitation, with India being amongst the top fishing nations for these species and a priority region for their conservation. We conducted a scoping review of chondrichthyan literature in India to assess the relevance of this research to the conservation of these threatened species. Between March and April 2021, we searched for peer reviewed and grey literature across national and international databases and found 482 chondrichthyan publications. While the number of publications exponentially increased with time, the literature is dominated by short-term fisheries studies, biological records and observations, with less than 10% of studies addressing socio-economic and management themes. Research was biased towards specific states, particularly Tamil Nadu and Kerala, and towards charismatic species like the whale shark, leading to under-representation of potentially important regions and taxa. Overall, our study found low relevance and applicability of India's research literature to chondrichthyan conservation. There is a need for more directed and applied research explicitly aimed at informing conservation. We highlight specific data gaps, such as the need for improved understanding of the socio-economic aspects of chondrichthyan fisheries, species risk assessments at the regional level, data on critical habitats, and the evaluation of existing policies. Addressing these gaps can help ensure that effort is allocated to the regions, species and topics that need it the most, for improved conservation outcomes.
... This makes elasmobranch conservation and management in Indonesia problematic, due to diverse and unregulated small-scale fisheries, high incidences of illegal fishing, and unsystematic data collection. Moreover, [20] reported that 86% of all Indonesian fisheries surveyed catch elasmobranchs incidentally or as by-catch. This occurs in both commercial and artisanal fisheries using various types of fishing gear, such as gillnets, longlines, seine-nets and trawlers. ...
... Most sharks caught as bycatch are from tuna longlines from commercial fishing fleets. In addition, whole fishing communities also exist that target elasmobranchs exclusively, and in some cases even certain species in particular, using tailored gear [20,21]. Between 2007 and 2017, Indonesia was the largest reported contributor to global elasmobranch landings, with a mean catch of 110,737 mt per year [22,23]. ...
... As the top shark landing country, shark and ray landings are mainly caught as bycatch, particularly from commercial fishing gear such as tuna longline and gillnet/trammel-net [20]. Since the reported export volume of sharks and rays is almost negligible (4%) compared to the total landing volume, difficulties remain with the partitioning of landings into domestic consumption and international components [13], while the poor taxonomic granularity of catch (and trade) compositions represents a big obstacle to accurately monitor population trends for most species. ...
Indonesian marine resources are among the richest on the planet, sustaining highly diverse fisheries. These fisheries include the largest shark and ray landings in the world, making Indonesia one of the world’s largest exporters of elasmobranch products. Socio-economic and food security considerations pertaining to Indonesian communities add further layers of complexity to the management and conservation of these vulnerable species. This study investigates the elasmobranch trade flows in and out of Indonesia and attempts to examine patterns and drivers of the current scenario. We identify substantial discrepancies between reported landings and declared exports, and between Indonesian exports in elasmobranch fin and meat products and the corresponding figures reported by importing countries. These mismatches are estimated to amount to over 20.9 M for fins and meat, respectively, for the period between 2012 and 2018. Although the declared exports are likely to be an underestimation because of significant unreported or illegal trading activities, we note that domestic consumption of shark and ray products may also explain these discrepancies. The study also unearths a general scenario of unsystematic data collection and lack of granularity of product terminology, which is inadequate to meet the challenges of over-exploitation, illegal trade and food security in Indonesia. We discuss how to improve data transparency to support trade regulations and governance actions, by improving inspection measures, and conserving elasmobranch populations without neglecting the socio-economic dimension of this complex system.
... Although C. leucas are not normally targeted, they are commonly taken in commercial and recreational fisheries for their fin meat, fins, and oil (Dulvy et al. 2014;Davidson et al. 2016). The Malaysian Government needs to strictly prohibit the practice of catching sharks, including C. leucas (Compagno & Cook 1995;Booth et al. 2018). At least, the exploitation of sharks in the Southeast Asian Region should be restricted to a sustainable level. ...
A single specimen of a bull shark Carcharhinus leucas (Müller & Henle 1839) with c. 102 cm of total length was landed and photographed on 25 March 2019 in Sungai Mawai Lama, about 25 km inland, Kota Tinggi District, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia. This rare finding represents only the second record of C. leucas in inland Peninsular Malaysia. This shark was identified as C. leucas by the snout much shorter than the width of mouth and bluntly rounded, first dorsal fin triangular, rearward sloping, originating over or slightly behind pectoral insertion, second dorsal fin much smaller than the first dorsal fin (< 3.1:1), and lack of an interdorsal ridge. The coloration of fresh specimen: greyish back and white belly, the dark coloration on the tip of the caudal fins and second dorsal fin. This species is currently listed as a vulnerable species based on the IUCN Red List Status. Further study and monitoring are needed to assess the possibility of the importance of Sungai Mawai Lama as critical habitat of C. leucas.