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Significant interventions compared with control group (p values)*

Significant interventions compared with control group (p values)*

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Mental illness remains highly stigmatized, which hinders the recovery process of individuals who experience mental health conditions. This study seeks to evaluate five different strategies to reduce stigma towards individuals with persistent mental disorders. This study also examined the effect of high schools’ proximity to a psychiatric hospital i...

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... All three strategies have been shown to have varying degrees of effectiveness Corrigan & Watson, 2002;Jorm, 2020). Specifically, education-based interventions aim to present factual information to fill gaps in knowledge and challenge negative and incorrect beliefs (Saiz et al., 2021). Among these educational interventions, increasing MHL has been suggested as one effective approach to reducing stigma (Kutcher et al., 2016). ...
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Mental health literacy (MHL) has been demonstrated as an effective way to reduce stigmatizing attitudes toward mental illnesses; however, there is considerable breadth in what can be considered MHL. It is unclear if individual components, such as understanding symptoms of a mental illness (i.e., diagnostic criteria), are effective in reducing stigma. Therefore, this study experimentally examined the effects of providing symptom education (through diagnostic criteria) on the public stigma toward mental illnesses. Additionally, this study explored the impact of symptom education across three different mental illnesses. Using randomly assigned vignettes, stigmatizing attitudes toward major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, and borderline personality disorder were assessed with and without accompanying diagnostic criteria. Online surveys were completed by 301 students from a university in Western Canada. Participants read the assigned vignette and completed measures of stigmatizing attitudes in reference to their vignette character. Results showed a significant main effect of diagnostic criteria inclusion, where participants who were provided with diagnostic criteria actually reported greater stigmatizing attitudes, contrary to the hypothesis. These preliminary findings suggest that presenting diagnostic information may not be effective in reducing mental illness stigma. Results also showed a significant main effect of mental illness type. Participants had a lower degree of stigma toward major depressive disorder compared to schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder. No significant interaction was observed. The present study findings invite more nuanced investigations to stigma reduction and MHL-based strategies to optimize their effectiveness in combatting mental illness stigma. Other key findings and recommendations for future research are discussed.
... However some of these challenging attitudes have been cited in global level. In a study focused on five strategies to reduce the stigma among High School students towards mental healthcare in three cities of Spain, Escudero, et al.(2021), found that students have many dimensions associated with mental health attitudes, including negative attitudes, self-stigmatizing, dislike mental health services,beliefs, intentions and behaviors toward teacher-counselors in schoolsIn Canada, Doan et al. (2020) conducted a study on the reluctance of secondary school students to seek help for mental healthcare concerns. The study, part of a larger compass study, revealed that a significant majority of these students exhibited strong resistance and reluctance towards utilizing mental health services. ...
... Reducir el estigma existente en esta promoción era necesario, puesto que, otra de las razones por las que el colegio solicitó una intervención fue debido a la falta de solicitud de ayuda por parte de los alumnos, y ésta puede deberse -entre otras razones -al propio estigma que existe en cuanto a las enfermedades mentales (Saiz et al., 2020). ...
Conference Paper
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RESUMEN La salud mental ha sido la gran olvidada a lo largo de la historia por parte de la sociedad, esto se debe entre otras cosas a la estigmatización que existe de las enfermedades mentales. Sin embargo, la llegada de la pandemia provocada por la Covid-19 ha propiciado que adquiera relevancia dentro del debate social, pues se ha dado un aumento de problemas de salud mental en la población en general, pero que ha afectado especialmente a la población adolescente. Así, en el presente estudio, se ha llevado a cabo una intervención con 108 alumnos de 3ºde ESO de un colegio de Madrid tras la demanda de intervención realizada por el propio departamento de dirección y orientación del colegio, debido al aumento exponencial de problemas de salud mental que estaban experimentado los alumnos de esta promoción. Para ello se realizaron previamente entrevistas con 2 profesores, 4 padres, y 2 orientadoras de los alumnos. Tras ello se decidió llevar a cabo una intervención de tres sesiones distintas con los alumnos, una psicoeducativa, una de contacto, y una de reflexión, 102 alumnos participaron en la primera sesión, 96 alumnos en la segunda y 84 alumnos en la tercera, de estos, 68 alumnos participaron en todas las sesiones. Tras los análisis realizados se encontró que el presente programa ayudó a los alumnos a identificar si podían estar padeciendo un problema de salud mental y sirvió de precedente para que los mismos normalizaran y estuvieran más familiarizados con todo lo que concierne a la salud mental, y percibiesen más probable el pedir ayuda ante problemas de este tipo.