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Siemens SG using a modified version of Plantville This exploration of the Serious Games leads us to summarise:
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The use of digital games and gamification has demonstrated potential to improve many aspects of how businesses provide training to staff, and communicate with consumers. However, there is still a need for better understanding of how the adoption of games and gasification would influence the process of decision-making in organisations across differe...
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The use of digital games and gamification has shown the potential to improve many aspects of how businesses provide education and communicate with consumers. Nevertheless, there is still a requirement for better considerate of how the adoption of games and gamification would influence the process of decision-making for customer and organizations ac...
... Portanto, é evidente o potencial que os jogos com propósito possuem em relação aos contextos de aprendizado, formação e resolução de problemas. Porém, cabe ressaltar que eles são eficazes somente quando os objetivos de aprendizagem são compreendidos pelos jogadores e, as ferramentas de avaliação de aprendizado promovem um feedback satisfatório e coerente com o gameplay [38]. ...
... In Petridis et al.'s studies [62], they concluded the existence of the potential to use serious games to improve the efficacy of formative programs, to increase organizational productivity, and to solve problems. To become more effective as a learning or training tool, serious games must not only fulfill learning or training requirements but, they should follow the domain competencies and give feedback to players in real-time [67]. ...
... Kindly provide the page range for Refs. [3,32,62], if applicable. ...
The complexity of social interactions has been pointed out as challenges in studies on social development, education, cultural diversity, behavior change, and innovation. The COVID-19 pandemics highlighted important issues of our modern society, especially regarding emotional and psychological issues: humans as artificial beings disconnected from the planet, anxious for socialization, mainly through virtual worlds. Stress, anxiety, hopelessness and depression are sources of concern, while pleasure - a fundamental aspect for human life - loses space. We argue that our society needs to recover the pleasure which relies on the learning aspects of life situations as well as to rebuild the way we interact for social or work purposes. In this chapter, we propose as a challenge for the games research community, to face the sophistication that encompasses how to conceptualize, model, design, evaluate, and play games which can turn our actions in the world more playful. We primarily approach games as enablers and agents for work relations, social change and innovation in organizations, with a special look to the Brazilian context.
... In Petridis et al.'s studies [62], they concluded the existence of the potential to use serious games to improve the efficacy of formative programs, to increase organizational productivity, and to solve problems. To become more effective as a learning or training tool, serious games must not only fulfill learning or training requirements but, they should follow the domain competencies and give feedback to players in real-time [67]. ...
... Kindly provide the page range for Refs. [3,32,62], if applicable. ...
The complexity of social interactions has been pointed out as challenges in studies on social development, education, cultural diversity, behavior change, and innovation. The COVID-19 pandemics highlighted important issues of our modern society, especially regarding emotional and psychological issues: humans as artificial beings disconnected from the planet, anxious for socialization, mainly through virtual worlds. Stress, anxiety, hopelessness and depression are sources of concern, while pleasure - a fundamental aspect for human life - loses space. We argue that our society needs to recover the pleasure which relies on the learning aspects of life situations as well as to rebuild the way we interact for social or work purposes. In this chapter, we propose as a challenge for the games research community, to face the sophistication that encompasses how to conceptualize, model, design, evaluate, and play games which can turn our actions in the world more playful. We primarily approach games as enablers and agents for work relations, social change and innovation in organizations, with a special look to the Brazilian context.
... Numerous application areas such as education, healthcare, and military are known [27]. Gamified knowledge transfer and immediate feedback can make serious games more efficient than traditional approaches and positive effects on creativity, motivation, problem solving skills, complex and critical thinking, spatial ability, collaboration and social competences, conceptual understanding, automaticity, innovative thinking, and intercultural competences are known [29,[35][36][37]. In addition to introducing new topics, serious games can be used to deepen and train existing knowledge [27]. ...
... Outras contribuições dos jogos de empresas são (CLARKE, 2009; WAWER et al., 2010): (i) o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências, como é o caso do planejamento e da liderança com vistas a promover uma melhor gestão estratégica; (ii) criação de motivação para a aprendizagem ativa; e (iii) estabelecer conexões entre as diferentes áreas do conhecimento relacionadas ao ambiente de negócios, promovendo assim uma interdisciplinaridade, elemento também referenciado por Keys e Wolfe(1990). Por fim, uma das vantagens dos jogos de empresas, encontrada em grande parte da literatura que trata do tema, diz respeito ao feedback, que consiste em atribuir análises das decisões tomadas pelos participantes, possibilitando que eles aprendam com os seus acertos e erros(GOLDSCHMIDT;WAWER et al., 2010;ABDULLAH;HANAFIAH;HASHIM, 2013;PETRIDIS et al., 2015).Por outro lado, os jogos de empresas apresentam algumas desvantagens, conforme explicitam WAWER et al. (2010): (i) por se tratar de uma simulação da realidade do ambiente empresarial, o jogo é composto por algumas simplificações; (ii) as tomadas de decisão sem riscos e custos para os participantes, apesar de ser considerado um ponto positivo, pode resultar na irresponsabilidade da escolha dessas decisões; (iii) tanto o Brazilian Journal of Development ISSN: 2525-8761 ...
... The survey revealed that 45% of EU video game players are female, and that the average game play time was 8.6 hours per day, with increases predicted. The popularity of video games, especially among younger demographics, makes them an ideal medium for educational programmes aimed at hard-to-reach demographics (Petridis et al. 2015;Lameras et al. 2017). Non-video games have also seen increased popularity in recent years (Petridis et al. 2015). ...
... The popularity of video games, especially among younger demographics, makes them an ideal medium for educational programmes aimed at hard-to-reach demographics (Petridis et al. 2015;Lameras et al. 2017). Non-video games have also seen increased popularity in recent years (Petridis et al. 2015). ...
... The power of games to immerse, engage and motivate (Garris et al. 2002) and the capabilities of games to foster and facilitate critical thinking, problem-solving skills, innovation, emotional intelligence, awareness and behavioural change have led more games of this nature to be deployed in real-life scenarios. A game's ability (Panzoli et al. 2010;Petridis et al. 2015;Lameras et al. 2017) to change perceptions and views (de Freitas and Neumann 2011) has created a more positive approach to the application of games or the application of 'game elements' in non-entertainment contexts. ...
... However, serious games are more entertaining and engaging than traditional forms of learning and can influence individuals' behavior due to their use of pedagogy and game-based learning principles, such as motivation, cognitive apprenticeship and constructivism [10]. They have demonstrated a potential in industrial education and training disciplines [23,25] if respective organizations care for players' privacy and working atmosphere [16], do not use gaming data for appraisal or selection purposes and clearly communicate this to the employees [17]. Abawajy's observations [1], that trainings can be greatly enhanced through interactive content, support this statement and make serious games a strong candidate for overcoming issues of traditional training methods. ...
While social engineering is still a recent threat, many organisations only address it by using traditional trainings, penetration tests, standardized security awareness campaigns or serious games. Existing research has shown that methods for raising employees’ awareness are more effective if adjusted to their target audience. For that purpose, we propose the creation of specific scenarios for serious games by considering specifics of the respective organisation. Based on the work of Faily and Flechais [11], who created personas utilizing grounded theory, we demonstrate how to develop a specific scenario for HATCH [4], a serious game on social engineering. Our method for adapting a scenario of a serious game on social engineering resulted in a realistic scenario and thus was effective. Since the method is also very time-consuming, we propose future work to investigate if the effort can be reduced.
... De maneira geral, os jogos servem ao propósito de entretenimento, porém eles têm um grande potencial como ferramentas de suporte à socialização, educação e treinamento [Michael e Chen, 2005], e adicionalmente, seu sucesso aumenta com o crescimento exponencial que a indústria de jogos digitais teve nos últimos anos [Sakuda et al. 2018]. Petridis et al. [2015], através de uma revisão da literatura sobre jogos sérios, concluiu que eles têm um comprovado potencial para melhoria e eficácia dos programas de formação, o aumento da produtividade e até mesmo na resolução de problemas. Entretanto, para serem eficazes como métodos de treinamentos e compreensão de contextos por seus jogadores, os jogos sérios têm que atender não só os requisitos do treinamento, mas também as competências de domínio do jogo e os critérios de avaliação, fornecendo feedback para os jogadores [Rocha e Araujo, 2013]. ...
Atualmente as organizações são desafiadas na tentativa de fazer com que seus clientes se aproximem e possam contribuir na inovação e melhoria de seus processos de negócio. Neste contexto, percebeu-se que estas melhorias passam pela compreensão dos processos pelos clientes tornando-os aptos a contribuir. Esta pesquisa explorou o design de jogos digitais como alternativa atrativa para que as pessoas possam compreender como um processo de negócio de prestação de serviço é executado. Através da Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) o método Play Your Process (PYP) foi concebido, tendo como objetivo guiar o game designer na construção destes jogos. Com o método PYP foi possível desenvolver e demonstrar os jogos digitais baseados em processos de negócio em diferentes contextos, sendo estes, avaliados com o público (cidadãos) quanto a sua qualidade e a ferramenta para promover a compreensão do processo de negócio (serviço). Assim, o método usa modelo de processos de negócio como base para a criação do jogo, e ao mesmo tempo o jogo digital busca representar o modelo de processo de negócio para a compreensão do jogador. O método PYP demonstrou ser útil para isso, ao fornecer suporte ao projeto de jogos digitais baseados em processos de negócio.
... However, serious games are more entertaining and engaging than traditional forms of learning and can influence individuals' behavior due to their use of pedagogy and game-based learning principles, such as motivation, cognitive apprenticeship and constructivism [10]. They have demonstrated a potential in industrial education and training disciplines [23,25] if respective organizations care for players' privacy and working atmosphere [16], do not use gaming data for appraisal or selection purposes and clearly communicate this to the employees [17]. Abawajy's observations [1], that trainings can be greatly enhanced through interactive content, support this statement and make serious games a strong candidate for overcoming issues of traditional training methods. ...
While social engineering is still a recent threat, many organisations only address it by using traditional trainings, penetration tests, standardized security awareness campaigns or serious games. Existing research has shown that methods for raising employees' awareness are more effective if adjusted to their target audience. For that purpose, we propose the creation of specific scenarios for serious games by considering specifics of the respective organisation. Based on the work of Faily and Flechais [11], who created personas utilizing grounded theory, we demonstrate how to develop a specific scenario for HATCH [4], a serious game on social engineering. Our method for adapting a scenario of a serious game on social engineering resulted in a realistic scenario and thus was effective. Since the method is also very time-consuming, we propose future work to investigate if the effort can be reduced.
... The question still remains how to improve the end user experience despite the fact gamification is in place. Moreover, Petridis et al. (2015) demonstrated how enterprises use digital games and gamification to improve many aspects of how businesses provide training to staff, operate, and communicate with consumers. Same year Wood demonstrated the successful impact serious games for energy social science research. ...
The need to improve the end user experience to interact with 3D models might contribute towards the delivery of more effective schematic and construction design drawings for refurbishment of existing buildings and improve end user experience. Past research shows the evolution of BIM in construction but so far there is not much research to show the interaction between a 3D model and the end user. Moving to industry 4.0 and Digital Twins is another evidence for improving the interactive experience between 3D models and end users. Therefore, this research shows how to gather data in existing buildings (houses-villa) using Lase Scanner and Photogrammetry, import and process these data to 3D Information Model (LOD 300), set the indoor position and thus to develop a dynamic interactive Gamificative BIM environment to enhance owners and end users experience through the use of HoloLens. Moreover, the indoor positioning system could help end user experience be improved due to the ability to walk through the digital model environment using HoloLens technology thus giving a more holistic understanding and more detailed information about the final digital product. This paper demonstrates the digital engineering strategy that was used. For this purpose, the team collaborated with an industrial partner to test and validate the impact of a dynamic interactive Gamificative BIM environment including its digital strategy. In fact, semi structured interviews with the design team was involved to test the hypothesis and observations to assess end user's reaction within this environment. Results show the efficiency of this dynamic environment in order to deliver both schematic and dynamic design closer to the needs of the client, as well as benefits to improve on time completion. This was achieved because of the improved interaction between the 3D Model and end user through the use of the HoloLens and Indoor Positioning in the premises of the Design Company. The integration of Revit to Unit and thus to the HoloLens Emulator has revealed many challenges. However, the team managed to develop an innovative approach for integrating the 3D Model to HoloLens in order to improve end user experience and thus to provide a comprehensive and continuous feedback by using (a)synchronous communication technologies. Benefits show also the added value to the business operation of the design studio due to early adoption and completion of the project. The company increased their capacity to support more projects and therefore to increase the profit.