Figure 1 - uploaded by Sean Carver
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Short-Term Synaptic Depression Can Contribute to Direction Selectivity in an Elementary Reichardt Detector (A) Information from two channels (blue and red: right and left, respectively) converges on a post-synaptic cell. The blue channel exhibits short-term synaptic depression (D), which nonlinearly filters the stimulus, advancing the timing of the channel’s peak response relative to the timing of the peak of the stimulus (blue dashed lines). The red channel exhibits no depression (ND), which linearly scales the stimulus, leaving the timing of the channel’s peak response to coincide with the timing of the stimulus (red dashed lines). Differences in temporal processing interact with a spatial separation of the two channels’ receptive fields to produce direction selectivity. A moving stimulus pulse first activating the red channel leads to the summation of coincident peaks in the post-synaptic cell. A stimulus pulse moving in the opposite direction leads to the summation of disparate peaks and hence a weaker response in the post-synaptic cell. (B) A schematic outline depicting the ascending electrosensory system in Apteronotus and Eigenmannia and other Gymnotiform genera. In short, electrosensory information from receptors in the skin (RF 1 and RF 2) project topographically onto the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). Neurons in the ELL in turn project topographically onto neurons in the torus semicircularis (Torus) in the midbrain via the lateral lemniscus (LL). Midbrain afferents include both depressing and nondepressing synapses that converge on to individual neurons: this convergence of information meets the requirements for the proposed elementary Reichardt motion detector. We used three categories of stimuli: global stimuli (social signals that stimulate the entire sensory surface simultaneously), a localized moving bar (shown), and a larger moving sinewave grating. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.0040032.g001 

Short-Term Synaptic Depression Can Contribute to Direction Selectivity in an Elementary Reichardt Detector (A) Information from two channels (blue and red: right and left, respectively) converges on a post-synaptic cell. The blue channel exhibits short-term synaptic depression (D), which nonlinearly filters the stimulus, advancing the timing of the channel’s peak response relative to the timing of the peak of the stimulus (blue dashed lines). The red channel exhibits no depression (ND), which linearly scales the stimulus, leaving the timing of the channel’s peak response to coincide with the timing of the stimulus (red dashed lines). Differences in temporal processing interact with a spatial separation of the two channels’ receptive fields to produce direction selectivity. A moving stimulus pulse first activating the red channel leads to the summation of coincident peaks in the post-synaptic cell. A stimulus pulse moving in the opposite direction leads to the summation of disparate peaks and hence a weaker response in the post-synaptic cell. (B) A schematic outline depicting the ascending electrosensory system in Apteronotus and Eigenmannia and other Gymnotiform genera. In short, electrosensory information from receptors in the skin (RF 1 and RF 2) project topographically onto the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). Neurons in the ELL in turn project topographically onto neurons in the torus semicircularis (Torus) in the midbrain via the lateral lemniscus (LL). Midbrain afferents include both depressing and nondepressing synapses that converge on to individual neurons: this convergence of information meets the requirements for the proposed elementary Reichardt motion detector. We used three categories of stimuli: global stimuli (social signals that stimulate the entire sensory surface simultaneously), a localized moving bar (shown), and a larger moving sinewave grating. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.0040032.g001 

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The discrimination of the direction of movement of sensory images is critical to the control of many animal behaviors. We propose a parsimonious model of motion processing that generates direction selective responses using short-term synaptic depression and can reproduce salient features of direction selectivity found in a population of neurons in...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... of animal behavior often requires the discrimination of the direction of movement of sensory images. In some behaviors, including tracking [1–5] and postural balance [6–9], animals must determine the direction of sensory slip to generate appropriate compensatory movements to stabilize the sensory image on the receptor array. For other behaviors, including prey capture [10,11], animals must respond to the direction of motion of prey relative to the sensory background. A neural correlate of these functions was described over 40 years ago: Hubel and Wiesel characterized central neurons in the mammalian visual system that exhibited preferential responses to particular directions of movement of sensory images [12–14]. Following this discovery, direction- selective response properties have been found in a diversity of animal species and across different sensory modalities, from the visual cortex of cats [12] and somatosensory cortex of monkeys [15] to the electrosensory midbrain of weakly electric fish [16,17]. Of particular interest are the direction selective responses of midbrain neurons observed in a species of weakly electric fish, Eigenmannia virescens . These neurons exhibit an unex- pected enhancement of direction selectivity by the addition of concomitant naturally occurring sensory oscillations in the gamma frequency range [17]. These oscillations strongly induce short-term synaptic depression in these midbrain neurons, and measures of this depression correlate significantly with direction selectivity [17–19]. These correlations suggest that a depression-based mechanism might underlie both the generation of direction selectivity and its enhancement by the addition of gamma-band oscillations. Here we propose a parsimonious model to describe and explore the essential features of this mechanism. The model is based on a conceptual framework for motion processing known as Reichardt detectors: information from two spatially separated channels with asymmetric temporal properties combine via a nonlinear operation on a downstream (post-synaptic) neuron to produce direction selective responses [20,21] (Figure 1). When supplied with a stimulus moving in the preferred direction, the temporal shift can compensate for the spatial separation, allowing the inputs from the two channels to interact constructively. The temporal phase shift is typically modeled as a pure delay or a low-pass filter. For direction-selective neurons in V1, Chance et al. [22] propose that the dynamical differences between synapses that exhibit short-term synaptic depression and those that do not may provide a mechanism for generating both the asym- metrical temporal properties and the nonlinear operation required by an elementary Reichardt circuit (the electrosensory midbrain of Eigenmannia also exhibit these requisite ingredients for Reichardt-style selectivity based on short- term depression [19,23].) For a depressing synapse, the magnitude of the response in the post-synaptic cell decreases during repetitive activation [24–27]. Short-term synaptic depression involves two dynamic processes with distinct time constants: the faster process, with a time-constant on the order of tens to hundreds of milliseconds, can be attributed to the depletion of the supply of readily releasable synaptic vesicles, while the slower process, with a time-constant of seconds to tens of seconds, can be attributed to the mechanisms for the replenishment of this supply [25,26]. Here we propose a parsimonious model that describes a mechanistic linkage between short-term synaptic depression and direction selectivity, based on a Reichardt-style circuit. We further test the possibility that the enhancement of direction selectivity by concomitant gamma-band oscillations may be mediated by short-term synaptic depression. Global synchronous oscillations in activity may arise endogenously, as occurs in cortical and other circuits [28], or exogenously, as occurs in weakly electric fish from the interaction of the electric fields of nearby conspecifics [29] and the jamming avoidance response [30]. In the model, these oscillations induce depression, which can lead to an enhancement of direction selectivity to moving objects. We systematically explore the effects of variations of biologically relevant parameters of the model and evaluate the results in relation to electrophysiological data from a population of motion- sensitive electrosensory neurons in the midbrain of weakly electric fish [17]. Information from two spatially separated receptive fields converges onto a post-synaptic neuron via dynamically different synapses: one that exhibits short-term synaptic depression and the other that does not (Figure 1). The spatial separation of the receptive fields combined with the differences in temporal dynamics of the synaptic inputs satisfies the requirements for an elementary Reichardt motion detector. In this model, only the depressing synapse contributes state to the model, which consists of one or two variables whose dynamic evolution is governed by uncoupled and identical (up to parameters) nonlinear ordinary differential equations. We have found that the one-state model, which includes only the fast process of short-term synaptic depression, exhibits direction selectivity (Figure 2A). Since short-term synaptic depression creates a phase advance in the synapse, a moving stimulus that first passes through the nondepressing area leads to a simultaneous arrival (a constructive combina- tion) of signals from both synapses (Figure 2A, blue). Movement in the opposite direction leads to asynchronous arrival of information (Figure 2A, red). These results are similar to those reported previously [22]. The response to the sine-wave grating is nearly identical from cycle to cycle over time. In this case, the time constant of depression is fast relative to the period of the stimulation so that the depressing synapse has sufficient time to return to its initial state during the dark phase of each cycle. In the two-state model, which includes both the fast and slow processes associated with short-term synaptic depression, neurons exhibit direction selectivity that enhances from cycle to cycle of a sustained sine wave grating (Figure 2B). In the first cycle, the response is nearly identical to the response of the one-state model. However, in each subsequent cycle there is a total reduction in the probability of firing and in the total number of spikes for both directions of motion. This reduction in probability of firing is asymptotic. This overall reduction in firing nonetheless increases the direction index (reported in the caption to Figure 2 and defined in Model) by increasing the relative difference between the responses to the preferred and non-preferred directions of movement. Intracellularly, this enhancement effect will occur as long as the stimulus is maintained even if the depression limits the PSPs so that they do not reach the spiking threshold. In extracellular recordings, however, there is a possibility that the depression could lead to a complete elimination of spiking responses to the moving stimulus. The sine-wave gratings that we used are sustained stimuli— such stimuli that might arise during image-stabilization tasks. In contrast, many behaviors, such as prey capture, involve spatiotemporally localized, or intermittent stimuli. We have examined the performance of the model to this class of stimuli. Our intermittent stimulus consists of the temporal sequence defined by Equation 2, which is a 1.5 cycle sine-wave pulse. Prior to the arrival of the stimulus, we initialized the system with at least 3 seconds of a spatially homogeneous stimulus of intermediate intensity, which we call 50% grey (see Model). At the arrival of the pulse, the model lies in approximately the same state as it does for the first cycle of the sine grating. As a result, the responses to the first cycle of the grating and to the intermittent stimulus are nearly identical (compare Figures 2B and 3A). For the same parameter values, the responses differ only because the stimuli are subtly different: the sine grating stimulus appears in both receptive fields at the same time, but at different phases, whereas the 1.5 cycle pulse first appears in one receptive field then moves to the other and disappears. We also tested the model’s response to an intermittent stimulus that was initialized not with a uniform background but rather with global synchronous gamma-band oscillations. These sorts of oscillations occur exogenously in groups of weakly electric fish [29] and endogenously in many CNS circuits [28]. In the model, the gamma-band oscillations drive activity simultaneously in both afferents which activates both the fast (0 , D ( t ) ( 1) and slow (0 , S ( t ) ( 1) processes in the depressing synapse (see Model). The response of the model to the moving pulse after 3 seconds of global stimulation compares to its asymptotic response to a persistent sine grating (compare Figures 2B and 3B). The response in this condition is more ‘‘ sparse ’’ than in the grey-initialized condition—the responses are reduced due to the activation of the slow process associated with short- term synaptic depression. The code is more sparse in that fewer spikes more reliably encode information—the direction of movement. Depending on the values of the parameters, this reduction in spiking can lead to an enhancement of direction selectivity (Figure 3A versus 3B) or a reduction of the direction selectivity (Figure 3C versus 3D). We varied the contributions of the depressing and nondepressing synapses in the model and measured the response to the moving pulse ...
Context 2
... of animal behavior often requires the discrimination of the direction of movement of sensory images. In some behaviors, including tracking [1–5] and postural balance [6–9], animals must determine the direction of sensory slip to generate appropriate compensatory movements to stabilize the sensory image on the receptor array. For other behaviors, including prey capture [10,11], animals must respond to the direction of motion of prey relative to the sensory background. A neural correlate of these functions was described over 40 years ago: Hubel and Wiesel characterized central neurons in the mammalian visual system that exhibited preferential responses to particular directions of movement of sensory images [12–14]. Following this discovery, direction- selective response properties have been found in a diversity of animal species and across different sensory modalities, from the visual cortex of cats [12] and somatosensory cortex of monkeys [15] to the electrosensory midbrain of weakly electric fish [16,17]. Of particular interest are the direction selective responses of midbrain neurons observed in a species of weakly electric fish, Eigenmannia virescens . These neurons exhibit an unex- pected enhancement of direction selectivity by the addition of concomitant naturally occurring sensory oscillations in the gamma frequency range [17]. These oscillations strongly induce short-term synaptic depression in these midbrain neurons, and measures of this depression correlate significantly with direction selectivity [17–19]. These correlations suggest that a depression-based mechanism might underlie both the generation of direction selectivity and its enhancement by the addition of gamma-band oscillations. Here we propose a parsimonious model to describe and explore the essential features of this mechanism. The model is based on a conceptual framework for motion processing known as Reichardt detectors: information from two spatially separated channels with asymmetric temporal properties combine via a nonlinear operation on a downstream (post-synaptic) neuron to produce direction selective responses [20,21] (Figure 1). When supplied with a stimulus moving in the preferred direction, the temporal shift can compensate for the spatial separation, allowing the inputs from the two channels to interact constructively. The temporal phase shift is typically modeled as a pure delay or a low-pass filter. For direction-selective neurons in V1, Chance et al. [22] propose that the dynamical differences between synapses that exhibit short-term synaptic depression and those that do not may provide a mechanism for generating both the asym- metrical temporal properties and the nonlinear operation required by an elementary Reichardt circuit (the electrosensory midbrain of Eigenmannia also exhibit these requisite ingredients for Reichardt-style selectivity based on short- term depression [19,23].) For a depressing synapse, the magnitude of the response in the post-synaptic cell decreases during repetitive activation [24–27]. Short-term synaptic depression involves two dynamic processes with distinct time constants: the faster process, with a time-constant on the order of tens to hundreds of milliseconds, can be attributed to the depletion of the supply of readily releasable synaptic vesicles, while the slower process, with a time-constant of seconds to tens of seconds, can be attributed to the mechanisms for the replenishment of this supply [25,26]. Here we propose a parsimonious model that describes a mechanistic linkage between short-term synaptic depression and direction selectivity, based on a Reichardt-style circuit. We further test the possibility that the enhancement of direction selectivity by concomitant gamma-band oscillations may be mediated by short-term synaptic depression. Global synchronous oscillations in activity may arise endogenously, as occurs in cortical and other circuits [28], or exogenously, as occurs in weakly electric fish from the interaction of the electric fields of nearby conspecifics [29] and the jamming avoidance response [30]. In the model, these oscillations induce depression, which can lead to an enhancement of direction selectivity to moving objects. We systematically explore the effects of variations of biologically relevant parameters of the model and evaluate the results in relation to electrophysiological data from a population of motion- sensitive electrosensory neurons in the midbrain of weakly electric fish [17]. Information from two spatially separated receptive fields converges onto a post-synaptic neuron via dynamically different synapses: one that exhibits short-term synaptic depression and the other that does not (Figure 1). The spatial separation of the receptive fields combined with the differences in temporal dynamics of the synaptic inputs satisfies the requirements for an elementary Reichardt motion detector. In this model, only the depressing synapse contributes state to the model, which consists of one or two variables whose dynamic evolution is governed by uncoupled and identical (up to parameters) nonlinear ordinary differential equations. We have found that the one-state model, which includes only the fast process of short-term synaptic depression, exhibits direction selectivity (Figure 2A). Since short-term synaptic depression creates a phase advance in the synapse, a moving stimulus that first passes through the nondepressing area leads to a simultaneous arrival (a constructive combina- tion) of signals from both synapses (Figure 2A, blue). Movement in the opposite direction leads to asynchronous arrival of information (Figure 2A, red). These results are similar to those reported previously [22]. The response to the sine-wave grating is nearly identical from cycle to cycle over time. In this case, the time constant of depression is fast relative to the period of the stimulation so that the depressing synapse has sufficient time to return to its initial state during the dark phase of each cycle. In the two-state model, which includes both the fast and slow processes associated with short-term synaptic depression, neurons exhibit direction selectivity that enhances from cycle to cycle of a sustained sine wave grating (Figure 2B). In the first cycle, the response is nearly identical to the response of the one-state model. However, in each subsequent cycle there is a total reduction in the probability of firing and in the total number of spikes for both directions of motion. This reduction in probability of firing is asymptotic. This overall reduction in firing nonetheless increases the direction index (reported in the caption to Figure 2 and defined in Model) by increasing the relative difference between the responses to the preferred and non-preferred directions of movement. Intracellularly, this enhancement effect will occur as long as the stimulus is maintained even if the depression limits the PSPs so that they do not reach the spiking threshold. In extracellular recordings, however, there is a possibility that the depression could lead to a complete elimination of ...

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... STP has been investigated in both vertebrates and invertebrates. It has been shown to be involved in a number of brain functions, including information filtering (temporal and frequency-dependent) [3, 8-10, 16, 22, 24, 26-43], adaptive filtering [9] and related phenomena (e.g., burst detection) [3,33,[44][45][46][47], temporal coding and information processing [33,34,[48][49][50][51], information flow [40,52,53] (given the presynaptic history-dependent nature of STP), gain control [54][55][56], the modulation of network responses to external inputs [57,58], the prolongation of neural responses to transient inputs [15,59,60], direction selectivity [61], vision (e.g., microsacades) [62], sound localization and hearing [63,64], the generation of cortical up and down states [65], attractor dynamics [55,66], navigation (e.g., place field sensing) [9,37], working memory [60,67], decision making [68] and neuronal computation [6,53,56,[69][70][71]. ...
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Neuronal filters can be thought of as constituent building blocks underlying the ability of neuronal systems to process information, generate rhythms and perform computations. How neuronal filters are generated by the concerted activity of a multiplicity of process and interacting time scales within and across levels of neuronal organization is poorly understood. In this paper we address these issues in a feedforward network in the presence of synaptic short-term plasticity (STP, depression and facilitation). The network consists of a presynaptic spike-train, a postsynaptic passive cell, and an excitatory (AMPA) chemical synapse. The dynamics of each network components is controlled by one or more time scales. We use mathematical modeling, numerical simulations and analytical approximations of the network response to presynaptic spike trains. We explain the mechanisms by which the participating time scales shape the neuronal filters at the (i) synaptic update level (the target of the synaptic variable in response to presynaptic spikes), which is shaped by STP, (ii) the synaptic variable, and (iii) the postsynaptic membrane potential. We focus on two metrics giving rise to two types of profiles (curves of the corresponding metrics as a function of the spike-train input frequency or firing rate): (i) peak profiles and (ii) peak-to-trough amplitude profiles. The effects of STP are present at the synaptic update level and are communicated to the synaptic level where they interact with the synaptic decay time. STP band-pass filters (BPFs) are reflected in the synaptic BPFs with some modifications due primarily to the synaptic decay time. The postsynaptic filters result from the interaction between the synaptic variable and the biophysical properties of the postsynaptic cell. Postsynaptic BPFs can be inherited from the synaptic level or generated across levels of organization due to the interaction between (i) a synaptic low-pass filter and the postsynaptic summation filter (voltage peak BPF), and (ii) a synaptic high-pass filter and the postsynaptic summation filter (peak-to-trough amplitude BPF). These type of BPFs persist in response to jitter periodic spike trains and Poisson-distributed spike trains. The response variability depends on a number of factors including the spike train input frequency and are controlled by STP in a non-monotonic frequency manner. The lessons learned from the investigation of this relatively simple feedforward network will serve to construct a framework to analyze the mechanisms of generation of neuronal filters in networks with more complex architectures and a variety of interacting cellular, synaptic and plasticity time scales.
... Action Editor: J. Rinzel Short-term plasticity (STP) refers to the increase (synaptic facilitation) or decrease (synaptic depression) of the efficacy of synaptic transmission (strength of the synaptic conductance) in response to repeated presynaptic spikes with a time scale in the range of hundreds of milliseconds to seconds Zucker (1989), Zucker and Regehr (2002), Stevens and Wang (1995), Fortune and Rose (2001), Fioravante and Regehr (2011). STP is ubiquitous both in invertebrate and vertebrate synapses, and has been shown to be important for neuronal computation Destexhe and Marder (2004), Abbott and Regehr (2004), Maass and Zador (1999), Mejias and Torres (2009), Deng and Klyachko (2011) and information filtering (temporal and frequency-dependent) Dittman et al. (2000), Silberberg et al. (2004), Markram et al. (1998), Fortune and Rose (1997a, b, 2000, Thomson (2003), Goldman et al. (2002), Mejias and Torres (2008), Bourjaily and Miller (2012), Klyachko and Stevens (2006), George et al. (2011), Lewis and Maler (2002), Kandaswamy et al. (2010), Varela et al. (1997), Chance et al. (1998), Zador and Dobrunz (1997), Lisman (1997), Izhikevich et al. (2003), Buonomano (2000), Zucker and Regehr (2002), Pouille and Scanziani (2004), Abernet et al. (2005), and related phenomena such as burst detection Goldman et al. (2002), Izhikevich et al. (2003), temporal coding and information processing Markram (1996, 1997), Goldman et al. (2002), Mejias and Torres (2008), Rotman et al. (2011), Tauffer and Kumar (2021), gain control Abbott et al. (1997), Tsodyks and Wu (2013), Abbott and Regehr (2004), information flow Fuhrmann et al. (2004), Maass and Zador (1999), Zador and Dobrunz (1997) given the presynaptic history-dependent nature of STP, the prolongation of neural responses to transient inputs Karmarkar and Buonomano (2007), Buonomano and Maass (2009), Mongillo et al. (2015), the modulation of network responses to external inputs Loebel and Tsodyks (2002), Barak and Tsodyks (2007), hearing and sound localization Cook et al. (2003), Hennig et al. (2008), direction selectivity Carver et al. (2008), attractor dynamics Amari (1977) (see also Tsodyks and Wu (2013)), the generation of cortical up and down states Holcman and Tsodyks (2006), navigation (e.g., place field sensing) Klyachko and Stevens (2006), Kandaswamy et al. (2010), vision (e.g., microsacades) Yuan et al. (2013), working memory Barak et al. (2008), Mongillo et al. (2015) and decision making Deco et al. (2010). ...
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... However, some studies have shown that the oscillation caused by AMPA was an important factor in neuronal rhythmic activities (Fuchs et al. 2001;Zhang et al. 2019), closely related to formation and retrieval of memories (Rogawski 2013). Moreover, the rapid firing caused by AMPA was a possible causation of synaptic plasticity (Carver et al. 2008). Therefore, we accepted the oscillation caused by AMPA and kept the normal AMPA impact on the whole network, so as to find out the possible switching mechanisms from one phase to another phase in the working memory process, and to find out a more reliable coupling mechanism between the DMN and WMN. ...
... This phenomenon might be caused by the insufficient TNN inhibition or the abnormal increase of firing rates due to the oscillation caused by AMPA. However, some researches had shown that such waveforms in the membrane potential could reflect directional selectivity (Carver et al. 2008). The contained energy calculated from the membrane potential displayed more characteristics of directional selectivity than the membrane potential itself in the TPN. ...
... It has been shown that the AMPA channel plays an important role as an oscillatory factor in the synaptic communication between neurons (Kitanishi et al. 2015), as well as in the rapid high-frequency firing of epileptic signals (Bialer et al. 2007). It was reported that the membrane potential of a neuron with fast and high-frequency firings showed directional selectivity (Carver et al. 2008), consistent with the directional selectivity of the weights set in the WMN (Compte 2000). Therefore, it is feasible to characterize activities of high-frequency firing neurons using their membrane potentials. ...
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Default mode network (DMN) is a functional brain network with a unique neural activity pattern that shows high activity in resting states but low activity in task states. This unique pattern has been proved to relate with higher cognitions such as learning, memory and decision-making. But neural mechanisms of interactions between the default network and the task-related network are still poorly understood. In this paper, a theoretical model of coupling the DMN and working memory network (WMN) is proposed. The WMN and DMN both consist of excitatory and inhibitory neurons connected by AMPA, NMDA, GABA synapses, and are coupled with each other only by excitatory synapses. This model is implemented to demonstrate dynamical processes in a working memory task containing encoding, maintenance and retrieval phases. Simulated results have shown that: (1) AMPA channels could produce significant synchronous oscillations in population neurons, which is beneficial to change oscillation patterns in the WMN and DMN. (2) Different NMDA conductance between the networks could generate multiple neural activity modes in the whole network, which may be an important mechanism to switch states of the networks between three different phases of working memory. (3) The number of sequentially memorized stimuli was related to the energy consumption determined by the network's internal parameters, and the DMN contributed to a more stable working memory process. (4) Finally, this model demonstrated that, in three phases of working memory, different memory phases corresponded to different functional connections between the DMN and WMN. Coupling strengths that measured these functional connections differed in terms of phase synchronization. Phase synchronization characteristics of the contained energy were consistent with the observations of negative and positive correlations between the WMN and DMN reported in referenced fMRI experiments. The results suggested that the coupled interaction between the WMN and DMN played important roles in working memory. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11571-021-09674-1.
... Besides behavioral selection, hair cell systems like the lateral line exhibit high stimulus gain (up to nanometer sensitivity [10,38]) combined with finite vesicle populations [11,39]. Sustained reafference fatigues sensors at different rates [10], reducing sensitivity and distorting the timing of neural signals [40][41][42]; in the extreme, overstimulated sensory circuitry may lead to excitotoxic cell death [43]. Proprioceptive capacities of the lateral line for controlling the body as a continuum joint would therefore seem to be intrinsically limited by time-varying changes in the gain and temporal faithfulness to the reafference. ...
... Even with the CD, stimulation greater than the expected reafference will result in adaptation, and this could be advantageous for exafference sensing. Adaptation is a form of shortterm synaptic plasticity that contributes to functions like source localization through bilateral comparisons or between pairs of detectors [11,40,41]. In a related manner, adaptation could contribute to rheotactic behaviors, in which fish orient upstream by comparing bilateral differences in water velocity, presumably encoded by differences in spike rate [29,45,75]. ...
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Animals modulate sensory processing in concert with motor actions. Parallel copies of motor signals, called corollary discharge (CD), prepare the nervous system to process the mixture of externally and self-generated (reafferent) feedback that arises during locomotion. Commonly, CD in the peripheral nervous system cancels reafference to protect sensors and the central nervous system from being fatigued and overwhelmed by self-generated feedback. However, cancellation also limits the feedback that contributes to an animal’s awareness of its body position and motion within the environment, the sense of proprioception. We propose that, rather than cancellation, CD to the fish lateral line organ restructures reafference to maximize proprioceptive information content. Fishes’ undulatory body motions induce reafferent feedback that can encode the body’s instantaneous configuration with respect to fluid flows. We combined experimental and computational analyses of swimming biomechanics and hair cell physiology to develop a neuromechanical model of how fish can track peak body curvature, a key signature of axial undulatory locomotion. Without CD, this computation would be challenged by sensory adaptation, typified by decaying sensitivity and phase distortions with respect to an input stimulus. We find that CD interacts synergistically with sensor polarization to sharpen sensitivity along sensors’ preferred axes. The sharpening of sensitivity regulates spiking to a narrow interval coinciding with peak reafferent stimulation, which prevents adaptation and homogenizes the otherwise variable sensor output. Our integrative model reveals a vital role of CD for ensuring precise proprioceptive feedback during undulatory locomotion, which we term external proprioception.
... Short-term plasticity (STP) (or short-term synaptic dynamics, STD) refers to the increase (synaptic facilitation) or decrease (synaptic depression) of the efficacy of synaptic transmission (strength of the synaptic conductance) over time in response to repeated presynaptic spikes with a duration in the range of milliseconds to minutes [1-3, 12, 13]. STP is ubiquitous both in invertebrate and vertebrate synapses, and has been shown to be important for neuronal computation [14][15][16][17][18] and information filtering (temporal and frequency-dependent) [12,[19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38], and related phenomena such as burst detection [27,38], temporal coding and information processing [27,28,[39][40][41], gain control [15,42,43], information flow [16,36,44] given the presynaptic history-dependent nature of STP, the prolongation of neural responses to transient inputs [45][46][47], the modulation of network responses to external inputs [48,49], hearing and sound localization [50,51], direction selectivity [52], attractor dynamics [53] (see also [43]), navigation (e.g., place field sensing) [30,33], vision (e.g., microsacades) [54], working memory [47,55] and decision making [56]. ...
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Temporal filters, the ability of postsynaptic neurons to preferentially select certain presynaptic input patterns, have been shown to be associated with the notion of information filtering and coding of sensory inputs. Their properties can be dynamically characterized as the transient responses to periodic presynaptic inputs. Short-term plasticity (STP) has been proposed to be an important player in the generation of temporal filters, but the response of postsynaptic neurons to presynaptic inputs depends on a collection of time scales in addition to STP's, which conspire to create temporal filters: the postsynaptic time scales generated by the cellular intrinsic currents and the presynaptic time scales captured by the ISI distribution patterns. The mechanisms by which these time scales and the processes giving rise to them interact to produce temporal filters in response to presynaptic input spike trains are not well understood. We carry out a systematic modeling and computational analysis to understand how the postsynaptic low-, high- and band-pass temporal filters are generated in response to periodic presynaptic spike trains in the presence STP, and how the dynamic properties of these filters depend on the interplay of a hierarchy of processes: arrival of the presynaptic spikes, the activation of STP and its effect on the synaptic connection efficacy, and the response of the postsynaptic cell. The time scales associated with each of these processes operate at the short-term, single-event level (they are activated at the arrival of each presynaptic spike) and collectively produce the long-term time scales that determine the shape and properties of the filters. We develop a series of mathematical tools to address these issues for a relatively simple model where depression and facilitation interact only at the level of the synaptic efficacy change as time progresses and we extend our results and tools to account for more complex models that involve interactions at the STP level and multiple STP time scales. We use these tools to understand the mechanisms of generation of temporal filters in the postsynaptic cells in terms of the properties and dynamics of the interacting building blocks.
... Due to the intricate connections between neurons, the characteristic of connections in different RFs is closely related to spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) [6,24,44], which is also known as pulse-timedependent plasticity. The connection characteristics are also tightly linked with the orientation selectivity of RFs [7]. STDP comprises two types: long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) [14]. ...
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The information processing mechanisms of the visual nervous system remain to be unsolved scientific issues in neuroscience field, owing to a lack of unified and widely accepted theory for explanation. It has been well documented that approximately 80% of the rich and complicated perceptual information from the real world is transmitted to the visual cortex, and only a small fraction of visual information reaches the primary visual cortex (V1). This, nevertheless, does not affect our visual perception. Furthermore, how neurons in the secondary visual cortex (V2) encode such a small amount of visual information has yet to be addressed. To this end, the current paper established a visual network model for retina-lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)-V1–V2 and quantitatively accounted for that response to the scarcity of visual information and encoding rules, based on the principle of neural mapping from V1 to V2. The results demonstrated that the visual information has a small degree of dynamic degradation when it is mapped from V1 to V2, during which there is a convolution calculation occurring. Therefore, visual information dynamic degradation mainly manifests itself along the pathway of the retina to V1, rather than V1 to V2. The slight changes in the visual information are attributable to the fact that the receptive fields (RFs) of V2 cannot further extract the image features. Meanwhile, despite the scarcity of visual information mapped from the retina, the RFs of V2 can still accurately respond to and encode “corner” information, due to the effects of synaptic plasticity, but the similar function does not exist in V1. This is a new discovery that has never been noticed before. To sum up, the coding of the “contour” feature (edge and corner) is achieved in the pathway of retina-LGN-V1–V2.
... In the EDMRV1 model we proposed, the connectivity of neurons in different RFs is related to spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) (Beyeler et al. 2013;Kim and Lim 2019;Rolfs 2009), that is, it has a pulse time-correlated plasticity. This connectivity is closely related to the orientation selectivity of RFs (Carver et al. 2008). The STDP mechanism consists of long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) (Gazzaniga et al. 2014). ...
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The information processing mechanism of the visual nervous system is an unresolved scientific problem that has long puzzled neuroscientists. The amount of visual information is significantly degraded when it reaches the V1 after entering the retina; nevertheless, this does not affect our visual perception of the outside world. Currently, the mechanisms of visual information degradation from retina to V1 are still unclear. For this purpose, the current study used the experimental data summarized by Marcus E. Raichle to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying the degradation of the large amount of data from topological mapping from retina to V1, drawing on the photoreceptor model first. The obtained results showed that the image edge features of visual information were extracted by the convolution algorithm with respect to the function of synaptic plasticity when visual signals were hierarchically processed from low-level to high-level. The visual processing was characterized by the visual information degradation, and this compensatory mechanism embodied the principles of energy minimization and transmission efficiency maximization of brain activity, which matched the experimental data summarized by Marcus E. Raichle. Our results further the understanding of the information processing mechanism of the visual nervous system.
... In layers 2/3 (L2/3) of the primary visual cortex (V1), individual neurons respond more strongly to an object (i.e.,orientation grating) moving in a particular direction ("preferred") than the same object moving in the opposite direction ("null"); a visual response property termed direction selectivity. ere is surmounting experimental and theoretical evidence that STP contributes to the enhancement of motion discrimination [30][31][32][33]. In-line with previous studies, we recently found that rapid changes in synaptic strength via STP may provide an essential contribution for accurate motion discrimination [34]. ...
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Recognizing and tracking the direction of moving stimuli is crucial to the control of much animal behaviour. In this study, we examine whether a bio-inspired model of synaptic plasticity implemented in a robotic agent may allow the discrimination of motion direction of real-world stimuli. Starting with a well-established model of short-term synaptic plasticity (STP), we develop a microcircuit motif of spiking neurons capable of exhibiting preferential and nonpreferential responses to changes in the direction of an orientation stimulus in motion. While the robotic agent processes sensory inputs, the STP mechanism introduces direction-dependent changes in the synaptic connections of the microcircuit, resulting in a population of units that exhibit a typical cortical response property observed in primary visual cortex (V1), namely, direction selectivity. Visually evoked responses from the model are then compared to those observed in multielectrode recordings from V1 in anesthetized macaque monkeys, while sinusoidal gratings are displayed on a screen. Overall, the model highlights the role of STP as a complementary mechanism in explaining the direction selectivity and applies these insights in a physical robot as a method for validating important response characteristics observed in experimental data from V1, namely, direction selectivity.
... These sorts of bursts may also contribute to the detection of reversals of longitudinal movement [35]. In the midbrain, neurons encode velocity of longitudinally moving objects, socalled direction-selective neurons [36][37][38][39][40]; midbrain neurons are sensitive to specific ranges of temporal frequencies [41][42][43] and velocities of motion [40,44]. How do these computations relate to the control of active sensing? ...
Active sensing involves the production of motor signals for the purpose of acquiring sensory information [1-3]. The most common form of active sensing, found across animal taxa and behaviors, involves the generation of movements-e.g., whisking [4-6], touching [7, 8], sniffing [9, 10], and eye movements [11]. Active sensing movements profoundly affect the information carried by sensory feedback pathways [12-15] and are modulated by both top-down goals (e.g., measuring weight versus texture [1, 16]) and bottom-up stimuli (e.g., lights on or off [12]), but it remains unclear whether and how these movements are controlled in relation to the ongoing feedback they generate. To investigate the control of movements for active sensing, we created an experimental apparatus for freely swimming weakly electric fish, Eigenmannia virescens, that modulates the gain of reafferent feedback by adjusting the position of a refuge based on real-time videographic measurements of fish position. We discovered that fish robustly regulate sensory slip via closed-loop control of active sensing movements. Specifically, as fish performed the task of maintaining position inside the refuge [17-22], they dramatically up- or downregulated fore-aft active sensing movements in relation to a 4-fold change of experimentally modulated reafferent gain. These changes in swimming movements served to maintain a constant magnitude of sensory slip. The magnitude of sensory slip depended on the presence or absence of visual cues. These results indicate that fish use two controllers: one that controls the acquisition of information by regulating feedback from active sensing movements and another that maintains position in the refuge, a control structure that may be ubiquitous in animals [23, 24].
... Recent physiological evidence suggests that the DSMs in the cortex are nested geometrically within OSMs such that an iso-orientation domain is subdivided into a pair of smaller domains that represent opposite directions of stimulus motion (Kisvarday et al., 2001;White and Fitzpatrick, 2007). Finally, there is also mounting evidence that activitydependent plasticity such as STDP enables the formation of DSMs (Fiser et al., 2004;Carver et al., 2008;Markram et al., 2011) and recent models show the possibility of forming DSMs using STDP (Buchs and Senn, 2002;Wenisch et al., 2005). Thus a natural extension of the proposed model is to account for the formation of DSMs using STDP within the context of development of all other functional maps such as OSMs and ODMs. ...
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The most biologically-inspired artificial neurons are those of the third generation, and are termed spiking neurons, as individual pulses or spikes are the means by which stimuli are communicated. In essence, a spike is a short-term change in electrical potential and is the basis of communication between biological neurons. Unlike previous generations of artificial neurons, spiking neurons operate in the temporal domain, and exploit time as a resource in their computation. In 1952, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley produced the first model of a spiking neuron; their model describes the complex electro-chemical process that enables spikes to propagate through, and hence be communicated by, spiking neurons. Since this time, improvements in experimental procedures in neurobiology, particularly with in vivo experiments, have provided an increasingly more complex understanding of biological neurons. For example, it is now well understood that the propagation of spikes between neurons requires neurotransmitter, which is typically of limited supply. When the supply is exhausted neurons become unresponsive. The morphology of neurons, number of receptor sites, amongst many other factors, means that neurons consume the supply of neurotransmitter at different rates. This in turn produces variations over time in the responsiveness of neurons, yielding various computational capabilities. Such improvements in the understanding of the biological neuron have culminated in a wide range of different neuron models, ranging from the computationally efficient to the biologically realistic. These models enable the modelling of neural circuits found in the brain. In recent years, much of the focus in neuron modelling has moved to the study of the connectivity of spiking neural networks. Spiking neural networks provide a vehicle to understand from a computational perspective, aspects of the brain’s neural circuitry. This understanding can then be used to tackle some of the historically intractable issues with artificial neurons, such as scalability and lack of variable binding. Current knowledge of feed-forward, lateral, and recurrent connectivity of spiking neurons, and the interplay between excitatory and inhibitory neurons is beginning to shed light on these issues, by improved understanding of the temporal processing capabilities and synchronous behaviour of biological neurons. This research topic aims to amalgamate current research aimed at tackling these phenomena.