Fig 2 - available from: Rheologica Acta
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Shear and extensional viscosity as a function of the shear and extension rate given by the XPP model. Three different materials are used: the iPP 1 of Roozemond et al. (2015), the iPP 2 of Grosso et al. (2019) and the LLDPE of van Drongelen et al. (2015) (T = 160 °C). The linear viscoelastic prediction (LVE) for each material is also provided
Source publication
Filament stretching rheometry is a prominent experimental method to determine rheological properties in extensional flow whereby the separating plates determine the extension rate. In literature, several correction factors that can compensate for the errors introduced by the shear contribution near the plates have been introduced and validated in t...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... of T = 160 °C LLDPE Van Drongelen et al. Arbitrary non-linear material because of the shear thinning behaviour, the non-linear extensional behaviour, the difference in viscosities between iPP and LLDPE (but similar shear viscosity of the iPPs) and the qualitative difference of the viscosity as a function of extension and shear rate. From Fig. 2 it can be concluded that the non-linear behavior is completely different within this set of materials. The uniaxial extensional viscosity can be compared with the linear viscoelastic envelope (LVE). For the linear viscoelastic envelope, the extensional viscosity is found as ...
Context 2
... rheological data at selected temperature can be superposed into a master curve at an arbitrary reference temperature by employing a temperature-dependent factor. For the rheological data given in Fig. 2, an Arrhenius-type relation is used (Morrison ...
Context 3
... for all types of fluids ( Spiegelberg et al. 1996). However, in case of non-linear viscoelastic materials, this is not necessarily true, because initial flow conditions affect chain conformation at all later times ( Spiegelberg et al. 1996). Therefore, the shear correction factors of the iPP 1 of Roozemond et al. (2015) and the LLDPE are shown in Fig. 12. From this figure, it follows that these materials have approximately the same shear correction factor as the iPP 2 of Grosso et al. (2019). This means that although the materials exhibit completely different nonlinear rheological behaviour, the shear correction factors match. This supports the proposed shear correction factor, Eq. 41, ...
Context 4
... geometries of the iPP and the LLDPE is almost the same. Correspondingly, the effective strain rate distributions over the mid-radius are similar for the three polymer melts, as shown in Fig. 13. The distributions are plotted at Hencky strains of ε = 0.5, ε = 1, ε = 2 and ε = 3, where the shear contributions decrease for increasing strains (see Fig. 12). So, although the polymer melts do not follow the LVE at relatively Fig. 13 Effective strain rate distributions for the iPPs, LLDPE and the arbitrary non-linear material at strains of ε = 0.5, ε = 1, ε = 2 and ε = 3. The filaments have a compressed aspect ratio of Λ c = 0.5 and are extended with a strain rate of ˙ ε = 10 s −1 at T = ...
Context 5
... material is introduced. The relaxation spectrum and non-linear parameters are given in Table 3. In Fig. 8d, it can be seen that a clear strain hardening at small strains is present for this artificial non-linear material. A simulation with this non-linear material at a strain rate of ˙ ε = 10 s −1 results in a shear correction factor as shown in Fig. 12. Herein, the simulated shear correction factor does not match our proposed shear correction factor. Hence, the pronounced strain hardening at small strains affects the geometry and the strain rate and stress distributions over the mid-radius. In other words, the non-linear material's plate velocity needs to be higher to follow the ...
Context 6
... strains larger than 1.5, it can be seen in Fig. 12 that the shear correction factor is slightly larger than one. The reason for this is the conformation history which has not equilibrised yet. The history effects for the used strain rate of 10 s −1 will equilibrise at strains larger than 3. In Fig. 15, it can be seen that for a strain rate of ˙ ε = 1.71 s −1 this equilibration takes ...
Context 7
... will be flattened and converge to the applied strain rate at smaller strains. This implies that a near locally homogeneous flow can be achieved before the start of the strain hardening of the non-linear material. As a result, the simulated shear correction factor converges towards the proposed universal shear correction factor, as shown in Fig. ...
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