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Sharing practices of changed learning objects
Source publication
ince the development of Open Educational Resources (OERs), different models regarding the
usage of these resources in education have appeared in the literature. Wiley’s 4-Rs model is considered
to be one of the leading models. Research based on Wiley’s model shows that using materials
without making changes is the most common use. Compared to the e...
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... The reusing of OER in an individual space makes a vibrant community through activities, like writing, commenting, rating, suggesting, sharing learning exercises, and peer auditing, and building trust in the nature of the posted and collected content. This develops the learner's cognitive skills (Merkel & Cohen, 2015). ...
My conference paper is about the advantages and disadvantages of using open education resources in East Africa.
... However, limited research investigated IDs' role in the OER creation and application in postsecondary institutions (Merkel and Cohen 2015). Therefore, there is a need to explore what role IDs may play in creating and adopting open educational materials in higher education. ...
... OER repositories Moreover, the platform to retrieve these open materials can be categorized as either big or little repositories (Merkel and Cohen 2015). Big repositories can be defined as institutional archives to save quality open educational materials, which are developed under professional guidance. ...
... However, little repositories often refer to the archives, which hold open content created by individuals, and most of this open content lacks quality control and a systematic teaching plan. The little repositories include Wikipedia, YouTube, and personal blogs (Merkel and Cohen 2015). Because of lack of quality control, open materials in these little repositories often lead to a quality assessment concern. ...
The paper aims to discuss the role of instructional designers (IDs) in supporting the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement in higher education. Due to the increasing cost of higher education, previous studies indicated the feasibility of adopting OER to lower students’ educational expenses and to equalize their learning opportunities (Murphy in Distance Education, 34(2), 201–217, 2013; Okamoto in Public Services Quarterly, 9(4), 267–283, 2013). However, many instructors and staff are facing various barriers to adopting OER, such as the lack of time, motivation, and knowledge of quality evaluation (Taylor and Taylor in Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 21(2), 1–8, 2018). IDs often serve as learner analysts, instructional innovators, and leaders in educational technology to assist instructors in developing teaching materials. However, limited research studied their partnerships to overcome the barriers of creating and adopting OERs in universities and colleges. Hence, the paper will propose a viable solution to include IDs in overcoming OER adoption barriers and promoting the OER movement in higher education. The findings may contribute to the field of OER movement and pave the way for future research.