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Seven Divisions of Bangladesh.
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the paper is proposing to have One Village One Product” (OVOP) or One Village Two Products” (OVTP) in a rural district of Zambia called Ikeleng'i. Villagers may consider concentrating on pineapple as a single product or two products which may include pineapple and honey. The OVOP or OVTP model could be achieved if villagers coordinated their produc...
... According to Faber and Roelfsema [38], Asian nations are primarily distinguished by high transaction costs; a poor ability to adhere to necessary food quality norms and regulations; and a lack of sufficient infrastructure, including roads, energy, packaging, and cold chain facilities. A few empirical studies on the production of pineapples and their time series analysis have been conducted in Bangladesh [39][40][41][42][43]. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, three studies [44][45][46] have been conducted on the pineapple value chain. ...
This study examines the governance structures selected by pineapple farmers in the agroforestry system of Bangladesh and the determinants that impact their choices for these structures. To evaluate the factors influencing farmers' decisions to participate in spot markets, bilateral agreements, or association transactions, the study utilizes both quantitative and qualitative approaches, including surveys of 200 farmers, 15 focus group discussions (FGDs), and 2 key informant interviews (KIIs). In order to choose individual participants, the study employed a stratified random sampling technique. Utilising a multivariate probit (MVP) model, the study reveals crucial factors like age, education, farming experience, farm size, market certainty, weather influence, market connection, and pre-delivery conditions. Analysis indicates that spot market is the most favored governance structure (GS) among the three options in the agroforestry system, followed by bilateral transactions and association agreements. Evidence suggests that younger and less educated farmers tend to favor associations, whereas more experienced farmers tend to favor bilateral partnerships. Farms of bigger size typically refrain from joining groups, and unfavorable weather circumstances decrease the probability of engaging in spot markets. The study also demonstrates that robust market links exert an impact on the selection of governance frameworks. Considering the results, the study suggests enhancing training programs to facilitate farmers' understanding and involvement in associations, motivating farmer associations to appeal to larger farms and small farmers, and enhancing market information systems to establish robust market connections.
... Farming experience, extension media contact, training on agrochemicals use, and knowledge of the harmful effects of agrochemicals have significant relationships with their extent of use in pineapple farming, where economic profit is the key to using artificial ripening agents (Maduwanthi and Marapana, 2019). Different types of hazardous agrochemicals are used for pineapple cultivation in Bangladesh, creating health concerns for both consumers and farmers (Farid, 2017). Temperature plays an essential role in the ripening of fruits, and only one ppm ethylene is sufficient in the air for the ripening of the fruits (Asif et al., 2019). ...
... Generally, it is grown almost all over Bangladesh especially in hilly and high land where there is no water stagnation. "In Bangladesh Pineapple is cultivated in the districts of Tangail, Mymensingh, Gazipur, Sylhet, Moulvibazar, Chittagong, Bandarban, Khagrachari and Rangamati" [3]. There are ninety varieties of pineapple have been cultivated in the world but three varieties: Giant Kew (GK), Honey Queen (HQ) and Ghurasal are mostly grown in Bangladesh. ...
... "Although GK has intensively been cultivated in Tangail but the climate and the soils of Chittagong are suitable for the production of GK and farmers are cultivated this variety in Chittagong hilly zone. On the other hand HQ is largely produced in Chittagong hilly zone" [3]. "Fresh pineapple is often expensive because of its delicate nature and its short and limited shelf life" [4]. ...
Pineapples (Ananas comosus L. Merr) contain beneficial properties and the object of the study is to compare the physical and chemical properties of two local varieties of pineapples and their prepared bakery products such as jelly and biscuit using flesh of pineapple as one of the raw materials and compare those with the locally available market products. Physico-chemical properties such as fruit weight, diameter, length, edible portion %, pH, Vitamin C, Titratable acidity, sugar content, total soluble solids, lipid content, crude protein, phenolic compound and sensory attributes (Firmness, sweetness, tartness, colour, and overall acceptability) of fresh pineapple fruit of Honey Queen (HQ) and Giant Kew (GK) were studied. Both the varieties contained high amount of moisture, GK 84.42% and HQ 83.95%. Further, HQ variety showed more than GK variety in almost all of the properties. The phenolic contents of the extracts as caffeic acid equivalents were found to be highest in methanol HQ (12.45%), GK (9.8%) while in water extract HQ (5.4%), and GK (5.3%). In terms of prepared bakery product from pineapple, Sample H (Home prepared) was more preferable than the locally market available brand in consideration of the physico-chemical properties that affected the sensory attributes acceptability having the overall acceptability score of 7 in a 9-point hedonic scale. Original Research Article Chowdhury et al.; AFSJ, 21(10): 92-101, 2022; Article no.AFSJ.90955 93
... These findings were also true for the fruit growers of Khagrachari reflected in the study of Rahman et al. (2017). Furthermore, poor communication and storage systems led to a huge post-harvest loss of fruits which was in line with the findings of Hossain and Islam (2017). Hasan (2013) and Dewan et al. (2015) reported that lack of cold chain management is one of the major obstacles in the fruit and vegetable sector of Bangladesh. ...
The unique agro-climatic condition of Chittagong Hill Tract (CHT) in Bangladesh allows a wide range of fruit production that plays a vital role in reducing land degradation caused by shifting cultivation and improving the socio-economic sphere of the hilly people. Therefore, the study was conducted to explore the fruit production in the Rangamati district of CHT and its contribution to the earnings of the local ethnic people. The study was descriptive survey research, carried out through data collection from randomly selected 120 respondents utilizing the in-person interview technique. Findings revealed that jackfruit, pineapple, banana, and mango were the prominent major fruits while pomelo, lemon, honeydew melon, and watermelon were the most popular minor fruits of the study area that contribute a significant production of fruits every year. Additional earnings, nutrition supply, and controlling of land degradation were the key attracting reasons behind fruit cultivation, but impediments like lack of good planting material and poor communication network mainly hampered fruit production and marketing. However, fruit production was the second largest (16%) agricultural income source of the respondents; a substantial portion (90%) of it came from major fruits. Most of the respondents (56.7%) benefitted up to 15% of their family income from fruits, contributing largely to their sound family income (BDT 217,000). The study findings showed that respondents with larger farm sizes and more favorable attitudes towards fruit cultivation earned better than others. Overall, the study outcomes offer new empirical evidence on the economic importance of fruit production in hilly areas that the policymakers may use to develop plans on promoting its cultivation not only for the economic outcome but also for meeting the nutrition demand of the country.
... Farming experience, extension media contact, training on agrochemicals use, and knowledge on harmful effects of agrochemicals have significant relationships with their extent of use in pineapple farming, where economic profit is the key to using artificial ripening agents [10]. Different types of hazardous agrochemicals are used for pineapple cultivation in Bangladesh, creating health concerns for both the consumers and farmers [11]. Temperature plays an essential role in the ripening of fruits, and only one ppm ethylene is sufficient in the air for the ripening of the fruits [12]. ...
The number of artificially ripened pineapples is outnumbered than the naturally ripened pineapples. However, there is a lack of understanding between artificially ripened and naturally ripened pineapples. Thus the inquiry was anticipated to explore the physicochemical changes and organoleptic acceptability of the naturally ripened and artificially ripened pineapples. Farmers used different chemicals such as calcium carbide, ethylene, besides growth hormones to reduce production loss. Here we evaluated the content of moisture, ash, protein, fat, crude fiber, reducing sugar, total sugar, titratable acidity, sucrose, and vitamin C in both naturally ripened and artificially ripened pineapples. Artificially ripened pineapples showed a significantly lower vitamin C than naturally ripened ones, but arsenic content was nil in both samples. In the case of color and appearance, there was no significant difference between the two samples, but in case of the other organoleptic properties, such as flavor, sweetness, sourness, the natural one was more acceptable. Thus naturally ripened pineapples are more beneficial to consumers than artificially ripened ones.
... As well, the production capacity of pineapple of the Sylhet and Chittagong division comes out with a plentiful amount (BBS, 2018). The Tangail region is the acme of pineapple cultivation which covers 49% of total pineapple planted land and 59% of nationwide mass production (Farid Hossain, 2017;Karim et al., 2021). ...
This research aims to study the spinnability of pristine PALF and PALF blended cotton using the existing spinning machines. Apron draft ring spinning frame and flyer jute spinning frame were used to produce 100% PALF yarn and the yarns count were found 121 tex and 138 tex separately. Besides, 90:10 and 80:20 cotton-PALF blended 30 tex yarn spun in a cotton spinning system with different twist factors. With both yarns, two samples; 1/1 plain and 3/1 twill fabrics, were fabricated through equal density. For plain and twill fabric, PALF yarn of 121 tex and 138 tex were used in the warp way, respectively and PALF blended cotton yarn of 60 tex was used in the weft way. Through the study, physio-mechanical properties of the samples were explored and FTIR & XRD patterns were analyzed to perform the task for diversified use as an ultimate fiber in industrial and domestic purposes.
... In Bangladesh, three varieties of pineapple are mostly grown. The cultivated varieties are Giant Kew, Honey Queen, and Ghorasal [13]. Bangladesh produces 200701 metric tonnes of pineapple from 13556 hectares of land during 2015-16 cropping season. ...
... Moreover, limited studies have also been done regarding area, production, yield, nutritional value and problems of pineapple under different zones of Bangladesh. [13] conducted a study on pineapple production status in Bangladesh to discuss about the area, production, yield and importance of pineapple in the country. Another study was conducted by [9] to determine the impact of pineapple cultivation on the income of pineapple growers of Madhupur upazila under Tangail District. ...
The main objective of this study is to analyse the technical efficiency and its determinants of pineapple production at Madhupur upazila of Tangail district in Bangladesh. Cross-section data from a sample of 100 pineapple producers during the 2016-17 cropping season were collected by applying multistage random sampling technique. Farm specific technical efficiency scores were estimated using the Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier production function approach. Empirical findings show that the estimated technical efficiencies of the sampled farmers’ range from 61.61% to 99.95% with the mean technical efficiency of 91.14%. The result suggests that, on an average, farmers in the study area can potentially increase their productivity by 8.86% through more efficient use of inputs. The estimated stochastic production frontier model indicates that input variables such as area, tillage cost, seedling cost and human labour cost were statistically significant variables to increase the quantity of pineapple production. Technical inefficiency effect model identifies that age of farmers had significant positive, but years of schooling and extension contact had significant negative effect on farmers’ inefficiency. The study therefore recommends that government should focus on the ways of attracting and encouraging the youths as they are more efficient and are likely to be able to properly allocate resources and are willing to adopt new technical innovations. Besides, policies and strategies should be directed towards increasing farmers’ formal as well as informal education through the implementation of effective training programmes by the well-trained extension workers.
... Calcium carbide containstrace amount of arsenic and phosphorus both are highly toxic for our health. The farmer uses unauthorized hormone to get bigger size pineapple round the year and uses carbide for ripening pineapple without recommended dose and formalin for preservation [17]. ...
The study aimed at establishing the effect of hormone and ripening agent on mass transfer as well as to find the effect of solution type and fruit to solution ratio for mass transfer of pineapple. Two types of pineapple, organic pineapple and GRM pineapple (pineapple cultivated with growth regulator and medicine) were collected and sliced into 8mm thickness. The slices were immersed in 60% sugar, 55/5% sugar-salt mixture solution for different periods of time at three different fruit to solution ratio (1:6, 1:8 and 1:10) and mass transfer coefficient were determined from the data. Results indicated that for organic pineapple mass transfer coefficient was higher than GRM pineapple (0.1583/min1/2 vs. 0.1502/min1/2). Again, for 55/5% sugar-salt mixture solution, mass transfer coefficient was higher than 60% sugar solution. Maximum rate of mass transfer (0.2281/min1/2) was determined at 1:6 fruit to solution ratio and minimum (0.1504/min1/2) was at 1:10 fruit to solution ratio for GRM pineapple.
... Tangail district of Dhaka Division is the top of the pineapple. It covered 49% of total pineapple cultivated land and 59% of national production(Hossain and Islam 2017) ...
The by-products of pineapple fruits such as stems and leaves are generally considered as agro-wastes, but these wastes can be used as raw materials for reinforced fibre, yarn and eventually in fabric formation. Unlike PALF, Jute is a bast fibre and one of the main cash crops of Bangladesh, which has already proven as a versatile fibre. In this study, the spinning performance of PALF such as fineness, bundle strength, breaking tenacity and breaking elongation properties have been studied and compared with jute. It showed that the physical and structural characteristics of PALF were similar to jute fibre, even in some cases PALF is better. Another study was done in which it was found that surface characteristics like color strength (K/S value), whiteness, yellowness, and brightness signifies that the PALF yarn is almost similar in comparison with jute yarn. Besides, Pineapple Leaf Fibres contained relatively greater diameter compared with that for jute fibre and consequently, the quality ratio value of yarn for PALF was much smaller than that of jute yarn. Finally, a comparative decision is made; that the use of PALF can be a sustainable replacement toward an economy based agricultural solution for Bangladesh.
... Pineapple is a common fruit in Bangladesh and it contain good amount of various vitamins, carbohydrates, crude fiber, water and different minerals that is good for the digestive system and helps in maintaining ideal weight and balanced nutrition (Hossain and Islam, 2017). More than 90 countries around the world are producing the fruit; Bangladeshi pineapples are more juicy and tasty than the others. ...
This study explores the production and export possibility of canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber in Bangladesh. Pineapple has huge demand both locally and internationally for several types of uses. Its consumption is increasing day by day because of its different nutritionals value. Since exporting fresh pineapple is difficult because of its perishable nature, many countries are exporting canned pineapple. Besides, because of the pineapple leaf fine fiber quality with its organic nature, it is already used for making different types of products (clothes, rope) in some countries.In Bangladesh almost every year farmers found huge surplus cultivation after supplying the fruits in the local market. As Bangladesh has a well cultivation of pineapple so it's easy to establish this potential export site. This study is a descriptive research where qualitative research method is applied to analyze the collected data. Findings showed steadily increasing production, cheap production costs and availability of cheap labor, standardized products quality, raw materials availability with simpler production procedures, international market demand, demand for organic and natural fiber, entrepreneurial development and various government incentives indicate favorable export opportunity of canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber.