Figure 2 - uploaded by Anuj Baskota
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Series of ultrasonic images (reflected echo) shows nematode (S. feltiae) moving on the imager surface. The white scale bar corresponds to 300 µm.

Series of ultrasonic images (reflected echo) shows nematode (S. feltiae) moving on the imager surface. The white scale bar corresponds to 300 µm.

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This work reports high-frequency ultrasonic imaging to visualize and study microscopic pests such as nematodes. This imaging modality using ultrasound instead of light enables visualizing nematodes even under the soil. This GHz technology uses a compact 128 x 128-pixel array of transducers that allow imaging at a sampling rate of up to 12 fps. The...

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Context 1
... presence of nematode was verified by its shape and motion in the ultrasonic images. The nematodes can be clearly seen crawling on the imager's surface (Figure 2). For both the species, the measured length from ultrasonic images is in the same range as obtained from optical (two paired parametric t-test p > 0.5 for both species) as shown in Figure 3A. ...

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... However, the spatial resolution (0.5 -2mm) provided by this frequency range is insufficient for smaller organisms to capture their fine structural details. On the other hand, GHz frequencies offer significantly higher resolution of ∼0.5 m to 50 , which have been previously used to study cells [9], [10], soil nematodes [11], thin chitosan films [12], and metamaterial lenses [13]. Therefore, GHz Ultrasonic Imaging has the potential to resolve mechanical properties of C. elegans at a higher resolution. ...
... First the propagation of ultrasound through the silicon thickness and nematode thickness is modeled by the transfer matrix , and the propagation of ultrasound through the silicon thickness with an air backing is modeled by the transfer matrix , as below, where the silicon, cuticle, and muscle layers are represented by ABCD matrices , , and , respectively, which take the generic form where is the acoustic impedance of the layer, ℓ is the thickness of the layer, and is the propagation constant of the layer material = + β, where is the attenuation constant of the material and is the wave number of the material and is defined as 2 / , where is the ultrasonic wavelength in the material [21]. ] (11) To model the pressure at the transmit plane of the silicon layer, the source impedance matrix [ ] is multiplied by parallel matrices , and , used to model the acoustic propagation stack placed in shunt with the source impedance, where is the acoustic impedance of silicon. ...
... The overall packaging of the GHz ultrasonic imager is compact and handheld, with a silicon surface as the sensing region ( Figure 1A). More details on the circuitry and fabrication of the GHz imager, with another application of imaging nematodes, are described in our previous works [3,4]. Ultrasonic pulses generated by the transmitting pixels are transmitted and reflected off the backside of the silicon. ...