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Guided by the hypothesis that translation is a language contact situation that can influence language change, this study investigates a frequency shift from hypotactic to paratactic constructions in concessive and causal clauses in German management and business writing. The influence of the English SVO word order is assumed to cause language users...
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... The study of language contact and contact-induced change has seen a rise in scholarly attention since Weinreich's Languages in Contact (1953), and especially after Thomason & Kaufman's (1988) Language Contact, Creolization, and Genetic Linguistics. Since then, numerous textbooks and handbooks (Heine & Kuteva 2005;Matras 2007Matras , 2020Hickey 2010Hickey , 2017, edited volumes (Aikhenvald & Dixon 2001, 2007Braunm€ uller et al. 2014;Bianconi et al. 2022), monographs (Chamoreau & L eglise 2012Coghill 2016;Fendel 2022;Meyer 2023;Bianconi forthcoming) and dissertations, both on modern (Bisiada 2014) and on ancient (Capano 2020) languages have appeared. These dealt with a wide variety of aspects of language contact from different vantage points, frameworks and approachesfor instance, Thomason's (2001) socio-structural approach vs. Myers-Scotton's (2002) purely structural, model-based one. ...
This paper serves as an introduction to a thematic issue of the Transactions of the Philological Society focusing on morphosyntactic change resulting from language contact.
... In the same vein, Ramm (2004) queried adverbs as markers of relative clauses and found that many relative clauses were upgraded into independent clauses in German-Norwegian translation. Another study on connectives was conducted by Bisiada (2013), who retrieved concessive and clausal conjunctions to examine how the translators coped with complex syntax and discovered that sentence splitting is stronger than sentence combining. ...
This study compares the syntactic complexity between translational and non-translational English across four genres (i.e. fiction, news, general prose, and academic prose) and examines the connections between various forms and degrees of syntactic complexity measures and explicitation. Fourteen syntactic complexity indices were examined based on a one-million-word translational English corpus (COTE) and a one-million-word non-translational English corpus (i.e. FLOB), respectively. This study shows that syntactic explicitation in translations varies with the formality of discourse. The most significant complexity difference between translational vis-à-vis non-translational English is found in fiction, which is regarded as the major contributor to translational English syntactic complexity. No significant difference in syntactic complexity was observed between the two types of academic English texts. Translational English news and general prose stand between fiction and academic texts. Translational fiction and news are characterised by more phrasal complexity features such as coordinate and complex nominal phrases, and a key indicator of translational English general prose complexity is subordination. The findings of this study will help students of translation to make informed decisions on the arrangement of sentence structures when given texts of different genres.
... One may argue that the tactic shift from source text to translations can be taken for granted from a typological point of view, given that Chinese is widely acknowledged to be a paratactic language and English, a hypotactic one (Yu 1993;Tse 2010;Bisiada 2013;Liu and Lin 2015). However, tactic choices are more often motivated by pragmatic reasons (Khalil 2011), as indicated by the sharp contrast in tactic choices between clinician and non-clinicians. ...
... Concerning on taxis, several studies were undertaken by, Ngongo (2018), Cerban (2016), Cerban (2011), Sujatna (2012, Bisiada (2013), Sulistyaningrum, and Rasyid (2015), Vries (2008), Mulyani (2017), and they used taxis under SFL to analyse the thesis writing text, and short story. ...
The present study was a part of larger research aimed at analysing the research article abstracts taken from International Conference on Science and Education and Technology 2018 (ISET 2018). This study was descriptive study under SFL analysis in research article abstracts at 2018 ISET realized from 170 clause complexes. Under a SFL theory, the data were collected through retrieving twenty relevant article abstracts on the International Conference on Science and Education and Technology 2018 (ISET 2018). The article abstracts are analysed using the framewok of systemic functional linguistic as suggested by Halliday & Matthiessen (2014). However, in this study the writer employs the taxis sytems which covers elaboration, extension, and enhancement. Besides, logico-semantic relation is also analysed which covers projection and expansion. The findings reveal that there are 81 clause complexes of parataxis which are realised 47%, afterwards, there are 35 clause complexes of hypotaxis which are realised 20.5%. Hence, the researchers is more using parataxis then hypotaxis. Bassed on the findings, it is recommended that English teacher can apply clause constructions to encourage the English learners to think critically. After being able to implement their critical thinking, the English learners are hoped to be able to read critically. Through having critical reading, they are suggested to be able to evaluate both their works and the other works as the main purpose in learning systemic functional linguistics.
... Concerning on taxis, several studies were undertaken by, Ngongo (2018), Cerban (2016), Cerban (2011), Sujatna (2012, Bisiada (2013), Sulistyaningrum, and Rasyid (2015), Vries (2008), Mulyani (2017), and they used taxis under SFL to analyse the thesis writing text, and short story. ...
... Note that these factors only make sense when looking at the local context of the immediate translation process in which a translation problem occurs. All of these are liable to being further modified (i) to ensure overall cohesion and coherence of the translation and (ii) by proofreaders and especially editors who may not necessarily take the source text into consideration at all as shown convincingly byBisiada (2013). 186 ...
Drawing upon the data collected in a translation experiment, this study combines
product- and process-based analyses of translations with a focus on word class
shifts. The keystroke logged translation corpus used in the paper consists not only
of source and target texts, but also of the corresponding log files of the translation
process data. Thus, in addition to the analyses of the final translation products,
this corpus allows us to study changes of word class in the intermediate
versions present during the translation process. We also use the complementary
eye-tracking data to test our initial assumptions about the cognitive processing
associated with nouns, verbs and shifts between these two word classes.
Writing skill in Malaysia is one of the language learning objectives which has to be mastered by the students. It is challenge as it is evolving to meet the needs and demands in globalized world. In writing, students are expected to be able to make good construction of paragraph. The problems arise in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bandar Sungai Buaya Malaysia that the students are still get difficulty in arranging good quality of writing, especially in term of clause development. The good quality of writing are influenced by interdependency (taxis) and logico-semantic relation system between the clauses. The objectives of this research are to find out the types of taxis and logico-semantic relation in students’ descriptive text. Besides, it also identifies the types of taxis and logico-semantic relation which are dominantly used by Malaysian first grade students of SMK Bandar Sungai Buaya Malaysia following by Gerot and Wignell’s theory (1994). This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research, since the date are provided descriptively. The products that have been analyzed are 17 descriptive texts written by 17 students of 1 Muzik class in SMK Bandar Sungai Buaya Malaysia. Furthermore, the technique of collecting data is done through documentation technique. The result shows that the student descriptive texts consist of 380 clauses which 188 of those are simple sentence, fragments and the rest is clause complexes.
This study is a critical discourse analysis study of metafunctions as part of the ideational function. And this research focus on the interpendency taxis system, namely parataxis and hypotaxis and relationship from logical semantics to expansion and projection in the analysis of Christian and Moslem Debate on SOCO films. By looking at the main focus and the overall analysis of this research, then study answered the following questions; what types of taxis are used in Christian and Moslem Debate on SOCO films and how the type of taxis are used in Christian and Moslem Debate on SOCO films. The Data were analized by descriptive qualitative analysis. The hypotaxis construction is more frequently occured than parataxis construction. It appears 136 times or 63.55%, meanwhile parataxis construction only appears 78 times or 36.45%.
This book, entitled: Taxis Constructions Realised in English
Texts: Theory and Practice explains the theory and practices how to analyse taxis constructions for the English texts. The theory used under the Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) as one of system used in Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). In addition, this book is hoped to enrich the English literacy in Indonesia and allover the world.